Poker Night - Luke Imagine (His POV)

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I had the boys and Y/N around for a chill out night since we had gotten back from tour and we didn’t want to do anything.

We were enjoying our movie when the power went out, we all groaned knowing there wasn’t much else to do. “Well what can we do now?” Y/N asked, I stood up going to get some candles and battery lamps. “I have an idea but I don’t think you’ll like it…” Michael said, I struck a match lighting the candles and turning on the lamp. The room lit up brightly, “oooh sexy.” Ashton joked as I sat down beside Y/N. “so what’s this idea that I won’t like?” I asked, he smiled at me. “Well… Strip poker.”

"Uh uh, no way." I said shaking my head, I liked Y/N and sure I wouldn’t mind seeing a bit more of her but not with the boys around. "Aw is Lukey scared to get his clothes off in front of Y/N?" Calum joked, I shook my head a little too quickly. "I’ll play." Y/N said coolly, the boys all perked up. "On one condition… You don’t gang up on me.” We all nodded at her, she smiled. I got up grabbing a deck of cards. “So are we playing, winning hand chooses someone and the item of clothing?” Ashton asked, I nodded as I sat in the circle that they had moved to.

We were up to our third hand and Michael had no shoes, Y/N had taken off her sweater and Ashton had his socks off. “And full house.” Y/N said as she laid down her cards, Calum, Ashton, Michael and I all threw our cards down. “How are you doing this?” Ashton asked, Y/N giggled. “Shut up sock boy.” She snapped in a jokey tone. “Hmm…” She thought, her eyes landed on me as she smiled evilly. “Shirt off Hemmings.” She said snapping her fingers at me, my mouth dropped and went dry. “Oh… jumping right in Y/N!” Michael teased, I slapped him across the back of the head. I rolled my eyes and tugged my shirt off my head, I noticed Y/N looking at her lap nervously. Maybe she did like me… nah…

I won the next hand, “time for payback, yes?” Michael whispered in my ear, I blushed. “Hell yeah.” I replied, I looked at Y/N. “Shirt, Y/N.”

“Oh you are the devil.” She said, rolling her eyes as she threw her shirt into the pile on the floor. My eyes lingered on her chest, I know it was bad but she was so beautiful and so hot. “Eyes are up here Hemmo.” She joked, my vision snapped up to her face. “Sorry.”

“Luke’s excited…” Calum joked, stretching out the ‘excited’. “Shut up.” I snarled across the circle, Y/N laughed at our not so subtle interaction. “I was kidding Luke, just don’t look there again.” She said, I rolled my eyes. “Okay next hand.” I said trying to move the conversation on.

The next few hands Y/N was smashing it, we were all shirtless, only Ashton and I were in our underwear.

Michael was sat giggling as he started down at his cards, we all knew that he had no poker face. “Read ‘em and weep.” He said laying down a flush. “Oh, you are the devil.” Y/N groaned chucking her cards down. “Since you got all of our shirts off and Ashton and Luke’s pants off it’s your turn.”

“No…” She groaned, Michael shook his head. She stood up in a huff, and began shimming her jeans down her legs and then chucking them into the pile. “You know Michael, I really don’t like you.” She said sitting down in just her underwear. “Hey Luke, stop drooling.” Calum said, wiping my chin even though there was nothing there. “I wasn’t.” I said shoving his hand away, Y/N giggled; I loved the sound of her laugh.

Two more hands later and we were all in our underwear, and that was when the lantern went out and only a few little candles were lighting the room. I knew that Y/N wasn’t very good in the dark. “Luke, we should go home it’s getting late.” Michael said, I nodded at him. Ashton, Michael and Calum all picked up their clothes in the faint light. Y/N sat across from me as they all left.

“Luke,” she said quietly, I felt her hand lightly rub over my leg. I jolted in my place, I felt her soft skin brush mine as she curled up beside me. “Are you okay?”

“I’m just a little nervous, you know I don’t like the dark Luke.” She said, my arm wrapped around her tightly. “Do you want to stay here tonight?” I felt her nod against my chest, I kissed the top of her head. In the warm light I saw her look up at me, her face getting closer to mine. My breath hitched as she pressed her lips to mine, her tongue lightly going across my bottom lip. I allowed her entrance, she smiled into the kiss. She suddenly pulled away and looked away from me. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Don’t be. I loved it.” I whispered, pecking her lips. She cuddled into my side again. A little while later I felt her drift off to sleep in my arms, I stood up lifting her into my arms clutching her against my chest. Blowing out all the candles plunging us into darkness, I managed to find me way to my bedroom without bumping into anything. She softly stirred in my arms. I laid her down on my bed, “Luke, wait.” She whispered, grabbing my arm. “Stay here with me.” She said, my breath hitched in my throat. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah.” She said softly, making room for me. I crawled into bed beside her. My arms going around her small frame clutching her to me… maybe I should tell her that I have been in love with her since I’ve known her.

A/N: Hope you like it! I was thinking of doing a part 2 so if you want one please let me know!

~ Lucy xx

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