I'm Always Here For You (E.O)

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Requested by @Chenai216

Lizzie's pov

I was at home alone, again since Scar has been doing a lot of work for SNL. We've been together for almost two years now. She either comes in really late or she just stays out. And I am starting to overthink our relationship. I keep thinking is she cheating on me. So it's currently 12.30 am and I'm sat up waiting for her to come home again. It was a little after 1am when she decided to come home.

"Hey baby." She said as she tried to kiss me but I moved my head and she caught my cheek.

"Where were you?" I asked her getting straight to the point.

"I was at work." She said a little annoyed.

"Really, you're always at work and you always come home the same time every damn day. When are we supposed to spend time together?" I said with a slightly raised voice since Rose was in bed. "I'm always here looking after your daughter while you're out every night til all hours."

"I'm working baby. I can't help it. I'm sorry." She said trying to calm the situation.

"No, you say that every time and I'm always stupid to believe it, but not this time. You're sleeping in the guest room. Oh and I am meeting up with Y/N tomorrow for the day since we haven't hung out in forever." I told her sternly.

"Yeah of course you are. I have work so I can't look after Rose." She said with pleading eyes.

"Well you'll have to sort it out because I'm doing something for me for once in this relationship." I said before I stormed off into our bedroom. I know I shouldn't really act like this but I just dont know what I'm supposed to feel right now. I hate feeling so anxious and it makes it worse when I can't seem to trust my girlfriend.

I woke up the next morning early, to the smell of bacon and waffles. After I had got ready to go out I walked into the kitchen to find Scar cooking while Rose was sitting on the sofa watching cartoons. I went to the fridge to get some orange juice not acknowledging her.

"I've made breakfast." She said with hopeful eyes.

"I'm heading out now. I'll be back later." I said as I placed my glass in the sink.

"But what about Rose?" She asked me with confusion on her face. Is she for real.

"I told you last night that you need to sort out a babysitter because I have plans and I am not your free babysitter which that's what I feel like I am to you." I said through gritted teeth trying not to shout with Rose in the next room.

"But it's too short notice." She huffed out.

"I don't care, I'm spending some time on me for once. So I'll see you later. Don't wait up." I said as I walked out the door. I got in my car and made my way over to Y/Ns, I hadn't really told her that I was coming over so I'm just going to surprise her. I soon pulled up outside her house and as soon as I got out of the car she opened the door almost immediately.

"Lizzie, what do i owe the pleasure of you're surprise?" She said in a accent making me laugh. She always knows how to make me laugh ever since we worked on Godzilla together. We both became best friends since she is a stunt coordinator and we were both surprised when I got the job with marvel.

"I just wanted to see you." I said with a weak smile.

"Come on, let's have some coffee and talk to me. You look like you need it." She said as she walked me inside.

Y/N pov

As I lead Lizzie to my kitchen to put a fresh batch of coffee on, I noticed how upset she was even though she's trying her hardest not to let it show. She may be an amazing actress but she sucks ass at trying to hide her emotions. I passed her a cup as she sat at the island.

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