#65 He/You Wants Kids

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Calum: His POV

I was so excited to be home with Y/N again and we were on break now for a long time, over a year. This would be the perfect time to start a family maybe, I don’t know. I waited at home for Y/N.

I heard the keys jingle in the lock, I stood up to open the door for her but she was already inside. She looked flustered and worn out. “Are you okay love?” I asked taking her bag off her shoulder, she shook her head looking at the ground. I put her bag down for her and pulled her close to my chest. I take her to the lounge room, she plops down on the lounge. “I’ll be okay.” She sniffed, she smiled up at me. My heart fluttered in my chest, a smile from her flipped my stomach in a good way. “Are you sure?” She laughed and nodded. “Come on let’s get dinner.” I said getting up and going to the kitchen where I had prepared dinner for us.  

She got a shock when I showed her that I had actually cooked tonight, I loved making her happy. I just hoped what I asked her tonight made her happy.

We were curled up in bed after dinner and a late night movie. Her head on my chest, her fingers running down my stomach. “Y/N? Can I ask you something?” I asked, she moved so she could look at me. “Sure, Cal.”

“Lately, I’ve been thinking since I have a really long break now and it will be eighteen months before I start working again and we’ve been married a couple of years… that maybe you wanted to start a family?” I rambled, she smiled at me, and then it faltered. “Uh, Calum. I would love to start a family with you…” She said, a smile spread across my face. “but… I’m not ready. I’m really sorry. I’m just not good with kids and I don’t think I’m ready. Maybe in a couple of years. I am so sorry Calum.” She said, I tightened my arms around her. She returned to tracing lines on my stomach. I was definitely disappointed but I loved her no matter what and I will wait until she is ready. “It’s okay, I’ll wait.” She began pressing kisses to my stomach. She moved up, her lips at my ear. “We can still practice making babies.” She whispered in my ear, her hands wandering over my body. Before she knew it she was flipped on her back and completely at my mercy. I smiled down at her, softly kissing her. Even though she said no… I would still accept this response.  

Ashton: His POV

We were at my family gathering at mum’s house. Everyone was there. There was one thing I had noticed was that she was spending a lot of her time with the kids, she wouldn’t usually do that. I would admit she looked like she was right at home, maybe she wanted kids… I know I did. I was too afraid to ask. My little cousin ran up to me, “Ashy!” she squealed holding out her arms. I swiftly picked her up off the ground. “Hey haven’t seen you in a while. How old are you now?” I asked, I held up two fingers. “This much?” She nodded her little head quickly. “You’re so old now!” I laughed, she bounced in my arms. “You are!” She said back, I smiled kissing her forehead. “I know I’m so old! I think you’re going to put my back out.” I joked, bouncing her higher. She giggled yelling ‘again’.

“Ashton, can you come help with the food please?” Mum called, I put my cousin down. “Awww…” She whined, I crouched down to her. “Go play with Y/N.” I said to her, she nodded and ran off to Y/N… well tried to run off to Y/N.

I went into the house to help mum, she directed me around the kitchen before she stopped and stared at me for a couple of seconds. I waited for her to say something, she turned hearing loud laughing from all the kids. I looked out the window, standing next to mum. Y/N had settled all the kids and she looked like she was telling a story or something. I smiled to myself, maybe I should ask her. “Ashton? I have to ask. When am I getting grand kids because you both look ready?” Mum asked, taking me by surprise. “I have to ask Y/N.” I shrugged, she smiled again watching Y/N. “She would be the perfect mother.”

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