Speak Now - Luke Imagine

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I couldn’t believe my eyes, I had come to see if Derek was ready since he had about an hour until the start of the ceremony. I was so happy for Y/N to be marrying him but I was a little heartbroken because I had been in love with her for the last three years. “Luke what the hell?” Derek asked covering up the woman he was just kissing. I recognized  her as Y/N’s brides maid. “What are you doing?” I yelled across the room. “Luke why do you care? You were never with Y/N she’s nothing more than a friend to you! Although I honestly don’t really care for the bitch!” He snarled at me, I stepped forward ready to punch him out. “What did you just say?”

"I don’t care about her! She was supposed to be a root and boot but then I met her friend here and I wanted to get to her but she wasn’t as easy and well desperate as Y/N." It took everything in me to not tackle him and knock him out. "You were supposed to be marrying her! Today!" 

"I wasn’t going to go through with it! Now if you’ll excuse me I have some business to attend to." Derek snapped, I scoffed knowing what to do. 

I drove to Y/N’s house quicker than ever. I banged on her door almost breaking the hinges. The door swung open, it was Y/N who had run into the bedroom again. I chased after her, she was looking at her wedding dress. My breath hitched in my throat when I saw her in her underwear. “Hey, what’s up Luke?” She asked, I scratched the back of my neck. “You may want to sit down.” I said trying to carefully choose my words. She sat on the bed not worrying about her attire… Or lack of. Yes we had been best friends for as long as I can remember but I don’t know about her but a lot of things have changed for me since then… I mean up until three years ago I thought she was just my friend who I never even thought of dating. ”Please just let me say what I’m about to say and I promise you I’m telling the truth.”

"Luke you’re scaring me." She said, her hands began to shake. "Derek has been cheating on you with your best friend. I was just with him and they were making out. I’m so sorry I just thought you needed to know. I’ll let you get dressed." I said, standing up. Her hand grabbed my wrist. "Wait Luke. Are you serious?" She asked standing in front of me, I nodded. Her eyes filled with tears, "No baby don’t cry. You’ll ruin your makeup." I said my hands cupping her face. She shook her head, slapping my hands away. "It doesn’t even matter. God why am I so stupid? ‘I’m going out with some mates tonight.’ ‘I’m working late.’ Dammit Luke why was I stupid?" She asked annoyed with herself. "Y/N listen to me. He’s an idiot for cheating on you. You’re a beautiful woman. Someone who does that to you is just stupid and doesn’t deserve you." I said trying to make her feel better. "Y-you think I’m beautiful?" She stuttered out, I nodded smiling. She went quiet for a minute, before looking up at me. "I’m going to go through with the wedding." It felt like my heart was in my throat, she was going to still marry that lying, cheating rat. "What? Why?" I asked stepping away from her. "I still love him Luke, now let me get dressed." She said shoving me out of her room. 

I left her house knowing not to push her, I drove back to Derek’s house. My knuckles turned white with my tight grip on the wheel. 

Your POV

I thought about what Luke had told me, I couldn’t believe it. I wanted to believe him but I just couldn’t bring myself to think that. 

It was time, I met my father at the end of the aisle, my hands shaking. I looked up at Derek, his smile faded. His eyes turned cold as if he hated the sight of me. I looked over at Luke who was sitting in the crowd, he was smiling so broadly at me. I don’t think it was because he was happy for me. I took Derek’s hand, he kissed me on the cheek no compliment, nothing. Maybe Luke was right, I just couldn’t say anything… The words were stuck in my throat. The minister began speaking. “Before we start, are there any people who do not wish for this couple to be bonded in holy matrimony please speak now or forever hold your peace?” There was silence, until a seat squeaked. Luke stood up in the middle of the crowd. “Sir?” 

"She shouldn’t marry him. He has been cheating on her with her best friend." Luke accused, I turned to Derek who had a huge smile on his face, as if he was proud of himself. Tears streamed down my cheeks, that was when I knew it was true. "Is that true?" Several people asked along with me. "Of course it is. Did you really think I would marry a dog like this when her best friend is so sexy?" He said pushing me out of the way, "I mean who could love her?" 

"Me." Luke stated coming up to the altar, my heart thumped in my chest. "What?" 

"Y/N I have been in love with you since you met this bastard! I just wish that I had told you sooner and it would be me marrying you today not this lying rat who doesn’t even like you!" He said loudly but he wasn’t yelling at me. I couldn’t take it anymore, I pushed Luke out of the way sprinting down the aisle. The crowd all watching me, I didn’t even care. I was glad that Luke’s house close to the church. 

I waited at his front door knowing that it was the only place I wanted to go. “Damn Y/N you can run.” 

"Just let me in. I want to get out of this dress." I snapped, he smiled at me. "Maybe we should go to yours." 

"No his stuff is there. Can I stay here?" I asked, cringing on the word his. "Of course, you can borrow some of my clothes." He said pushing the door open for me. I went inside, flopping onto the lounge. "Did you mean what you said about loving me?" I asked pressing my face into the lounge. "Every word." I felt Luke’s hand on my shoulder. I didn’t know what to say… I didn’t know if I even wanted a relationship yet, of course I don’t I was supposed to get married today. I sat up to look at Luke, he sat on the coffee table. His thighs brushing mine. "I hope you understand that I don’t want to be in a relationship right now, but it could work." I said staring at my hands. "Y/N this may be incredibly cheesy and if you don’t want to that’s fine, but I think a bride should get her kiss." I blushed at his words, I nodded. "You may kiss the bride." I whispered, he smiled pressing his lips to mine. It felt so right, Derek’s kisses were nothing compared to this. I was so glad Luke spoke up. Maybe this was the start to a perfect relationship. 

A/N: Hope you like it! Sorry its so cheesy haha

~ Lucy xx

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