Florence Fucking Pugh (E.O)

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Requested by Lizziesmommymilkers
Smut warning ⚠️
Dom Lizzie x Sub reader

Lizzie's pov

I have been sat all evening at a meal with my girlfriend Y/N, Scarlett and Florence. Scar decided to introduce us both to Florence since she is new to marvel but I had to watch my girlfriend keep her eyes on her all night and giving her all of her attention. It honestly made my blood boil. And the worst part is we drove here in Scarlett's car and mine was left at hers. I was extremely jealous. I could understand why she was fawning over her, she was young and beautiful, not to mention they come from the same country so they have a lot in common. Once we arrived at scars House, Scar went to make us some coffee before we left.

"So what did you guys think of her?" She asked us both as I looked over at Y/N and waited for her answer.

"I think she's amazing and sweet. She definitely is a good fit for the Marvel bunch." She said with a soft smile making me scoff. "Are you OK my love?" She asked making me chuckle.

"Seriously Y/N. You're finally paying attention to me." I said slightly irritated.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked as she turned fully to face me.

"You have practically been drooling over Florence fucking pugh all night long and haven't even spared me a single glance." I shouted at her as Scar just sat and watched everything unfold.

"No I haven't." She said back sternly

"Yeah you have. You were eye fucking her." I shouted at her.

"No I wasn't, I was just listening to her telling us about herself. It is allowed you know. You don't control me." She said making me grit my teeth. I finished my coffee before standing up.

"Thank you for this evening Scar." I told Scar as I held out my hand for Y/N which she didn't take.

"Thanks for tonight." She told her politely with a soft smile before we walked out to my car. Once we were both in I watched out of the corner of my eye as she made herself a cig. It's weird because she gets her tobacco imported from England because she said its better than the American shit which I think is utter bull shit. I let her light it and take a drag before I snatched it out of her mouth and throwing it out of my window making her scoff. This action alone made me pull into an empty car park. I unbuckled my seat belt and turned my body to fully face her.

"Why are we here?" She asked bluntly.

"I'm going to teach you a lesson." I told her as I traced my hand up her thigh making her breath hitch. "And you're going to do as I say. Do you understand?" I asked her while my hand edge closer to her core while she nodded frantically. It felt so good to be the one in control. "I need words baby."

"Y..yes." She stuttered out making me smirk.

"Good girl. Now get in the back like the slut you are." I told her as I watched her climb through the front seat smacking her ass. I reached over in the glove compartment to get the strap before joining her in the backseat. I pushed her so she was lying down before I took off her pants and underwear followed by her shirt and bra. She was stark naked in the backseat and I trailed my eyes over her body slowly drinking in the sight beneath me. "You're so beautiful baby girl." I told her before I pulled her in for a bruising kiss. When I pulled away I took my clothes off and put the strap on. I ran my fingers through her folds. "You're so wet for me already." I moaned out as I sucked her juices off my fingers.

"Please." She begged making me groan at her begging me to be touched.

"Oh don't worry, I'll see to you baby girl but you don't cum until I say." I told her as i gripped her jaw tight making her look at me.

"Yes." She breathed out. I ran my fingers back through her folds before applying pressure to her clit. She let out a low moan as I attached my mouth to her neck sucking harshly. I thrusted my fingers in her thrusting in and out at a fast pace. I wasn't showing her now mercy, I knew that it wouldn't take her long to come close to the edge. "I'm gonna cum." She breathed out so I pulled my fingers away making her whine at her missed orgasm.

"You're such a whore." I told her as I kissed down her body painfully slow before reaching where she wants me the most. I licked a strip through her folds moaning at the taste sending vibrations through her core making her hips buck for more friction. I started to thrust my tongue in her entrance as I applied pressure to her clit making her moan loudly.

"Oh my god liz. Right there." She moaned as her back arched. I rested my free hand on her stomach to keep her in place as I worked my tongue. "I'm so close." She breathed and once again I stopped my movements making her whine again. I kissed my way up her body before I kissed her forcefully.

"This belongs to me." I told her as I cupped her core. "All mine." I growled.

"Yes, all yours no one else's." She breathed out. I saw the tears in her eyes from her missed orgasms as I kissed her once more. I thrusted the strap in her entrance making her moan loudly. I started my thrusts slow and steady. "Faster please. Please. I need to cum." She breathed out which I decided to end her punishment for now and started to thrust in her hard and fast hitting her g spot. Her moans got higher in pitch the closer she got to her climax. "Im gonna cum." She moaned out

"Cum for me baby." I cooed as I continued my thrusts. It didn't take her long to cum, and she came hard. I removed the strap from her and discarded on the floor of the back seat. "Believe me baby. That's just the start, you're in for a long night." I told her as I passed her clothes before putting mine back on. I moved back in the drivers seat only to realise that Y/N was still in the back.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked her softly as I looked back at her

"I can't feel my legs." She said with a pout making me smirk.

"Well I'm doing my job right, so put your seatbelt on." I told her before I started the car making our way home to continue her punishment.

I hope you guys enjoyed this. I think I'm really getting the hang of full on gxg smut.

How you guys have an awesome Christmas. Love you guys

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