Devil in Disguise (W.M)(E.O)

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Y/N pov

I was living my best life with Lizzie, we were both lay together on the roof of our apartment building just listening to the traffic below as we looked at the night sky with my love in my arms. I couldn't be happier than I am now.

"I have something to tell you." She spoke with a bright smile on her face as she lifted her head to look in my eyes.

"What is it my love?" I asked her as I gave her all of my attention.

"I have gotten my first audition next week. I am finally going to make it." She beamed as I tackled her with a tight hug as she giggled.

"I am so proud of you Elizabeth. You deserve the world to know who you are and see the beauty and talent that you possess." I said as I hovered above her as she gazed in my eyes with so much love. "I love you." I whispered as I started to close the gap between us.

"I love you more." She whispered as her lips found mine in a passionate kiss. The kiss soon turned into a make out session as I pushed my hips into hers making her sigh giving me the dominance. I wrapped her leg around my waist and held her thigh and encouraged her to roll her hips to gain the friction that she craved. She moaned into the kiss and I could feel myself get excited the louder she got. My pants felt extremely tight as she continued. "I need you." She whispered as she reached down to unbutton my pants and pull them down along with her own. I gasped as our bare hips touched as my hardened member slid through her wet folds. She kissed me hard again as I inserted myself into her. It is a good thing that she is on the pill since the first time I accidently finished inside of her. We both loved the feeling so much she decided to get the pill so I could have her wherever or whenever we wanted it. I thrusted my hips faster and deeper hitting her g spot making her grip my shoulders harshly as she dug her nails into the skin underneath my shirt. I could feel her clench around me as we both moan into each others mouths. It didn't take long for her to reach her orgasm causing my own to wash over me. I moaned loudly calling her name as I came down. I kissed her softly before I pulled out and helped her with her pants before fixing my own. "I can't believe we just did that on the roof." She said as she covered her face.

"I never knew that sweet innocent Lizzie had a wild side to her." I teased her as she just giggled at me before we decided to call it a night and head inside to bed. As soon as our heads hit the pillows we were both out like a light.

I was fighting alongside Tony, Thor and Steve against the mad titan before us. All of us never giving up as we were fighting for the ones we had lost. I was fighting for my love who I had missed dearly for five years. And my best friend who sacrificed herself so we could bring everyone back.

We were soon confused by the growing number of golden portals that were being summoned as thousands of warriors walked through from different places in the universe to finish the fight of our life. I smiled when I saw the familiar red wisps of my one and only Wanda before we all headed into the fight. Already battered and bruised, I carried on fighting Thanos's army as Wanda started to take on the titan himself until he fired missiles from his ship above. Not caring about his own men. I watched as Carol fought to get the gauntlet away from him only to be punched across the battlefield. So I slid in and tried to take it from him before he snapped. He punched me making me lose my grip but I wasn't about to give up that easily. I gripped the gauntlet with all of my strength thinking of one thing only. I managed to get the stones before he punched me away. I watched as he snapped his fingers before looking at the now empty gauntlet as I knelt before him where I landed as the stones moulded with my suit. I felt the power of the universe coursing through my veins before I snapped as I just gave him a hard stare. I watched as all of his army turned into dust along with him as I fell against a rock.

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