It's Not What It Looks Like (E.O)

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Requested by heyitsjaceyy

Just pure fluff in this chapter

Lizzie's pov

I woke up this morning to an empty bed. I sat up and checked the time to see it was just after 9am. I have been on a break from work since I gave birth to our beautiful baby girl Lila 6 months ago. I got up and did my morning routine before heading downstairs to see Y/N dancing in the kitchen as she cooked breakfast as Lila was in her high chair.

"Good morning my beautiful wife." She greeted me with a bright smile as she spun around to give Lila her bottle and place our breakfast down.

"Good morning baby." I said happily as I gave her a soft kiss before sitting beside Lila.

"Are you excited for your little day out with Scar and the kids?" She asked me as she placed our drinks down.

"I am. I'm going to miss you two though." I pouted.

"We will miss you more but you deserve a break, and don't forget your going to the amusement park with them so we can't exactly take her." She reminded me making me smile at how amazing she is with the two of us. We ate breakfast in a comfortable silence with the music playing in the background. I watched as she also made sure that Lila was having her breakfast instead of just smearing it everywhere.

"Well I best get ready before..." I started as the door swung open and two hyperactive kids ran in with an equally excited Scar.

"Oh look, the three kids are here." Y/N exclaimed with a smirk earning giggles from me and the kids while Scar glared at her.

"Well I'll go get ready. Scar please don't kill my wife, I need her to help raise Lila." I said as I started up the stairs.

"So that's all I'm good for is it?" She shouted after me making me laugh as I reached our room. After I had got dressed Y/N came in with a smirk on her face. "You didn't answer me before princess." She husked in my ear.

"Seriously Y/N. Now?" I said sternly as I tilted my head as she just looked at me innocently.

"So?" She asked as her hands wrapped around my waist pulling me flush against her.

"I need you for so much more than that and you know it." I whispered as I played with the baby hairs on the back of her neck as she gazed at me lovingly.

"I love you so much princess." She said softly making me smile.

"I love you more." I told her as I gave her a soft kiss.

"Right you best go before the three kids start playing up." She teased me making me laugh. As I walked down she slapped my ass making me squeal as she just laughed. We walked downcto Scar with Lila in her arms and the Rose and Cosmo instantly ran to me.

"Y/N are you sure you don't want to go and I'll stay here with this little angel." Scar said as she pouted.

"Nope. It's our mama Lila time now." She said with a smirk as she took Lila from her Auntie Scar.

"Have you got enough milk?" I asked her as Scar got the kids in the car.

"Yeah we have but you could always just leave them here for me to play with when she has her nap." She teased me making me giggle.

"I'm being serious baby." I told her.

"So am I. Even just leave one, it gives me half of the fun." She smirked before I gave her a soft kiss before kiss Lila's forehead.

"I'll see you later baby." I said as I walked out and joined Scar and the kids in the car.

"She finally let you leave." Scar teased as she started to drive.

"Yeah." I smiled at the thought of my wife. The journey was full of us all singing along to the radio as loud as we could before we arrived. We went on a few of the rollercoasters before we decided to sit and have some lunch. Listening to the kids saying what they wanted to go on next. Once we had finished we went back on the rollercoasters before we went on the waltzers before we hit the arcade and let the two kids run around in the soft play area while Scar and I had a coffee watching them have fun.

"I can't wait to do all of this with Lila." I sighed happily.

"Are you guys going to have more kids?" She asked me as she drunk her coffee.

"I don't know. Lila was kind of an accident. We hadn't mentioned about having kids yet but we love her so much. I would like to have another one or two but I would have to see if Y/N would." I said softly as we watched the kids tire themselves out.

"I think it would be nice for Lila to grow up with a brother or sister." She commented.

"It would. Like two best friends but god help us if they have my attitude and Y/Ns temper." I sighed making Scar laugh.

"I would be honest, Y/Ns temper hasn't made an appearance in a very long time." She said as the kids came running over and slouching in the chairs out of breath and sweaty.

"I know. She has really managed to keep it under control." I said proud of my wife.

"But I think we should get home because these two are stinking up the place." Scar teased the kids making them both act offended. We all made our way back to the car and started our journey home. The ride was quiet besides the radio playing as the kids were tired. It was also nearing 6pm. We went and picked up a McDonalds on the way home and got Y/Ns favorite. When we walked through the door we were met by Michael Jackson - The Way You Make Me Feel playing. When we walked further inside we all stood and watched silently as Y/N had Lila in her baby carrier on her chest doing her MJ impersonation and hearing the baby giggle at her mama. I couldn't help the fuzzy smile on my face as I watched the scene before me. When she spun around she stopped in her tracks with wide eyes.

"It's not what it looks like." She stated seriously.

"Really. Because it looked exactly like what it looked like." I smirked.

"Ok, we waxed the floors and were just testing it out." She said in defence. Scar couldn't hold in her laugh anymore. The kids decided to start dancing as Beat It came on as Y/N joined in.

"I'm going to take our child as children shouldn't be dancing with her like this." I told her as she looked at me offended. "Oh and I got your favourite from McDonalds." I told her as Scar and I walked in to the kitchen. That was until we all heard the kids and Y/N shout.

"NUGGIES." They all shouted as they all slid into the kitchen. I am definitely sure that Y/N is the biggest child going but I wouldn't have her any other way.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one
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