#17 Boyfriend Does My Make-Up Tag

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Calum: "Close your eyes Y/N. I want it to be a surprise!" Calum exclaimed. "Okay." I sighed. I snapped my eyes shut, anticipating what Calum was going to do. I heard the clinking of my makeup products as he looked through my collection. "What’s this? Well it’s foundation now."

"Calum!" I squealed. "What?" He chuckled. "Whatever you’re holding most probably isn’t foundation. Can I open my eyes and see?" I asked. "No babe. It’s the ‘Boyfriend does my makeup’ tag not the ‘My boyfriend attempts my makeup but I tell him what to do’ tag. Just relax." Calum chuckled. I relaxed my shoulders and sat still as Calum squirted something into his palms. That doesn’t sound good. "Calum wha-"

"Just. Relax." Calum interrupted. I sighed again and tried to relax. Calum spread the contents all over my face, not missing any part of my skin. He grabbed some other things out of my bag and did the rest of my makeup. "All done!" Calum exclaimed. I opened my eyes and reached for the hand held mirror by my side. I lifted it up to my face and gasped. I was orange! "Calum that was my tanned moisturiser! I look like an Oompa Loompa!" I exclaimed. Calum burst out laughing and I let out a small chuckle. I turned to the camera. "And that folks, is how not to do your makeup." I laughed.

Ashton: Ashton was in the middle of doing my makeup for the ‘My boyfriend does my makeup’ tag for my YouTube channel. I couldn’t currently see the results but I could see that he was picking all the right products. “You’re doing really well.” I smiled as Ashton did my eyelashes. “Shh I need to concentrate.” He mumbled, eyes filled with determination. He had done the rest of my makeup and this was the last thing that he had to do. “Done!” He exclaimed, pulling his hands from my face. Ashton grabbed the mirror from nearby and held it up so that I could see my face. I was shocked. It was almost perfect. “Ashton you did so well!” I gasped. “Well I watch you do it every day so I picked up a few things.”  He shrugged putting the mirror down. I picked the mirror back up and looked again. “Yeah but plenty of boyfriend’s see girls doing this and they don’t as well as you!” I exclaimed. Ashton looked bothered by that. “Hold on a sec, I forgot something.” He said. I raised an eyebrow but decided that he was going to put on more blush so I relaxed. Ashton pulled out my eyeliner and held my chin in between his fingers. He moved his hand towards my face but instead of putting it around my eyes he went straight for the area between my eyebrows. “Ashton!”  I cried, trying to swat his hands away. “Now I’m done.” He giggled. I grabbed the mirror and looked at my reflection. I had a mono brow. “Ashton.” I huffed. “So.. What do you think?” He smiled. “That I’m going out with an idiot.” I smiled back, letting out a small laugh. I turned off the camera, deciding to do my goodbye later.

Luke: Luke thought it was a good idea to do the Boyfriend does my make-up tag and I was okay with it… sort of. “Okay… this is foundation.” He said reading the bottle, I sighed. He was going to get right into this. He was doing really well, too well. So far he had used all the right products in the right places… he was up to something. He took out eyeliner. He got close to my face. I caught his wrist, “No, please don’t use that.” I said, scared he was going to poke my eye out. “Y/N. Trust me.” I rolled my eyes and let him do it. He was putting it nowhere near my eyes, I was happy and sad about that. “DONE!” He exclaimed happily, he handed me a mirror. The make-up was good until he drew all over my face with the eye liner. I kind of looked like a pirate. “Aw… Luke I love it!” I gushed, he beamed happily. “Really?” I could tell it was taking everything in him not to laugh.          “No. But it’s okay. If I’m going to a dress up party and I’m going as a pirate I’ll come to you for my makeup.” I said kissing him on the cheek. He blushed and switched off the camera. 

Michael: Michael and I were so bored that he decided to give his fans a treat by doing the Boyfriend Does my Makeup Tag. I didn’t like the idea from the start. “Y/N! Stop looking at the mirror.” Michael snapped as he picked up a make-up product. “I’m scared! What are you going to do to me?” I said, he laughed at me before taking away all the mirrors. “Y/N. Calm down. It will be fine.” He said sitting beside me again. I knew it wouldn’t be fine, Michael would take any chance to make fun of me and this was a perfect opportunity. I watched as he picked up my foundation.

He was going okay so far, that was until he smeared heaps all over my face. Throughout the video his ‘skills’ got worse, putting purple eye shadow all the way up to my eyebrows. “Okay you can look now.” He said handing me a mirror, my mouth dropped when I saw myself. “Tada!” He chirped into the camera, I rolled my eyes. “Wait…” He put a dot of eye liner on my cheek. “I think you should stick to music… Goodbye… from the dork of my boyfriend and me.” I said before turning off the camera.

A/N: We did something a bit different. We wrote half and half. Bianca wrote Cashton and I wrote Muke.

Much love Lucy and Bianca xx

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