New Addition - Calum Imagine

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This was kind of a request, but as a preference which may happen at a later date :) xx 

I woke up to an empty bed; Calum had probably gone to the studio early. I suddenly felt really sick and nauseous. I bolted to the toilet just making it. As I cleaned up I noticed my hands shaking so much and my face as white as a sheet. I washed my face and decided to have a shower.

Later than afternoon I realized that I hadn’t gotten my period yet it was due about two weeks ago. “Oh shit!” I said softly to myself I turned down the television. Tears forming in my eyes, I did the first thing I thought of. I called Ashton I knew he was off today. I rang his phone hoping he would pick up. “Ashton? It’s Y/N.” I said softly trying to hold back tears. “Y/N are you okay?”

"I don’t know. Can you do me a huge favour?" I asked a bit calmer. "Sure anything."

"Please don’t tell anyone I told you to do this but can you pick up some pregnancy tests from the chemist please?" I asked scared. "Okay Y/N I’ll be there in about fifteen minutes." He said sounding concerned. "I’m sorry to do this to you Ashton." I said, I bit my nails as he replied. "Don’t worry about it." He said casually. "Thank you bye Ashton." I said before hanging up. I just caught the end of his bye.

Ashton was knocking on my door about ten minutes later, in that time I had reduced myself to tears and I looked like a mess. I quickly answered the door not bothering to wipe my face. “Oh Y/N!” Ashton said putting the bag down and pulling me into a hug. “Shh. Shh.” He hushed in my ear. I cried into his shoulder as he rubbed my back. He pulled back to look at my face. “Hey Calum is going to be so happy if you are and he never has to know that this happened in the first place if you’re not.” Ashton said wiping away my tears. I nodded; I pulled out of his arms. “Do you want me to leave?” He said going towards the door. “I don’t know.” I said softly, I picked up the bag pulling out a test. “Y/N I don’t want to know before Calum okay. I don’t think it’s right, I’ll leave you to it.” He said he kissed me on the forehead. “Whatever the outcome it will be okay.” He said rubbing my back, he then left my house.

I read the instructions through blurry eyes and figured out what to do. Then I had to wait the longest three minutes of my life. I took three tests each coming up positive. I fell on the bathroom floor in a heap, tears streaming down my face. I went into the lounge room after a while. I was watching TV and not paying any attention to it. I was so worried about what Calum was going to say. He had gotten back from tour about a month ago and I found out today that I’m a month along. I mean it was good timing sort of, he was off tour for about a year and half now but his career was at an all-time high. I heard the clunk of keys in the door as Calum came home. “Hey babe I’m home.” He called out as I heard his keys fall into the bowl by the door. I didn’t even care about the tear stains on my face and the ones still falling. “Hey Calum. I’m in the lounge room.” I called back my hands beginning to shake. “Sorry I wasn’t here this morning. I had to be at the studio early.” He said walking into the lounge room. I didn’t answer having only one thing on my mind. “Y/N are you okay? You look like you’re going to pass out? What happened? Why were you crying?” I sighed and turned to him. He leaned in a pressed a tender kiss to my lips. His thumbs brushing away falling tears. “Calum please don’t get upset with me. I, uh, um…” I stopped talking trying to compose myself. He nodded at me to continue. “I’m pregnant.” I said softly, I put my hand on my still flat stomach. “We’re having a baby!” He beamed; I breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh thank god!” I sighed. He stood up and pulled me up with him, he pulled me into a tight bear hug. “Wait were you worried I wouldn’t be happy?” He asked, I nodded shyly. “Well I’m over the moon.” He said before he picked me up and spun me around. I giggled as he put me down. We sat on the lounge, he pressed his hand to my stomach. He began talking to my stomach quietly, it was the sweetest thing I had ever seen him do. I could already tell he was going to be a fantastic father.

— A Few Weeks Later—

Calum and I couldn’t believe that we were having a baby but we still had to tell the boys and it was starting to become obvious that I was pregnant. Calum and I were getting all the plates organized for dinner tonight. We had just invited all the boys over. “Are you worried about something?” Calum asked, I shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m a bit worried about what Michael is going to do though.” I answered as we sat on the lounge finished with getting ready. “Don’t worry about him. He’ll behave.” Calum said, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. His rested his other hand on my slight belly. It was automatic now, it was just where his hand fell.

The doorbell rang a few minutes later, Calum kissed my stomach and then my lips before going to get the door. I went to get up, but Calum stopped me. I smiled at his protectiveness. I still followed him to the door as I wanted to see everyone. The boys walked in the door being loud as usual.

Calum and I had said that tonight was just a chill night as we didn’t really see each other with the tour and other things happening. Everyone sat down on the couches, Calum and I left to get everyone drinks. “This is it.” He said softly. He pulled me into a hug, I think he was more nervous than I was.

We got the boys their drinks and brought them out. I had water as I couldn’t have alcohol, Michael noticed this. “Y/N aren’t you going to have a drink with us?” He asked looking at me. I smiled and shook my head. “Not tonight and not in the next seven months either.” I said sitting down beside Calum. Michael and Luke looked at each other confused. Ashton rolled his eyes clearly understanding what was going on. “Oh!” Michael and Luke gasped their mouths wide open. “Are you? Are you having a baby?” Luke asked quietly. “Oh my god! Congratulations.” He said hugging me, I saw Ashton roll his eyes at the dumb moment from Michael and Luke. “Oh great more of you guys.” Michael huffed before hugging me. “Shut up Mike. You love us.” I said punching his shoulder. “She’s pregnant and she’s still punching me.” Michael said rubbing his shoulder. “Yep she’s definitely my wife.” Calum said pulling me close and his hand resting on my stomach. “So do we call you dad now?” Michael asked, Calum rolled his eyes. “No only this one can.” He said rubbing small circles on my stomach. I breathed in heavily feeling a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders.

"Y/N can I talk to you for a sec?" Ashton asked, I nodded; we walked into the kitchen together. "I told you it would be fine. I’m so happy for you and Calum." He said as the door was shut. "Thank you Ashton for everything. I do appreciate it." I said. "Now give me a hug!" I said opening my arms; Ashton embraced me in a tight hug. "I’m glad that it all worked out." He said over my shoulder. We pulled away and made our way back out to the others.

I sat beside Calum, his hand resting on my stomach. “What was that about?”

"Nothing don’t worry." I answered squeezing his hand.

All of us had dinner and then they all left. Calum was washing up while I was clearing the table. “Love sit down. I’ve got it.” Calum said coming out of the kitchen with his pink rubber gloves and apron on. “Babe, it’s okay.” I answered; I went up to him, wrapping my arms around his waist. I stretched up to his ear. “And I think baby Hood will like your outfit here.” I said quietly in his ear, he shivered as I kissed his neck. He pulled his gloves off and threw them away. His hands running down my backside. I quickly undid the tie for his apron and pulled it off his waist. I dropped it on the floor. “But what does mummy Hood think?” He asked hotly in my ear. “It’s alright. Not as good as your birthday suit though.” I replied against his neck. “Y/N.” My name came from his lips in a moan. He suddenly pulled me in tight against his chest. Our foreheads pinned against each other. “I love you Y/N. More than you could ever imagine. And I’m so happy we’re having this baby together.” He said softly, his lips brushing my own. He pressed his lips heavily to mine, his tongue roaming my mouth. I slipped my hands under his shirt. He groaned against my lips. He pulled away, leaving me breathless. “Go relax. It’s under control.” He insisted, I nodded and went into our bedroom. I was so glad that everything worked out.

A/N: Hope you like it!!!!

~ Lucy xx

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