#1. First "I Love You"

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Ashton: It was mine and Ashton’s one year anniversary; he wouldn’t tell me what we were doing for it. He only told me to get dressed nice, I got nothing out of that. 

In the car I began to get impatient and Ashton noticed, taking my hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Be patient, love.” He said, he eventually stopped at a park, the one where we first met. I remember the day like it was yesterday. I smiled thinking back to that day a year ago. 

Ashton had pulled out all the stops to make tonight perfect for me. He had set up a candle lit dinner and he had a small cd player playing all of our songs in the background. 

After dinner, Ashton pulled me up to dance. ‘I’ve got this friend’ began playing, it wasn’t a good song to dance to but we did anyway. He knew that it was one of my favourite songs. Near the end of the song he pulled me into a hug, my face pressed into his chest. He held me warmly, it felt like he never wanted to let go. It all went silent when the song finished. Ashton ducked his head and kissed me softly, but with so much passion. Sparks and shivers went through my whole body, if Ashton wasn’t holding me I would have fallen to the ground in a heap. He leaned his forehead against mine, his eyes locked with mine. “Y/N. I love you.” He whispered, I gasped and smiled. I pecked his lips quickly, “I love you too Ash.” 

Luke: His POV 

I wasn’t really in the best mood today as it was Y/N’s birthday and I couldn’t be with her, I was on the other side of the world. 

I sat in my dressing room scrolling through the pictures of me and Y/N, I missed her like crazy. I decided to call her before I went on stage, her voice always calmed me. “Hey Lukey. Aren’t you meant to be on stage… like now?” Y/N answered with a tired voice. “I’m on in about five minutes. I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday.” I said, I was about to say the three special words but I was interrupted by Ashton. “Mate we need to go!” 

“Sorry babe. I need to go!” I said hurrying to get organised. “Bye Luke.” She said hanging up. I thought of a plan to tell Y/N that I loved her. I told the boys before we went on stage, they all thought it was a great idea. 

We were going through our set, it Calum and my turn to talk. “Now Luke its Y/N’s birthday today isn’t it?” I nodded over at him smiling at her name. “Luke you had a request didn’t you?” He continued. “Yeah I want you to get your video cameras and phones out and record this and send it to Y/N. Spam her twitter, Instagram everything! I need her to see this!” I yelled into the microphone. I watched as everyone got ready. I gave a thumbs up to the crowd and smiled. “Okay, Y/N I didn’t get to say this before but I love you so much. I love you to the end of the universe. Happy birthday beautiful. This is for you.” I said happily before strumming the familiar chords of Beside You. The entire audience screamed and awed at my little speech, I had to hold back tears from missing Y/N. 

Later after the concert I was curled up in my bed with the penguin that Y/N gave me before I left. I was glad I was alone in my hotel room, the penguin still smelled like her. I jumped as my phone buzzed beside me, “Hello?”

“Luke! I love you too! That is the cutest thing eve. I love you so much!” Y/N yelled on the other end of the line. A smile broke on my face. “Are you crying?” I asked trying not to laugh. “Yes! I am! Because that was the cutest thing ever! Oh my god!” She said loudly, I smiled trying not to laugh at my hyperactive girlfriend. She paused before lowering her voice. “I woke up didn’t I?” She asked worried. “Not really, I was just dozing. I don’t mind. I can’t believe you are crying.” I said getting comfortable, while listening to Y/N’s voice. 

I stayed up into the late hours talking to Y/N, until she needed to go and I needed to sleep. I was glad that I got to talk to her on her birthday. 


Michael was coming over to my place to stay the night, it was the first time we were doing this. To say I was nervous was the biggest understatement of the year. 

I was cleaning up and listening to music when my phone buzzed.

From Mikey: Hey do you want me to pick up some pizza? 

I typed back quickly. To Mikey: Yes please! You know me too well Clifford. I went back to organising everything. 

I eventually ditched cleaning for dancing, Try Hard started playing. It was one of my favourite songs by the boys. I jumped when a pair of arms snaked around my waist. “I'm just trying too hard.” Michael muttered against my neck. “How much of that did you see?” I asked worried, turning around in his arms. “Enough. “I groaned my head falling onto his chest, he laughed slightly. “Why don’t you dance more often?” He asked, I glared at him. “Because I look silly so I do it when I'm on my own and no one can judge me.” I replied, it was his turn to glare at me. “You don’t look silly to me.” He said sweetly, pecking my nose. 

We went and got our pizzas, we ate one each; while we talked and watched TV. After dinner we cuddled up on the lounge watching Friends. I began to doze off every now and then. “Y/N? Y/N?” Michael’s voice cooed in my ear. “What Mike?” I groaned swatting him away, he got up and stood in front of the lounge. “I'm taking you to bed.” He said before effortlessly lifting me off the lounge. He held me tightly against his chest. 

Michael laid me down on the bed, tucking me in. “Mikey, you can sleep in here if you want.” I suggested tiredly. “Alright move over.” He said climbing into my bed beside me. His arms wrapped protectively around me, I could hear his heart beating against my face. In that moment I knew I loved him, before I could get the words out Michael beat me to it. “Y/N, I love you.” He whispered, softly running his fingers over my cheek. I smiled, blush creeping up my cheeks. “I love you to Mikey.” I whispered, softly kissing his collarbone. 

I fell asleep a little while later with Michael’s voice in my head saying he loves me.

Calum:  His POV

I was missing Y/N like crazy all I wanted to was be with her, kiss her, cuddle her. None of which could happen as I was away with the boys promoting our album. 

I was currently in an interview with the boys. I didn’t really say anything as I was too busy thinking about Y/N. The boys let it slide knowing I was upset about not being with her. I was brought out of my trance but the interviewer, “So Calum, how’s Y/N?” 

“She’s good. I'm missing her like crazy but I keep going for her. Each day I know I'm one day closer to seeing her again.” I said with a shaky voice, thinking about how much I missed my beautiful girlfriend. The girl I had realised that I had fallen in love with. “We were told that you haven’t seen her in over three months.” I nodded, the interviewer smiled at me. “Well Calum, today’s your lucky day.” The interviewer smiled at me, before I could question her, Y/N walked towards the couch. I didn’t care that we were on air and live to thousands of people. I jumped up and ran to her, almost knocking her over as I picked her up and spun her around. She giggled as I kissed all over her face. “Y/N I missed you so much.” I sighed, pressing my face into her hair, inhaling her sweet smell. 

I took her back to my dressing room, completely disregarding the interview. I'm pretty sure we were done anyway. I shut the door behind us, I held her closely, scared that she would just slip away. “Y/N, I need to say this. I missed you so much and I'm so happy you’re here because…” I took a deep breath. “I love you.” Her face broke into a huge grin. “I love you too Cal.” She whispered, her lips brushing mine. I kissed her lips so gently, she wrapped her arms around my neck. My arms still around her waist, pulling her impossibly close. We broke from our kiss that was long awaited, she nuzzled her face into the crook my neck. I did the same, delicate kisses peppered on her neck and collarbone. We held each other like that for god knows how long. I heard the door open and the boys come in but I shooed them away before returning to our embrace. I replayed the moment in my head over and over of when Y/N said she loved me.    

A/N: First Preference hope you like it :) Will be uploading more soon... stay tuned! Please rate, comment and share 

Lucy xx

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