#77 Sleeping

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Calum: Calum’s arms were wrapped tightly around me, we were cramped in his small bunk on the tour bus. We got hardly any time together so I was joining him on tour for a bit. We were both really tired and just lazily watching each other. “I like sleeping with you.” He hummed, kissing my cheek. “I like sleeping with you too babe.” I said sliding my hands down his torso. He shook his head, he grabbed my hands putting them on his waist. “No, I mean doing this with you. I just like cuddling with you, holding you.” He said softly, I blushed hiding my face in his chest. “Me too.” I whispered avoiding his eyes. “I’ve missed this.” He said kissing the top of my head. His chin rested on my head, I shut my eyes getting sleepy. “Does it ever scare you, how famous you’re getting?” I asked softly, I felt his head nod. “Yeah, it’s weird. I still don’t know why they like us… I don’t know why you like me.” He said softly. I lifted my head and looked into his eyes. “Calum, I love you because you’re so attractive, funny, sweet and romantic. You’re the best boyfriend a girl could ask for. That’s why I like you.” I said sweetly, he kissed the tip of my nose. His cheeks were warm against mine, I giggled. “Are you blushing?” I asked, he nodded pressing his face into my neck. “We should get some sleep.” He said softly, I nodded snuggling into him. I shut my eyes, pressing my face into his chest again. “I love you beautiful.” He whispered just before I drifted off.

Ashton: I jumped hearing the front door open and close quietly. Ashton was finally home, with the new album coming out he was working late all the time. It was hard because we never got time together. I laid in bed, not wanting to really move. I heard Ashton clumsily walk into the room, his clothes were thrown on the floor. Goosebumps rose on my back as he peeled back the covers. “Where were you?” I asked softly, he continued to get into bed. He laid behind me, his chest pressing to my back. “Still recording. Luke and Calum are still there. Poor guys.” He explained, I nodded. “I’m sorry I’m never home, but this weekend. I am all yours.” He said kissing my neck, I giggled at the ticklish feeling. His arm draped over my waist, his hand finding mine lacing his fingers with mine.  His thumb rubbing over my fingers. “How come they had to stay?” I asked, he breathed out heavily. “Our producer was being a dick and he let me go after I recorded the same thing many times. Calum and Luke couldn’t get their harmonies right, well they were right but he wasn’t satisfied. So next time you see them be nice.” He said, he lightened the mood with his last comment. “I’m always nice to them.” I said mock defensively, he chuckled against my neck. “Go back to sleep, I’ll be right here.” He whispered, he leaned over and kissed my lips. “Good night Ash.” I whispered against his lips. “Night baby.” He whispered, he wrapped his arm around me tightly as I drifted back to sleep.

Luke: I woke up feeling a heavy weight on me, soft snores against my ear. I giggled poking at Luke’s sides to get him off me. He groaned into my ear, I gave his body a shove finally getting him off me. “What was the for?” He asked pulling my body close to his. “You were squashing me. Luke there is a lot of you and you’re heavy.” I said, a smile on my face. He laughed pressing his face into my shoulder. “Go back to sleep, sweetheart.” He whispered, he lightly brushed some hair off my face. “Sorry for waking you.” I whispered snuggling into him. “It’s okay babe. Good night.” He replied kissing my cheek. “Night Luke. Love you.” I whispered, he held me close. His legs tangling with mine, his hands lightly rubbing up and down my back lulling me back to sleep. 

Michael: Michael and I were cuddling at the back of the bus while he and Luke played video games, I was slowly going to sleep on his shoulder. “Y/N’s gone to sleep.” Luke pointed out, I wasn’t asleep but I was very close. “Come on sweetie.” Michael said shaking me slightly, I opened my eyes looking up at him. He chuckled at me, I blushed shyly. He slid forward, gently lifting me up into his arms. I curled up into his chest, he chuckled taking me into his bunk. “Michael, stay with me.” I said, as he laid me down. “Okay babe move over.” He whispered, I moved back against the wall. He laid on his back, he coaxed me to lay on his stomach. His arms wrapped around my back, his fingers running up and down my spine. “You’re so cute.” I heard Luke say from outside the curtain which was still partly open. “Shut up and go away Luke.” Michael snapped, Luke laughed and closed our curtain. “He’s right though, you are really cute.” He said kissing the top of my head. “So are you Michael, but I want to sleep.” I said kissing his collarbone, he nodded kissing my forehead. I drifted off to sleep on his torso. I felt so warm and like I didn’t belong anywhere else.

 A/N: Hope you like it!!! Sorry Luke’s is short!!! 

~ Lucy xx

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