#27 One of the boys walk in on a cute moment

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Calum: Calum had been joking around all day trying to cheer me up as I wasn’t having the best day, I had gotten so much hate that it just brought me down. “Come on babe. One smile. For Calum.” Calum said standing in front of me. “I don’t feel like it.” I said sadly, he leaned in a kissed my cheek. Still nothing. He stepped back and pushed me down onto the lounge. “I didn’t want to do this, Y/N. But you leave me no choice.” He said getting his iPod and plugging it into the dock, he scrolled through his songs. Finally stopping on one. He pressed play… I knew the song straight away. Roger Rabbit by Sleeping with Sirens. Calum flicked his head at me, I shook my head knowing exactly what he was going to do. He sighed coming over to me taking my hand, pulling me up to him. My chest crashing into his. His hand pressing into my lower back, the other holding my hand out to the side. He began dancing me around the room, spinning me around and holding me close. He began to get silly with me, causing my face to break into a smile. “You’re so much more beautiful when you smile.” He whispered pressing his forehead to mine as we continued dancing. “Hey Calum –” I heard Michael say as he walked in the room. “Oh sorry guys. Aww that’s so cute. Were you guys slow dancing?” He gushed watching us, Calum laughed blush on his cheeks. “Go away Michael.” He said waving him out of the room. “Sorry, I guess you guys are busy. Have fun.” He said awkwardly wandering out, Calum and I burst out laughing at our awkward encounter with Michael.   

Ashton: Ashton and I were mucking around in his house because we hadn’t seen each other in ages. “So… did you miss me?” He cheekily asked, I crinkled my nose. “Little bit, I missed Calum a bit more.” I teased, he looked at me jealously. He was suddenly on top of me, his hands moved to my stomach. His fingers danced on my sides, I giggled underneath him. I squirmed away from his hands, he laughed at my movements. “Ash. Ashton. Stop, please. Oh my god.” I gasped laughing, my sides hurting from laughing so hard. “Tell me you missed me the most.” He demanded playfully. “Okay, okay. I missed you the most.” I gasped out. He continued to tickle me despite my pleas for mercy. “Aww, you guys are so cute.” Luke awed as he came into the lounge room. “Luke what are you doing here?” Ashton asked stopping the movement of his hands. “I was just dropping off your shirt; I accidentally packed it in my bag.” He said putting the shirt on the coffee table. “You guys are so cute… you make me sick.” Luke said looking at us. “Get out Luke.” I said harshly. “You love me, Y/N.” Luke teased before leaving us again.  

Luke: I had always loved watching Luke play guitar, he was so good. Luke was currently on the lounge chair playing his guitar while I laid on the other lounge just watching. “Babe, stop staring you’re making me nervous.” Luke chuckled not looking up from his guitar. “I’m sorry but you just look really good.” I said sweetly, he suddenly stood up and came over to me. “Sit up.” He said, I did as he said. He handed me his guitar. “Luke what are you doing?”

“Well I'm bored out of my brains so I was going to teach you some guitar.” He said, I smiled. He moved behind me so I was sitting between his thighs. His chest pressed tightly again my back. My heart fluttered in my chest. His arms wrapped around to my front, his hands guiding mine to where I needed to put them. “So you put your fingers like this… and that’s A… Yeah that’s it.” He said his face next to mine. I blushed as his kissed my cheek. “Aw Luke… Y/N. You guys are so cute. Luke why don’t you play guitar with me like that?” Calum asked as he walked into the room. “Because you’re not as sexy and beautiful as her.” Luke reasoned, I looked down at mine and Luke’s hands together. “Sorry to interrupt but me and Ashton are going out for lunch, and we were wondering if you wanted to come.” Calum offered, Luke shook his head. “No, we’re okay here.” I answered. “Okay, bye guys.” Calum said walking out of the house.  

Michael: I sat on the lounge laid out while Michael sat on the floor playing video games. I was half paying attention to Michael and the other half to the book that I was reading. “Babe if you’re going to stare at me, at least be discreet.” Michael teased, I smacked the back of his head lightly with the book in my hand. “You love me.” I face palmed at the idiot of a boyfriend I have. I turned my attention back to the book in my hand. “You want to play with me?” He said holding the controller to me. “Are you feeling okay? You never let me play.” I said sceptically, he smiled and handed me the controller; placing my book to the side. “Oh no the only way I'm doing this is if you come up here.” I said sitting up and patting the spot beside me. He got up off the floor and tapped my shoulder. “Move forward.” He said, I shifted so he could sit behind me. His arms wrapped around me, holding my hands and showing me what to do.

After a while I had gotten the hang of it. Michael moved to sit beside me, grabbing his controller. He started the game and we both became really competitive “Die! Die! Bitch just die!” I yelled at the screen, I heard Michael chuckle beside me. I disregarded it and kept playing and so did he. “What in god’s name are you doing?!” Ashton asked loudly coming into the room. Michael paused the game and we both turned to him. “Oh my god! You guys are like one person.  By the way that was really cute before, you showing her how to play. Aw.” He cooed, Michael picked up a pillow tossing it at Ashton. He quickly dodged it by shutting the door and leaving. I laughed as he hit play again. “I wouldn’t be laughing for much longer.” Michael teased, I fought against him hard. “Ahahahaha! Sucker!” I laughed loudly as I beat him.       

A/N: Hope you like it! 

~Lucy xx 

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