Flirty Neighbour (E.O)

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Requested by JamesNWKB84
Reader GiP
Dom Lizzie
Smut warning

Lizzie's pov

Since my fiance and I moved here, we've really enjoyed living in this neighbourhood. The only thing that does piss me off is our flirty neighbour. She always seems to be out in her garden whenever Y/N is. Y/N likes to exercise while in the garden when it's sunny. But the way she gives her heart eyes everytime she sees Y/N really pisses me off. I really just want to slap her. Im currently watering my garden as she is stood at her fence talking to Y/N. The thing is with my fiance, she is oblivious when people are flirting with her. It took me ages before I had to ask her out properly. She didn't get that I was flirting with her. So I could hear there conversation.

"It's beautiful again today." I heard her say to my fiance.

"Yeah it is. Whenever it's like this Lizzie likes to always be out in her garden." Y/N told her making me smile that she spoke about me

"I also know that you like to workout out here aswell." She flirted with her making me tighten my grip on my hose.

"Yeah I do. It's nice to do when the sun's out. It's very calming." Y/N told her making her laugh. I rolled my eyes because what she said wasn't even funny.

"I've noticed that you haven't worked out today." She mentioned.

"No I'm having a day off." Y/N told her.

"Maybe then if you'd like, we could maybe workout together sometime?" She asked her making me scoff.

"As much as some people like company I prefer to work out alone." Y/N told her making me smile.

"Oh damn. Maybe we could get lunch together then." She asked her. I shut off my hose and walked inside because I didn't want to hear the rest of her attempts to flirt with what's mine. I decided to make myself a coffee while I waited her to be finished being oblivious. I was so pissed off right now. So I decided to just go and read a book on the sofa.

"Hey princess, do you want some dinner?" She asked which I just shook my head before getting up to leave the room. I saw her face drop at my hostility but I was furious. So I decided to get ready and go out to Scarlett's. Once I had arrived, she opened the door with a smile. Which i gave her a sad smile.

"Ok, so what's going on?" She asked me as she put a cup of coffee in front of me.

"Y/N is what's going on. She's still so oblivious when people are trying to flirt with her and it pisses me off. I just hate it." I told her irritated.

"Walk me through what's going on." She said as she gave me her full attention.

"Since we moved into that house, our neighbour has done nothing but flirt with her. Shes always out when Y/N is and Y/N doesn't even realise what's happening." I sighed.

"Well if you remember, she was oblivious to you flirting with her. Maybe you just need to talk to her about it and point it out to her." She advised me.

"You're right. I trust Y/N, its her I don't trust. She asked me what I wanted for dinner and I just ignored her and came here. I was so pissed off that she can't see what everyone else sees." I said as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Well, we're going to order some pizza and we're going to watch a movie and have fun before you go home OK." She said and I agreed. We had a good night just talking and laughing before I left to go home. Once I walked through the door I saw Y/N sat on the sofa.

"Where have you been? I've I've worried sick." She said as she stood up.

"I was at scars." I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

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