#80 He Finds You Crying

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Calum: His POV

My phone buzzed in my pocket as I sat in the studio with Michael. I got a message from Luke. ‘You need to come to Y/N’s ASAP.’ I wondered what was going on. 

I told Michael that I had to leave, I rushed to Y/N’s house. I found Luke and Ashton outside her door, they heads ducked. I began to worry. “What’s going on? Is Y/N okay?” I asked panicked. “She really needs you.” Ashton said sadness in his eyes. “She uh… She went to the doctor today and they diagnosed her with clinical depression.” Ashton explained, my mouth dropped. “Oh my god. I’ll see you guys later.” I said rushing to the door. “Bye Cal.” They said leaving to their cars. I ran inside her house, I heard loud sobs coming from her room. 

"Y/N sweetheart." I said knocking on her door. "Come in." She said softly. I found her curled up on her bed, her tiny frame shaking with tears. I sat on the edge of her bed, she moved to get closer to me. I just wanted to hold her tight and make her forget about everything bad. "Calum. I don’t want to do it anymore." She whimpered, my heart shattered into a million pieces. "What? What don’t you want to do anymore?" I asked, already knowing the answer. "I want it all to end, but you’re the only thing keeping me alive." She said softly, I moved to sit against the headboard, I pulled her small body onto my lap. "Baby I will help you through this. I don’t want you to leave me, you deserve to be happy and I will do anything to make that happen." I whispered, stroking her head. She whimpered into my chest, her hands clutching at the fabric of my t-shirt. "I love you Calum." She whispered, I kissed the top of her head. "I love you too." I whispered back, I held her sobbing frame for ages. I hoped that she would get through this. 

Ashton: Your POV

I walked through the hallways getting to my locker wanting to get home. “Hey ugly. Going home to your fake boyfriend!” A girl yelled, tears pricked in my eyes. I ignored her remarks, “hey troll face. I was talking to you.” She said coming up to me. I rolled my eyes getting my stuff. My phone buzzed in my pocket, I ignored the girl as I checker the message. ‘Ash is picking you up tonight.’ I grinned from ear to ear. “Who is Ash?!” The girl asked, I shook my head. “No on you want to know.” I said my smile fading. 

I walked out to the car park seeing Ash’s car. I ran out to his car, he smiled at me when he saw me. “Hey beautiful. I’ve missed you.” Ashton said hugging me and kissing me. I giggled into his neck, he squeezed my side. 


The girl at school continued to torment me all night with messages, it was all getting too much. Ashton had left me alone so I could do homework. Tears streamed down my cheeks, I went and stood at my mirror. I looked at myself and I knew she was right. “I’m so ugly.” I said to my reflection. “What did you just say?” Ashton’s voice made me jump, he shook his head. He wrapped his arms around me. “Don’t cry and don’t ever say that you are ugly ever again.” He whispered his chin resting on my shoulder. Tears still fell, I turned around in his arms. I pressed my face to his chest, he kissed the top of my head. “You are so beautiful and anyone who tells you different is jealous.” He said softly, I whimpered against his chest. “I love you forget about them.” He whispered kissing the top of my head.

Luke: Your POV

I sat at my desk, staring at my homework and assignments. Everything was piling up, I was so stressed. Mum and dad had gone to bed, I thought about calling my boyfriend Luke but he was on the other side of the world touring with his band. 

I went to the kitchen to get something to drink and eat to keep me awake, I came back to my room. All of my work staring back at me … Wow fatigue was really getting to me. I sat at my desk staring at my work, before I could even stop it tears began falling. It seemed like such a petty thing to cry over but I couldn’t handle it. And with Luke gone things were even harder. I folded my arms on my desk resting my chin on my forearms while I cried. 

A while later I heard a tapping at my window, I turned to see… No it couldn’t be. Luke. I opened the window quickly letting him in. “I’ve missed you so much.” He whispered as he enveloped me in a tight hug. “Why are you crying?” He asked softly pulling back, I shrugged. “School. I have so much homework and fifty thousand assignments and I am just so stressed by all of it. I just want it to stop.” I ranted more tears falling, Luke hugged me tightly, ”I can help if you want.” He said, I smiled. “No, I want to just be with you.” I said softly, he grinned. “Alright, come on. Into bed.” He said pulling back my covers, and flicking his head towards the bed. I crawled into bed, he followed behind. Tears were still rolling down my cheeks, Luke’s thumbs swiped over my cheeks. “Forget about everything else for a while, it’s just you and me.” He whispered before he began to softly sing Disconnected in my ear eventually lulling me to sleep. 

Michael: His POV

Y/N’s mum had called me a few days ago to tell me that she wasn’t coping with the distance and me being away from her all the time. I couldn’t end things with her she was my everything. She was so precious to me and I couldn’t lose her so I did the only thing I thought would help and that was to go see her while I had a week off.

Y/N’s mum picked me up from the airport, and hadn’t told Y/N that I was coming to visit her. I was glad that the drive was only short from the airport to Y/N’s house.

Before we went into the house, Y/N’s mum stopped me. “She might be a little distraught.” She said, I nodded understanding.

I went into Y/N’s room hearing her crying, she was talking to someone. “I miss him so much, I just want him to be here.” She said, I didn’t want to scare her so I just sat on her bed beside her. She turned to me ready to tell me off, when she almost dropped her phone. “Y/B/F/N I’m going to have to talk to you later.” She said hanging up her phone. “MICHAEL! What are you doing here?” She exclaimed, I smiled. “I heard that you weren’t doing so well with the distance and I wanted to see you and make you feel better.” I said as she wrapped her arms around me tight. Tears streamed down her pink cheeks, she looked me in the eyes. I wiped her tears away. “Don’t cry beautiful, I’m here now.” I whispered kissing her cheeks and then her lips. “I’ve missed you so much Michael.” She cried softly, I smiled pulling her close to me. “Well you’re not going to be missing me anymore. I’m right here and you’re coming back with me.” I said happily, she smiled kissing me passionately. “I’ll take that as a yes.” I chuckled against her lips, she giggled and kissed me again. I slept over that night and stayed with Y/N catching up on everything. 

A/N: Hope you like it!!!! Sorry that I keep randomly skipping days :/ school has been getting stressful :( I’m trying my best.  

~ Lucy xx

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