Grief (E.O)

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Y/N pov

I had gotten the worst news today. I found out that my older sister was put into a medically induced coma. She had a bleed on the brain caused by an aneurysm. I was numb. My fiancé has been in Atlanta for the past few months filming. I've been putting on a brave face for her everytime she calls. But how do you get through something like this.

I was on my way to the hospital to visit her. My mum has been there since she was rushed in and I know right now that she needs me. As soon as I walked into the room I saw my mum sitting there with no light inher eyes. She's going through the worst pain imaginable.

"Hey, is there any news." I asked as I sat down opposite her. I held my sisters hand and it felt cold.

"No. They said they're going to do some brain function tests soon." She told me. I could tell she was trying to hold it together. So I just nodded and sat there in silence watching the machines breath for her. "Anyway, how's Lizzie?" She asked trying to change the subject.

"She doing great. She's coming home in a couple weeks." I said as I never took my eyes off my sister.

"Does she know?" She asked and I just shook my head. "Why haven't you told her?"

"I don't want her to worry. She's nearly finished with filming and I don't want her to get behind schedule." I told her honestly.

"She will want to be here for you." She told me sternly

"Her jobs important to her and I'm proud of her. She's amazing at her job." I told her as I finally looked up at her.

"I understand that but you're important to her too." She told me. I just looked away because I know she's right.

"Anyway, Where's Jack?" I asked her about her husband. Well I don't really call him dad since he never really accepted me. He kept saying that I was a freak and he wished I was never born so that definitely ruined our relationship.

"He's at work." She said as she looked away from me.

"She's his daughter. He should be here for both of you." I said slightly raising my voice.

"He said he didn't want to be in the same room as you." She said calmly which pissed me off

"So because of me he decided to finally show his true colours." I scoffed. Before she could answer the doctor came in. I decided to leave the room while they perform the tests. I was soon broken out of my thoughts when my girlfriend called.

Me: hey love

Lizzie: Hi baby, how's your day?

Me: it's good what about you.

Lizzie: it's great, we're almost done for the day so I can't wait to get in bed.

Me: thats great love.

I saw my mum leave the room broken before going back to finish my call with lizzie

Me: I've got to go so I'll speak soon.

Lizzie: ok baby I love you

Me: I love you too

I quickly hung up before pulling my mum in for a hug.

"It's over." She sobbed into my shoulder. I felt myself go numb. I didn't know how to handle this. "She's gone. They're pulling the plug. There's no brain function left." I couldn't believe it. The one person who has always loved me for who I am is gone.

"You should call Jack." I told her bluntly.

"And you should tell Lizzie. She would want to be here for you." She said sternly. I know she's right but I just can't bring myself to do it. So I decided to go back in her room. I stood beside the bed as I knew everything that I wanted to say to her and thank her for. But I just couldn't bring myself to say the words. So I pressed a kiss to her forehead as I let a few tears escape. I walked out of the room to see my mum still on the phone

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