Let You Go (W.M)

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Wanda's pov

I was in our kitchen watching the twins playing around with their Uncle Pietro as Y/N was out with her brother having a sibling bonding day. The moment the phone rang I didn't hesitate to answer always wanting to hear Y/N's voice.

"Hello." I spoke down the phone.

"Hello, is this Mrs Maximoff?" They asked on the other end.

"Yes it is. May I ask what it's about?" I replied as I could feel my heart beating out of my chest with nerves at the unknown phone call.

"Your wife Y/N has been in a terrific accident with her brother Tony." They told me. My heart went into my mouth as the tears started to brim my eyes.

"How bad is it?" I asked them shakily as I held my hand over my mouth.

"It's best if you come down to the hospital. Her brothers wife has already been informed." They said before telling me what hospital they were at. I dropped the phone as Monica walked inside to catch me.

"Wanda? What's happened?" She asked me as she held me.

"Y/N has been in an accident." I sobbed out into her shoulder.

"Let's get Pietro to take you and I will stay with the boys." She told me. "You go and freshen up and I will tell Pietro so the boys don't ask questions." She told me as I walked to the bathroom and then waited by the front door so the boys didn't see me.

"Come on Wanda. Let's go." Pietro said softly as he took my hand and walked me to the car. I gave him the location and he just drove in silence knowing that nothing will bring me comfort right now. We soon parked up and got out. I went straight for the desk.

"Hi I'm looking for my wife Y/N Y/L/N." I told them urgently.

"If you please just wait here, her doctor will be with you when they are out of surgery." They told me as we both nodded and took a seat.

"Please don't leave me." I whispered for Y/N. I know that Pietro heard me as he rested a comforting hand on my shoulder. I watched as I saw Pepper come running towards the reception. She slowed down when she saw me.

"Is there any news on Y/N?" She asked me.

"No, they're still in surgery." I told her as she ran her hands down her face. "How's Tony?" I asked her concerned for my brother in law.

"He is ok, has a few cuts and a broken leg and collarbone but that's it." She told me as she sat beside me. We waited for what seemed like forever before the doctor came out.

"Family of Y/N Y/L/N?" He spoke as we stood up.

"I'm her wife. Is she going to be ok?" I asked them frantically.

"There was a big cranial bleed which we have had to try to stop or reduce and insert artificial veins to the ones that had ruptured in the impact. She was also impaled by a metal beam right through her chest." They spoke as I started to cry.

"Will she be ok Doc?" Pietro asked as he wrapped his arm around me.

"She is in a coma and we have no way of knowing if or when she will wake up. She went through the worst of it. Now we are just waiting on her." They said sadly.

"Can I see her?" I sniffled as they nodded and led us to her room. I sobbed when I saw them hooked up to all of these wires with a tube down their throat. I slowly walked in with Pietro beside me, not letting go of me. I reached out for their hand and held it not feeling her usual warmth. "I don't know what I am supposed to tell the boys." I whispered tearily.

"You will just have to tell them the truth Wanda. When you do Monica and I will be there for you. All of you." He told me tenderly as he squeezed my arm. I could see the tears in his own eyes threatening to fall but he stayed strong for me knowing that I needed him now more than ever. "I will go and get us both a drink Wan." He said as he kissed my head and walked out of the room. I took a deep breath to gather myself before I started to speak.

Elizabeth Olsen/Wanda Maximoff One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now