Unnoticed - Michael Imagine

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Michael’s POV

I was mucking around with my mates at our lockers at lunch time, the usual making jokes and being too loud. “Mr. Clifford.” My English teacher said tapping her foot at me. “Yes ma’am. I know I’m going to the library… right now.” I said getting my English books out and walking in the general direction. I heard Calum, Luke and Ashton all sniggering behind me. I was about to turn back to my friends and ditch my study hall to eat but then I saw the most beautiful girl. I know it’s cheesy but it was true. “Hey, guys I’ll catch up with you later.” I said before wandering into the library. “Oh my God! Michael Clifford is in the library!” The librarian said dramatically, I smiled. “I know. I know.” I said before scanning the large space for the girl I saw. I found her curled up in a corner, her head buried in her book. I didn’t want to seem like I was stalking her so I sat at one of the tables. 

I spent most of my lunch time in the library just watching her, it sounded creepy but I wanted to get to know her. I couldn’t believe that I had never noticed her before. 


From the day that I first saw her, weeks have passed and I have wanted to get to know her more and more. I just couldn’t approach her. That was until today… well the boys were forcing me to talk to her. I couldn’t decide when though. 

I was passing through the hallways, taking a short cut to my locker. When I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw her being harassed by some boys. “Where did you get your clothes your grandma’s closet?” “Maybe we should take some of this off.” They said grabbing at her shirt. “Leave me alone. Please.” She sobbed, they pushed her against lockers. ‘It’s now or never. Come on Clifford.’ I said over in my head. “Hey, leave her alone. What has she done to you?” I asked stepping between the girl and the boys, pushing her behind my taller frame. “What are you going to do?” One of them challenged.

Your POV

I was suddenly pushed behind a tall frame; I recognized the bleached white hair, I think his name was Michael. A rowdy, musical idiot. I never took any notice, honestly I thought he was kinda cute but I never had the courage to talk to him. Hell I didn’t have the courage to talk to anyone. “This.” He said as he punched one of the boys, knocking him to the ground. The other boys ran off quickly, his friend following. I was always shy and got really scared with confrontation. Tears welled up in my eyes, the guy turned around. “Are you alright?” He asked in a soft voice, I nodded. “I—uh. I’m Y/N and thanks for what you did.” I said trying to steady my voice, he smiled at me. “No problem. I’m Michael. It’s really nice to meet you.” I watched as he looked around the hallway, it was completely empty except for me and him. My heart began racing in my chest afraid of the situation. Tears threatening to spill over, “Hey, hey. Don’t cry.” He said softly, hesitantly wrapping his arms around me. I tensed then relaxed, I felt so safe in his arms. I know I had just met him but it was a spark that I felt. “I must admit. Y/N I’ve wanted to get to know you for a long time and I was wondering if maybe you’d let me?” He asked leaning back to see my face. “I’d love to, but there isn’t much to know.” I said honestly, he smiled at me. “I’m sure there is a lot more behind your silence.” He said sweetly, I blushed looking at my feet. “I have to ask, why did you stop them? I mean why didn’t you just keep walking?” I asked leaning against the lockers. “Because as cheesy as it sounds I would always protect a beautiful girl like you.” He said, the blush on my cheeks reddening. “You, Michael Clifford the loud, funny guy, who is in a band thinks me Y/N, the shy, studies all the time, boring girl is beautiful?” I asked shocked, he smiled and nodded. “Very, but you’re not boring at all.”


After I got to know Michael and he got to know me, I began to like him a little bit… okay maybe a lot. 

We started dating and he eventually asked me to be his girlfriend which I gladly accepted. He had brought me right out of my shell, making me feel so much more confident about myself and I loved him and I hoped he loved me too. 


We were at his house just hanging out, a lot of the time he had his guitar with him. I found it really attractive that he played. We were laid out on his bed; he quietly strummed aimlessly on his guitar. Softly singing one of his own songs, well his band’s song. I curled up against his side, as he laid his guitar on the floor. “Michael, thank you.” I whispered as he wrapped his arms around me. “For what, love?” 

“Everything, turning me into this amazing person. Someone who is so much more carefree and doesn’t just sit at the back of a classroom. Someone who isn’t unnoticed anymore.” I said smiling at him. “It was always there, we just needed to lure it out and here she is.” He said grinning at me. “Michael, I love you.” 

“I love you too Y/N. Forever and always.” He whispered in my ear before he softly sang in my ear sending me to sleep.

A/N: Hey! This is my second imagine and I hope you like it!

~Lucy xx

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