#64 How You Cuddle

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Calum: Calum would always love to cuddle you whether it was in bed, on the lounge or on a long plane ride. His arms tightly around your waist holding you as close as possible, your head would be on his chest. Listening to the thump of his heart against your face, he would be so content with you. He would kiss the top of your head and your forehead, while he whispered sweet nothings to you.

Ashton: Ashton would just love cuddling with you, he would just love having you in his arms for him to protect. He seems like he’s really protective, his larger frame would encase yours, his legs would tangle with yours. If you were upset he would rub your back to calm you down, and kiss the top of your head. His fingers would softly tap on the small of your back, this eventually lulling you to sleep in his arms. He would whisper ‘Good night, I love you’ as you fell asleep.

Luke: Luke would like to keep the real cuddling to just you and him, but if you’re watching a movie with the boys or you’re just hanging out. He would still hold you close but not like he does when it’s just you and him. When you are alone he would have one arm tightly around you and his other hand would come up to your face. His fingertips would softly trace over your skin and rake down your hair. His nose would rub softly against yours. Quiet, raspy, ‘I love you’s’ would slip from his mouth as his eyes locked with yours. 

Michael: Just before you went to sleep you and Michael would talk just about everything and anything. You would straddle his lap and lay on his torso, his face pressed to your neck softly kissing. His hands would roam all over your back, his calloused fingers bringing goosebumps to your skin. You would pull back so you are looking at each other. Talking would be forgotten about as he would begin to press delicate kisses to your face. 

Hope you like it!!! Sorry it’s short

~ Lucy xx

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