Fly part 3(E.O)

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Requested by lovergurl207

Y/N pov

I woke up this morning to the sound of vomiting. I looked over and noticed that Lizzie wasn't in bed next me. I ran to the bathroom to find her with her head in the toilet. I rubbed her back and held her hair for hair.

"Are you OK sweetheart?" I asked her softly as I got a damp cloth for her head as I sat her on the edge of the bath tub.

"I'm fine, I think I need to do a test." She said after she brushed her teeth.

"I'll get one for you after I've sorted you out. Lily's still asleep so I'll get you back in bed and I'll run out and get one ok." She said with a soft smile as she tucked me back in bed.

"Ok baby. Be quick." She told me softly.

"I will." I told her as I threw on some joggers and a hoodie. It didn't take me long, as soon as I walked in Lily was in bed with her watching TV. "I got it love." I handed her the bag as I picked Lily up to go and start on breakfast. While lily was eating her waffles, lizzie walked in with a smile on her face.

"Are you OK love?" I asked her as I handed her a plate of waffles.

"Yeah I'm perfect baby." She said as she handed me the stick. I looked at it as my eyes widened. I picked her up and spun her around before I kissed her gently.

"Wow, this is amazing." I breathed out with a wide smile which she returned. I was having another baby with the woman of my dreams and I couldn't be happier.

The next few months were amazing but today is the day that we find out what we're having. So Lily is hanging out with her aunt Ashley and aunt MK today. We're sat in the waiting room of the doctors waiting to be called.

"Are you OK baby?" She asked me as she put her hand on my knee to stop me from bouncing my leg.

"Yeah I'm fine love. I don't know why but I'm just really nervous." I told her with a soft smile.

"It will be fine. We're just getting a check up and finding out the sex of the baby." She said calmly before pressing a kiss to my lips.

"Mrs Y/L/N." The nurse called as we both stood up and followed her hand in hand into the room. "Just lay on the bed and lift your top up a little." She told her. "This gel is going to be cold."

I sat beside her as i held her hand as the nurse moved the ultrasound around her stomach until we saw our Peanut on the monitor and heard their heartbeat.

"Well he's growing amazingly. He has a strong heartbeat." She said as we both looked at eachother with wide smiles on our faces.

"He? Its a boy?" I asked her with a huge smile.

"Yes it's a healthy boy." She nodded with a smile. As soon as lizzie cleaned her stomach we got our pictures and made our way back to the car.

"I'm so happy." I blurted out making lizzie laugh as I pulled her back to me.

"I can see that." She said with a smile that matches mine.

"Well I have the most beautiful wife and a wonderful daughter and a bouncing baby boy on the way." I said as I hugged her tightly.

"I love you." She said with a fuzzy smile.

"I love you more." I told her as I gave her a passionate kiss before we walked to the car. We started our journey to pick Lily up from her aunts before heading home to make dinner for the three of us. I was beyond excited. "James."

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