Young Parents Part 1 (E.O)

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Requested by hotdinoooooo
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Smut warning

Y/N pov

I was just getting ready for practice as I saw my girlfriend of 4 years walk in the changing rooms. I instantly greeted her with a huge smile on my face.

"Hey sweetheart." I greeted softly as she gave me a sweet kiss

"Hey baby." She said with a smile. She sat down on the bench as I was getting myself ready.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her as I was tying my boots.

"I came to watch practice and thought that we could walk back to our dorm together." She said softly making me smile. We walked out onto the field, she sat by the sidelines as I started to warm up before we done our drills. Our coach was working us hard since we need to impress scouts that come to the games.

Lizzie and I walked hand in hand as we made our way back to our dorm. We were fortunate enough to get the same room.

"You looked so hot today." She said as we reached our door.

"Thank you." I said shyly as I opened the door and let her in. I shut the door before putting my bag on the floor. I lay down on the bed as lizzie instantly snuggled up into me. We both lay in eachothers embrace in silence. Just enjoying the company of the other.

"There's a party happening tomorrow. Alot of the girls from the drama club have asked if we wanted to go." She asked me quietly.

"What's it for?" I asked as I looked at her.

"It's for the end of term. Before everyone goes home for the break." She said as she played with the ties on my hoodie.

"Of course I'll go with you." I told her as I gave her a soft kiss. "I love you so much but I'm hungry." I told her with a smirk.

"I hate you." She giggled as she sat up.

"No you don't." I said as I pressed a kiss to her cheek before getting up and putting my shoes on. I saw that she was just watching me and not moving an inch. "Are you coming?" I asked her and she blushed. I chuckled at her reaction as she mumbled under her breath as she got her shoes and coat. We both walked down the sidewalk to our favourite pizza shop. We've been coming here since we came here at the start of college. We're reaching the end of our first year thankfully. It's been a hard year but we've both got through it.

The next day went by fairly quickly. There was no practice or anything since it was the last day before summer break. Everyone would be going home to their families. We were both in our dorm getting ready for the end of year party. Lizzie wore a black mid thigh dress while I wore black jeans and a grey shirt.

"You look stunning sweetheart." I told her as she put her earrings in as I kissed her bare shoulder.

"Thank you. You look good." She said with a smirk. Once we were both ready we walked hand in hand to the party. Once we were in the hall we could hear the music and chatter.

"I'm going to get us both some drinks." I told her as I gave her a kiss on the cheek. I walked over to the little bar and got us both some beer. Since its college, we only pretty much drink beer or cheap spirits. When I walked back towards her I saw her talking with her friends. I handed her her drink with a smile and let her carry on her conversation. I couldn't help but smile at the excitement she shown as she spoke so passionately about their course and the drama department.

"Oh my god I love this song. Come and dance with me." She said as she already started to drag me to the crowd of people dancing. Her arms wrapped around my neck as my hands found their home on her hips. We both moved to the beat of the music as we both leaned in and our lips met in a passionate kiss. She turned around in my arms as I still held her hips as she started to grind her ass on my crotch. I could tell with the smirk that she knew what she was doing. I stopped her movements and I grabbed her hand and lead her to our dorm. Once I closed the door she slammed her lips onto mine in a hungry kiss. I pulled her impossibly closer to me as we both made out. I licked across her lip for access which she granted as I slipped my tongue in her mouth. She moaned as our tongues danced in unison. Her hands moved to unbutton my shirt and she pushed it off my shoulders before she started to undo my belt and jeans. I unzipped her dress and watched as it pooled around her ankles. I picked her up by her thighs as she wrapped her legs around my waist. As soon as we both removed our underwear she pushed me on my back as she gave me a hungry kiss as she straddled my lap. Her hands scratched down my stomach. I watched as she lowered herself on my hardened member making us both moan as she started to move her hips. I held her steady by her waist as she continued her thrusts. I could see her getting tired so I met her thrusts harshly making her moan louder. I could feel myself coming to the edge as I felt her walls tighten around me. It only took us both a few more thrusts before we both came. I held her steady as she regained her composure.

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