Perfect Family (W.M)

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Requested by Strangerforyou09

Italic - sign language

Y/N pov

I was sent on a mission with Nat and Steve to take down a small Hydra base. I am 50% deaf so I have to wear hearing aids so I can hear during missions. But today is different. The three of us walked into a room full of agents.

"I thought that this was supposed to be an easy job." Nat spoke up as she stood between Steve and I.

"It was supposed to be." Steve mumbled as the three of us started to fight our way through them. We were taking each agent down when I had one come up behind me and they slapped both of my ears hard. I heard static before I could barely hear a thing other than a loud ringing in my ears. I fell to my knees gripping the sides of my head to hopefully try and stop the ringing bit to no avail. I hadn't realised that Nat and Steve had finished taking them down as I was curled up in a ball. I flinched when I felt Nat rest her hand on my shoulder as I looked up at her with tears in my eyes.

I could only see Steve talking to Nat before Nat started to sign to me.

We need to get out of here Y/N. Can you stand?

She asked me as I just nodded. She helped me stand up as we made a quick exit to the jet which Steve started immediately.

Nat's pov

I was worried about Y/N, I saw blood streaming from her ears and her hearing aids were gone.

Are you hurt anywhere? I asked her through sign. She looked at me with a blank look and tears in her eyes. She just pointed to her ears. What is it?

They broke my hearing aids. Now I am just useless. She signed back to me which broke my heart.

You are not useless Y/N. We can get Tony to create new hearing aids for you. I told her with a gentle smile which she returned before closing her eyes as we flew home. Once we all made it inside we were greeted by everyone as Y/N just walked passed everyone and ignored Wanda's call.

"What happened?" Wanda asked me concerned.

"They got overpowered by a few guards who broke their hearing aids." I told her softly. She just watched the space Y/N had walked. "I'm going to see of Tony and Bruce can make them new ones." I told her before I left.

Wanda's pov

I was worried about Y/N so when Nat went to see Tony and Bruce, I went straight to Y/N's room. I know that they're going to need some emotional support. I walked up to their door and watched as they got out of their suit before throwing it angrily in the corner of their room. I leaned against the doorframe watching as they slumped on their bed. 

I'm here if you need to talk Y/N. I signed to them as I walked to the bathroom and got a bowl of warm water and and cloth. I started to wipe their face and their hands as they sat their lost in their thoughts. They had some cuts and bruises from the mission but nothing major.

"I'm useless." They said sadly as they looked down. I held their chin and made them look at me.

No you're not Y/N. You are a crucial part of this team. Tony and Bruce are making you new hearing aids as we speak and you will be back to your usual loveable goofy self in no time. I told them as they just nodded.

I helped them get dressed and lay on their bed with my arms open which they didn't hesitate to lay on my chest. I ran my fingers through their hair and it didn't take them long to fall asleep.

Y/N pov

I was sat in my bedroom playing with my action figures that I had made since my parents were against a child having toys. I was usually quick to hide them when I heard their footsteps but this time I wasn't. I heard the booming footsteps of my father before he hit the side of my head hard causing me to fall over. He took my action figures and snapped them in front of me.

"I told you child. You will not be playing with these meaningless toys." He shouted at me as he threw the broken pieces at me. I just stood there fighting back my tears as my mum just stood by and watched. "You will keep your head in those fucking books and out of the god damn clouds." He shouted as I just stared at the floor. "Listen to me dammit." He said as he smacked both sides of my head hard. I then heard nothing but a loud ringing in my ears. I could see my dad's mouth moving but I couldn't hear him. I watched as he grabbed me by my collar with hatred in his eyes.

I woke up in a start and sweat. I rubbed my face harshly before I remembered that Wanda was still here. I flinched when I felt her hand on my shoulder.

Are you ok?  She asked me. I just nodded before getting up and walking to the bathroom. I splashed my face and tried so hard to get my dads face out of my head. It was all his fault that I am so useless. When I walked back inside the room, Wanda gave me a soft look before the door opened followed by an excited Tony.

Hey, I have some new hearing aids for you to try. He signed to me gesturing for me to follow him to the lab which I did. Ok so I remember your old ones were kind of S.H.I.E.L.D standard, so I decided to make some adjustments and managed to make some new ones with my nano tech.

I watched as he walked up to me and gestured to the small devices in his hands. I just gave him a nod and watched as he put them both in place before he went to his desk to pick up a smart watch. He pressed something before I had started to hear static.

"Do they work Tony?" I heard Wanda speak making me smile brightly with tears in my eyes.

"They work perfectly." I spoke as they both looked over at me. "Thank you Tony." I spoke as he pulled me in for a tight hug.

"It is no problem kid, I wanted to make sure you had the best especially for heading out on missions. I just wished that they were ready before the last one." He told me.

"That doesn't matter Tony, thank you so much." I told him as I smiled at him before Wanda intertwined her hand in mine. I looked at her with a bright smile before we both bid Tony goodbye and went upstairs to our room.

"Are you sure you're ok?" She asked me.

"I am perfect Wan. I have the perfect family that I have always needed right here in this tower. Yeah we are all different in our own freaky little ways but we all love each other regardless." I told her with a bright smile which she returned before pressing a kiss to my cheek as we settled for our movie night.


A nice little fluffy one for you guys. Let me know what you think.

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