#82 Your Child Doesn't Like Another Boy

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Calum: I watched Calum waking up our daughter; Tiffany. “Have to see uncle Luke today? Don’t we beautiful?” He cooed, he held her to his chest before putting her down. 

I left him to help her get dressed, I heard knocking on the door. I opened the door to be greeted by Luke. “Where’s my favourite niece?” He asked loudly, Calum came into view with Tiffany just behind him. At the sight of Luke she clung to his leg. “There she is!” Luke said happily not noticing her sudden change. He came a little closer, her tiny hands gripped Calum’s jeans. “Daddy…” She sobbed, Calum bent down to her. “Don’t you want to see uncle Lukey?” He asked, she shook her head. “He scary.” She mumbled out. “Tiff sweetheart. He’s not scary.” I said bending down to her. Her big brown eyes watching the tall blonde man in front of her. I stood up and hugged Luke. “See he’s not scary.” I said as Luke hugged me back. “Daddy.” She said quietly, Calum grinned and nodded at her. I stood back from Luke. Tiffany shifted forward and wrapped her little arms around his leg. A big grin formed on his face. “You guys go have a day out together.” Luke said as he lifted Tiffany up. “Do you want to stay here with Lukey?” Calum cooed, she looked at Luke and then back to us and nodded. 

When Calum and I got back from our day out we found Luke and Tiffany asleep on the floor together, I giggled at their major differences. “So much for Luke being scary.” Calum mumbled, I chuckled squeezing his side. I was glad that Luke didn’t scare our daughter away. 

Ashton: This was going to be the first time the boys would be meeting mine and Ashton’s son, Andy well when he could comprehend what was happening. Ashton and I had pre-warned the boys that he may be apprehensive at first, which they all understood. 

Ashton was sat on the floor with Andy,  I grinned at them. They were so alike, he had Ashton’s hair, eyes, dimples, everything. I heard a gentle knock on the door, I went to answer it. “Shh, he’s in there with Ashton.” I said leading them inside. We rounded the corner, to see Ashton trying to get Andy to walk. “I always knew he’d make a great dad.” Luke said to me quietly, Ashton and Andy looked at us. “Hey guys.” Ashton said, I went and sat with him. Andy crawled onto my lap. “He’s so cute. He’s got Y/N’s looks.” Michael complimented. “Are you kidding? He’s all Ashton.” I said, bouncing Andy on my knees. They all came to sit on the floor with us. Andy crawled over to Luke first. He reached up to touch his hair, I’d never seen Luke move so fast. “He won’t hurt your quiff.” I teased, he glared at me. “Dada?” I heard Andy say, his tiny chubby hands gripping Luke’s shirt. We all laughed at his mistake. “Andy I don’t look like him do I?” Ashton mocked, tickling Andy’s tummy. His adorable giggle sounded through the room. Ashton stopped and let him meet Michael and Calum. He crawled over to Calum, before moving to Michael instead. Calum looked a bit hurt, everyone knew that Calum and Ashton were very close and to have Ashton’s son not like him was a blow. I watched as Andy took an interest in Michael’s brightly coloured hair. His big green eyes searching over Michael’s head. Next he noticed his tattoos on his hands. He traced the tattoos on Michael’s hand with his little fingers. He looked at Calum again, tears welling Andy’s eyes. “Hey Andy, look at Calum’s tattoos.” Ashton said pointing at Calum’s chest and arms. Andy was suddenly intrigued. He touched Calum’s arm, touching his Mali tattoo. His big green eyes looked up at Calum as if to see if it was okay. Calum didn’t move, we all watched on as Andy lost his fear of Calum and examined his tattoos. 

By the time they had to leave, Andy didn’t want Calum to go, Ashton chuckled holding back his wriggling son. “He definitely like you. You both have separation disorder from Calum.” I teased shutting the door behind the boys. “Shut up Y/N at least he didn’t scream and cry seeing the boys.” Ashton replied jokingly, I grinned. I kissed his cheek and then Andy’s. “My favourite boys.” I said, smiling up at Ashton. “I love you.” He whispered, kissing my nose. “I love you too.” I said, Ashton wrapped his free arm around me. I was so glad it all worked out well. 

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