Vegas - Luke Imagine

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There is smut in this, so read at own discretion. 

I sat on the lounge with heaps of receipts and numbers of people involved with the wedding. My mum thought it would be a good idea to plan my entire wedding for me, which I didn’t want. She had done everything the complete opposite to how I want it. I hung my head in my hands, “babe, are you okay?” Luke asked, coming into the room I shook my head not bothering to look up to him. He sat beside me, without saying a word he wrapped his arms around me pulling me to his chest. “I just want to marry you, I don’t want all of this! I just want to stand in front of my family, the boys and your family and say ‘I do’, put a ring on your finger, you put a ring on my finger, we kiss and someone plays some slow romantic song and we dance. I don’t want…” I said angrily gesturing to all the paper on the coffee table. “I mean my mum invited my third cousin who I have never met! Another man who is an old family friend who again I have never met!” I said looking at the guest list she had given me. “Y/N, would you marry me before the actual wedding date we planned for?” Luke asked, I sat up straight looking at him through teary eyes. “I would marry you now if I could.” I said sweetly, he smiled blushing. “Well, if you want a wedding that is as simple as you said there’s a solution for that do you know what it is?” He asked, I hoped rhetorically; I shook my head. “Vegas.”

“You want to go to Vegas?” I asked shocked at his ambition. “Yeah, let’s elope and get married. Just you and me. I know your family won’t be there but we’ll get what we wanted.” He said softly, I smiled nodding. “Yes Luke! I’ll go to Vegas with you!” I gushed hugging him, he laughed as I accidently pushed him down too far. “Woah babe, let’s do this after the wedding.” He teased knowing how I felt about getting intimate. “Shut up, Luke!” I said getting off him. “When are we going?” I asked, he smiled. “Four hours from now.” He said casually. “Holy crap I need to pack!” I said running into the bedroom.


I couldn’t believe I was doing this. Luke and I were actually eloping to Vegas. We wanted a simple wedding but everyone else wanted an extravagant night of over the top celebration. I just wanted to marry the man I loved and spend the rest of our lives together, but mine and Luke’s family all wanted a big celebration. “Are you okay babe?” Luke asked, when we walked into the hotel room, I swallowed and nodded. “I’m just worried about what everyone is going to say. What are the boys going to say, they don’t get to see their band mate… well brother get married, what about your actual brothers?” I said, he didn’t say a word he just hugged me tightly. “I’m sorry if I knew you felt this way I wouldn’t have asked you to come here with me. I just want this to be perfect for us. It’s our wedding and we should be able to do it how we want. Right?” I nodded against his chest. “And the boys will see us get married and my brothers were the ones who gave me the idea.” He winked at me, before I could question him. Calum, Ashton and Michael burst through our door. I smacked my palm against my forehead. Of course they would be here. “Please don’t hate us! We couldn’t miss you getting married and we understand what you guys want.” Ashton said, holding his hands up in surrender. I looked up at Luke. “Okay, since you can’t be seen in the dress before the wedding. One of us will go with Y/N and the other two will chill with Luke.” Michael announced, my head was spinning I didn’t even know what was happening anymore. I sat down on the bed, I buried my face in my hands. Luke’s arm wrapped around my shoulders. “This is a bad idea.” I groaned, I heard a door close. “They’re gone, Y/N look at me.” Luke coaxed, his fingers taking hold of my chin angling my face towards his. “Is this what you want? I can easily send the boys home.” He said softly, I shook my head. “No but I know what I want. You know how my dad isn’t around anymore, well… I want to be walked down the aisle to you. That’s how I’ve always wanted it. And since none of my friends are here I want a bridesmaid.” I said, Luke’s smile broadened. “This is why I love you!” He beamed kissing me, I giggled as he pushed me down on the bed. “Hey, hey. Keep it PG kids.” Calum teased coming back into the room, Luke and I sat up. “And yes we did hear that. I will not be your bridesmaid.” He said, getting in early. “Okay, Michael, Ashton? One of you has to do it.” I said firmly, Luke leaned close to me. “Pick Michael.” He whispered, but loud enough for him to hear. His eye brows rose like a shot. “Okay, Mikaela.” I said clapping him on the shoulder. “I hate you Luke.” He said, I laughed hugging Michael with one arm. “Okay who wants to be her stand-in dad?” Luke asked, I looked at Ashton. “Me?” Ashton asked, I nodded. “It sounds weird but I’ve always looked up to you, not just literally. You’re my go to guy… well after Luke.” I said, he grinned and hugged me. “Everything has been booked, Y/N and I just need to get dressed. Calum you come with me, Michael and Ashton you go with Y/N. There will be a limo to pick you up at five o’clock and take you to the chapel.” Luke explained, we all nodded. “Can you guys give us a minute?” Luke asked, the boys all stepped outside. Luke pulled me close, his forehead pinned to mine. “I love you sweetheart. I can’t believe the next time I’ll see you we’ll be getting married.” He whispered, his lips brushed mine. “I love you too, Luke. Isn’t it crazy?” I gushed, he smiled and then kissed me softly. “Come on, we have to get you ready and us too.” Ashton said coming back into the room. Luke kissed me softly, before I got my dress and stuff and taking it with me to Ashton and Michael’s room.

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