Ellen Show (E.O)

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Requested by aztex26

Lizzie's pov

I was currently getting ready for my interview with Ellen. Y/N usually comes with me to my interviews to help with my anxiety but she couldn't get out of shooting today which I understand how hard that can be. I was waiting for them to call my name to go on stage. When they did I gave a shy wave to the crowd before giving Ellen a brief hug.

"Welcome back Elizabeth, it's so good to see you. How have you been?" She asked me with a smile.

"Hi, I'm doing great thank you." I said with energy trying to mask my anxieties.

"Well we have a few questions really, but first we want to talk about your latest movie. Captain America Civil War. How was it filming it?" She asked me as she sat forward.

"It was great. The cast are really like one huge family. They're just so much fun especially Evans and Y/N. They're literal children when together." I told her with a smile remembering all of the fun we had filming it.

"That's amazing. Are you currently working on any other projects. I know that Y/N is reprising her role in supernatural." She asked me.

"I'm not at the moment. I'm taking a small break to spend some time with my family and Y/N." I told her not really knowing much about Y/Ns role in supernatural since she doesn't tell me anything.

"That sounds great. So how are things between you and Y/N. You've been together for..." She asked me.

"Were going strong. As much as it is hard sometimes when either of us is away for filming different projects we try to make it special the time that we do spend together." I told her honestly. "And we've been together for nearly two years and it's been the best two years of my life."

"Well that's amazing. I'm so happy for you both." She said with a bright smile which I easily returned.

"Well I have I little game for you called would you rather." She said making me slightly nervous.

"Ok then. Im not gonna lie, I'm kinda nervous." I told her with a chuckle.

"Oh don't be. We're just going to show pictures on the screen and you just say who you would rather." She said as we both sat towards the screen. "So first is Tom Hiddleston or Tom Holland. Oh battle of the Tom's." She said making everyone laugh 

"Hiddleston." I answered

"Ok then Hiddleston or Chris Hemsworth?" She asked.

"Hiddleston. I'm a sucker for accents." I said with a smile.

"Oh yeah we can see that." She teased. "Hiddleston or Brie Larson?"

"Brie." I said quickly.

"Brie or Scarlett?" She asked.

"Scarlett. Sorry Brie." I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Scarlett or Y/N." She asked

"Y/N." I said far too quickly

"Wow. We definitely know how much you love Y/N." She teased. "But she's usually with you at your interviews right?"

"Yeah, she usually is here with me to support me but unfortunately she had to work today." I said softly with a sad smile.

"Well, I'm sure she would've loved to be here today." She said softly. Before I could answer someone jumped out.

"AAAAAAHHHHH!" They shouted as they jumped from the box table next to the sofa. Before I could recognise who it was I jumped up over the back of the sofa screaming making everyone laugh.

"That was mean." I said as I hit her after recognising who it was.

"You've got a better scream than Jensen Ackles." She said as she started to calm down from laughing.

"I hate you." I said as she pulled me in for a hug.

"Thank you Elizabeth Olsen and Y/N Y/L/N." Ellen said as the audience clapped.

When we were back stage I gave her a soft passionate kiss before I rested my head on her chest in a tight embrace.

"I thought you couldn't come today." I told her softly.

"Well I wanted to get you back from last time so I took this opportunity." She said with a smirk.

"Oh come on now. That was so long ago. Youre really going to hold a grudge." I teased her.

"Oh I held a grudge yes. But now I've finally set it free." She said with her goofy grin making me laugh at her while she just held me tighter.

I hope you guys enjoyed this Nice little short one. Let me know what you guys think.

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