PR Relationship part 2 (E.O)

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Since you all wanted a part 2

Lizzie's pov

It's been a year since I last saw Y/N in England. I am proud of how far she has come with her music. She managed to do it all on her own without any help. I just wish that I was still by her side as she accomplished it all. But we all know I screwed that up. After her show I had broken off my engagement with Robbie. I didn't care about our PR teams being against my decision but because of my career I lost the one thing that mattered the most to me. I hate that I put my career before her. I still wear her engagement ring around my neck on a chain. It's the last thing that I have of her. I know it's kinda sad but I wanted to keep something that reminded me of the love we shared before my career got in front of it. I've been doing numerous projects and just keeping myself busy. My sisters even asked why I broke it off with Robbie.


I walked to answer the door to my sisters. I greeted them both with a hug.

"So what happened between you and Robbie?" Ashley asked me

"Yeah, he was good for you." MK added.

"I wasn't in love with him. I never was. It was all for work." I told them. "And I already lost my Y/N for nothing because of it." I told them.

"Oh come on. Not this again." Ashley said as she rolled her eyes.

"What do you mean?" I glared at her.

"When she first left after she found out that Robbie proposed you were a crying mess. You were so happy with Robbie and when you said yes to him and she ruined your happiness." Ashley said earning an elbow in the ribs from MK.

"Seriously, we were engaged before we had to do that stupid PR stunt. We were in love. We were happy before my career got in the way of it." I told her through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry but none of us really saw your relationship with her going to far. You had been together since high school. She was trying and failing to make it with her music. She would've dragged your career down with her own." Ashley told me.

"You have no right to say any of that Ashley. I needed support from my sisters not a stupid what you think is a life lesson. I am hurting over what I've lost and your here saying how I shouldn't really be missing her." I told her as I stood up.

"No come on now. Don't go twisting my words now." She told me with a smirk.

"Ash just shut up." MK told her.

"No I'm not twisting anything, it's what you really mean when you say those things. I thought you really liked Y/N but I guess your just a two faced bitch." I told her. "I want you to leave." I told them both.

"Oh come on Liz, don't be like that." She told me.

"I want you to leave. If you can't be here for me when I need you then I don't want you to be here at all." I told her as I watched them both gather their things. I watched as Ashley rushed out of the door.

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