Gamer (E.O)

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Requested by Chenai216
Smut warning
Reader GiP

Lizzie's pov

Ever since Y/N had gotten the new Xbox, she's barely had anytime for me. She's always playing on it with her friends whenever she's not in work or the gym. I really am missing my girlfriends touch more than anything. When I get home I noticed that she is still sat on the sofa on her xbox playing on Call of Duty with a few of her friends.

"Hi baby." I say as I kiss her cheek.

"Yeah, hi. No no no. Tom I thought you had my back." She said through the mic without acknowledging my existence. I huffed out and went to get myself a drink before going to our shared bedroom. I lay down on our bed trying to think of ways to get her attention. Once it came to me I quickly jumped up out of bed and went to my underwear drawer. I pulled out her favourite red lacey lingerie set to put on with the red lacey robe. I walked downstairs to see her still on the game. I rolled my eyes and mumbled and here goes to myself. I sat down beside her with the robe hanging loose around my shoulders to make sure that she could see everything. I rested my hand on her thigh as she kept her concentration on the game. Well she tried to once I started to move my hand further up and she gasped when I palmed her growing bulge through her shorts. I smirked as she started to get frustrated.

"What are you doing?" She whispered to me.

"Nothing, I'm just watching you play." I said innocently as i got on my knees in front of her. I brushed both of my hands up her thighs to the waistband of her shorts. She lifted her hips to let me take her shorts and boxers of her. I licked my lips when I saw her hardened cock spring free. I started to move my hand up and down at a slow pace before I put my mouth around. I smirked when she bucked her hips instinctively as she played her game.

"I uh I died sorry uh guys. Let's uh go uh again?" She stuttered out trying to suppress her moans. I kept going faster and harder, when her cock hit the back of my throat I had to pause my actions and breath through my nose to stop my gag reflex. I started again when she held my head moving it with her hips trying to take some control. Her hips were moving sloppily telling me she was close. It didn't take her long to cum and I swallowed every last drop savouring her taste. When I lifted my head she gripped my jaw. I had noticed that she had stopped playing.

"That was a dangerous game Elizabeth." She said before she pulled me up to my feet and kissing me roughly making me moan into her mouth. She pushed the robe off my shoulders when she pulled away. "I love you in this set. So sexy." She breathed out as she traced her finger down from my neck to the waistband of my underwear. I jumped when she made the fabric snap back into place. "So beautiful." She whispered against my lips before i pulled her back in with an urgent kiss. I needed her to touch me. No I needed her to fuck me. The kiss got rougher as our hands travelled down eachothers bodies. Her hands snaked around my back and unclipped my bra and pulled it off in one swift motion.

"Should we go upstairs?" I breathed out as she started to kiss and suck harshly on my neck leaving marks for sure.

"No. I'm gonna fuck you right here." She said when she looked in my eyes. Her pupils where blown with lust and I'm sure mine mirrored them. I reached the hem of her shirt and helped her lift it off as she pulled my underwear down swiftly. She took off her sports bra leaving us both naked. She went back to her work on my neck making me a moaning mess. My hands scratched at her abs, god I love her abs. Like my own personal wash board. "On the coffee table on all fours." She told while I quickly emptied it before doing as I was told. "You're still on the pill right?" She asked me softly as her hand rubbed up and down my spine.

"Yes baby, please just fuck me. Use me however you want." I breathed out. I moaned loudly when she thrusted her hardened cock into my soaked core. She started off painfully slow, teasing me. "Faster." I said as I looked back at her.

"What do you call me?" She said continuing her painfully slow pace.

"Faster please daddy." I moaned out knowing that it gets her riled up. She started to go faster hitting my g spot everytime. I felt myself getting closer with every thrust. "I'm gonna cum." I shouted as I was a moaning mess beneath her. She reached her arm around my chest pulling my up so my back was pressed against her chest as she continued to pound into me. Her free hand reached around and slid down my stomach to play with my clit.

"Cum for me princess." She whispered in my ear as she nibbled on it. I came all over her cock as she removed herself and picked me up and threw me on the sofa. She lay me down and kissed me roughly. I moaned out in surprise when she inserted herself into my still soaked core. We were both moaning messes as she pounded into me faster and harder chasing her own high. She took my nipples in her mouth one by one sucking harshly making me arch my back into her. She kept hitting my g spot and I was releasing guttural moans as I came again. She kept on pounding faster and harder, I already felt my third orgasm coming as I was over stimulated. "I'm gonna cum daddy." I moaned out as she kept going faster and harder

"Cum with me princess." She said as we both moaned loudly when I came all over her again as she fill me up with hers. She kissed me softly before she pulled out making me whimper. "I love you sweetheart." She said with softened eyes.

"I love you more." I said with a tired smile since she fucked me into oblivion.

"Not possible." She said as she gave me another passionate kiss. She got up and picked up her t-shirt and shorts and put them on me as I smiled goofily while she went upstairs to get herself some clothes. When she came back down she looked at the TV and realised that she was still in the party with Tom on the game. It wasn't until her phone started to ring and it was Tom, she answered it and put it on speaker so I could hear what was said.

T: you know next time you decide to fuck Lizzie. Please make sure you turn off your console because I don't want to hear that and be reminded that I'm practically frigid.

He practically shouted it down the phone making Y/N laugh as I hid my face in her neck silently giggling.

Y: I'm sorry dude. It's not my fault she's sexy.

T: well just Please don't do it next time daddy.

I laughed out loud when I saw her face drop when he repeated me.

T: I'm fucking scarred for life now thanks to you two horn dogs.

With that he hung up making us both laugh at his uncomfortableness.

"You could've at least made sure that it was off." I stated seriously.

"Well next time don't dress in sexy underwear and give me head as I'm playing with my mates." She challenged.

"Well next time give me attention then I won't have to scar your friends." I told her as i cuddled into her.

"Ok, I promise to spend more time with you princess." She said softly as she gave me a gentle kiss.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one

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