Young Parents Part 2 (E.O)

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Requested by hotdinoooooo

The long awaited part 2 for you guys.

Lizzie's pov

After spending the break with my parents, Y/N and I went back to college. My sisters helped us get a two bedroom apartment that is a perfect distance to college and the row. Y/N had started modelling for them much to her distaste. The first time she went there was the funniest thing I had ever seen. They had Y/N up on the pedestal making alterations to the outfit that she had on. She then jumped back from a smirking MK who had obviously pricked her. Even though they both love her like a sister they are still mad at her about our situation.

"Oh come on. You're doing that on purpose now." Y/N yelped as Ashley smirked.

"Oh come on I'm sure you can take a little prick." Ashley teased her.

"We all know Lizzie can." MK smirked at me making both Y/N and I blush as they both burst into laughter.

"You do know that no matter how mad we are about your situation, we are both proud of you because most guys who get young girls pregnant tend to just run for the hills." Ashley said softly.

"Its a good thing I'm not most guys." Y/N said smiling before yelping and glaring at MK.

"I saw an opportunity and I took it. Sue me." She teased as everyone laughed.

It only got better with them from there. They were just as understanding as our parents. As much as they enjoy teasing Y/N, they are looking forward to meeting the baby.

Once Y/N and I got back to our apartment she made me sit down and started cooking our dinner.

"Have you had your vitamins today?" She asked me.

"Yes I took them this morning." I told her as I watched her cook from over the back of the sofa.

"Hey you've got the TV on and you're not even watching it." she said as she looked back at me

"That's because I'd rather watch you." I told her with a smirk.

"Well now youre just waiting electricity." She said as she pointed a wooden spoon at me. I laughed at her antics. I will be honest and say that since we found out she has grown up. She's been doing everything she can to make sure that we're both looked after.

Today is the day of our first scan and I am both nervous and excited at the same time. Once we were called in the room I could hear my own heartbeat in my ears beating rapidly. As soon as they put the gel on my stomach I gasped at the coldness. We watched as the doctor concentrated to find what they were looking for they smiled at us.

"Do you see that there." they said as they pointed at the screen as we both nodded. "That is your baby. It's growing perfectly healthy. You seem to be doing everything right." they said with a bright smile. "Would you like to hear the heartbeat?"

"Please." I replied quietly. They flicked some buttons on the device and we heard the heartbeat. It was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. I looked over at Y/N who had tears in her eyes with a wide smile.

"There you have a healthy heartbeat." they said with a smile. Once they had gave us a picture and I had cleaned myself. We walked hand in hand to our apartment. We couldn't be happier than in this moment.

As the months went on Y/N worked hard at both modelling and school. She always made sure that I was looked after. She carried all of the bags when we went grocery shopping. She was just amazing. I knew from this that she was the one for me. The one that I wanted to spend my life with.

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