Bet (E.O)

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Requested by elxlizzie
Smut Warning
Reader GiP

Y/N pov

Lizzie and I have been together for a year now, and since our first time we've really struggled to keep our hands off eachother. We're both always teasing eachother even when we're out with our friends. It wasn't until one of them pointed it out.

"Would you look at you guys, you can't keep your hands off eachother or stop undressing each other with your eyes." They said making us both laugh knowing that they are right.

"Come on I have some self control." Lizzie said with a smirk making me laugh. "What I have." She said as she tilted her head.

"Ok, let's make a bet then." I told her with a smirk. "Let's see who can go the longest without sex."

"What does the winner get?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Control in the bedroom." I said with a smirk.

"Is teasing allowed?" She asked now fully invested

"Yes. But no masturbating." I told her making her frown.

"That's not fair." She said as she crossed her arms.

"That's the rules. You get yourself off you've lost the bet." I told her smugly.

When we both got home I went straight upstairs to get changed into some comfy clothes before settling on the sofa. As I was watching supernatural from the first season I could smell lizzie cooking dinner. I decided to go and see what she was cooking. When I walked in the kitchen my eyes practically popped out of my head as I saw Lizzie cooking naked.

"Hey baby." She said with a smirk. She clearly knows what she is doing to me. I quickly disappeared upstairs to take a cold shower hoping that next time I saw her she would have some clothes on. After dinner I decided to do some working out in our home gym. I wore a sports bra and grey jogger shorts because I know how much she loves me in them. When  I wiped the sweat of my brow from doing some press ups I noticed Lizzie watching with a flushed look on her face.

The teasing went on for a few days, resulting in loads of cold showers that I'm sure I could catch pneumonia. We were going out tonight with our friends to the club. It's going to be fun with dancing and the teasing. I know that she will definitely give in tonight.
We had a few drinks and were slightly tipsy. Lizzie decided to drag me out on the dance floor she wrapped her arms around my neck as I placed mine on her hips. We both rolled our hips to the beat. I spun her around so her back was flush against my front as I bent my legs so my hips were at the same height as her hips. I pulled her ass further into me as her hand came around and held my neck pulling me closer. It didn't take too long for Lizzie to lead me out of the club while calling for an uber on her phone.

"I fucking need you so bad." She said as she smashed her lips on mine in a hungry kiss. I smirked when we pulled away because I won the bet.

As soon as we made it home and she locked the door I pushed her up against kissing her roughly. I reached my hand up her dress to pull her underwear down to find that she wasn't wearing any.

"My little slut not wearing any underwear all night." I whispered as my fingers teased through her folds as she bucked her hips to find some friction. I decided to tease her by inserting my finger in her core and not moving it. I watched as she squirmed under my touch.

"Oh my god I need you so bad daddy." She whispered breathlessly in anticipation of any movement. I started to thrust my finger in her core roughly before putting another 2 in stretching her out making her moan loudly.

"I love it when you moan for me." I whispered in her ear as I grazed her jaw with my teeth. I kept my thrusts slow and steady teasing her.

"Faster please." She whimpered out. "Please I need you faster."

"Oh I love how you beg for me." I said as I sucked hard on her neck making her as I started to thrust faster and harder. Her moans got louder as I went on, I could feel her getting closer to the edge.

"Can I cum daddy. Please let me cum" she begged as I continued my thrusts.

"Cum for me darling." I said as I kissed down her jaw. She came all over my fingers as I helped her ride out her high. I removed my fingers from her and put them to her mouth. "Suck them clean love." I told her. I moaned as I watched her suck her own juices off my fingers while keeping eye contact. When I removed my fingers I pulled her in for a rough kiss tasting her on her tongue. "I want more." I whispered as I got on my knees as I opened her legs more before disappearing under her dress. I ran my tongue through her folds making her moan at the sensation. I started to suck harshly on her clit while my fingers teased her entrance. She bucked her hips to try and get more. She needed more so I slipped 3 fingers in her core thrusting fast and hard. Her moans got higher in pitch the closer she got to her orgasm. Just before she came I removed my fingers and mouth making her wine before slamming my tongue in her core as my thumb applied pressure to her bundle of nerves.

"I'm gonna cum." She moaned out as I kept my pace. I squeezed her thigh with my free hand telling her it was ok. It didn't take long for her to cum in my mouth as I swallowed every last drop. I crawled from under her dress before I kissed her roughly moaning at her own taste on my tongue.

"Bedroom now." I said as I unzipped her dress as she let I pool around her ankles. I slapped her ass as she walked past making her squeal. I followed her  to our bedroom to see her bra and shoes off and she was lay on the bed waiting for me. I started to take off my clothes before I reached over for a condom.

Once I had my helmet on I inserted myself into her making her moan loudly. I started to thrust at a fast pace  roughly because I know how much she likes it rough. Her moans got louder with every thrust. I took one of her nipples in my mouth sucking harshly while I kept my thrusts at a steady pace.

"I'm gonna cum." She breathed out as I thrusted deeper and harder.

"Me too love. Cum with me." I told her. It only took us both a few more thrusts until we both reached our climax.

"Wow. We are never doing a bet like that again." She told me as we both laughed. I kissed her softly before I pulled out and cleaned us both up. I layback down beside her and opened my arms for her to cuddle.

"I love you sweetheart." I told her softly as I kissed the top of her head

"I love you too baby." She said sleepily.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one

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