Under The Mistletoe - Calum Imagine

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I couldn’t believe it was almost Christmas already! This year had gone so quickly. I hadn’t seen my friends in so long as they were usually on the other side of the world touring. I was so proud of them, but I still missed them so much. 

I had planned a small Christmas party for the five of us to get together. 

"This is amazing!" Ashton cheered as he walked through the door into my little winter wonderland… in the middle of summer. "Thanks, Ash. Where are the rest of the boys?" I asked seeing no one else following behind him. "They’ll be a bit late, Luke and Calum are trying to get Michael out of his house. You know how he is." He chuckled, I grinned. "Okay," I nodded, we made our way into the lounge room. I grabbed us both a beer. "We need to talk about Calum while he isn’t here."  

"Wh-what? Why?" I asked shocked, I didn’t know what to say, no one knew that I liked Calum more than a friend but if Ashton knew surely so did Calum. "Y/N, you’ve gone white. Are you okay?" He asked, I nodded not trusting my voice. "Okay well, he doesn’t shut up about you and the boys and I are sick of it. So we need to get some mistletoe up here somewhere, because I know that you have liked him for ages and he’s liked you. So just get together already!" He pleaded, much to my shock. I nodded. I had already thought of doing something like this but I didn’t have the courage.

Ashton helped me put up the mistletoe, just as the boys walked through the door. “Hello! I’ve missed you all so much!” I gushed hugging the three of them at the same time. I laughed as they all yelled over the top of my head. Ashton pulled Luke and Michael away and pushed me and Calum forward. Calum looked at me confused, I rolled my eyes at Ashton. “Look up, ya dope.” Calum saw the mistletoe hanging above our heads, his cheeks went beet red. I was sure my cheeks did the same, I hid my face behind my hands. “I’m sorry, it was all Ashton.” I said shaking my head. I felt Calum’s finger hook under my chin, tilting my face up to his. He leaned down and softly pressed his lips to mine. I was almost hypnotised by the simple contact. His arms wrapped tightly around me. He pulled away, his eyes flickered to mine. “I’ve waited so long to do that.” He grinned, I blushed and looked over at the boys. They all beamed at us. “Finally!” 

"Thank you Ashton." Calum said giggling as he held me tightly. "Okay let’s get this party started." I said, pecking Calum’s cheek and moving over to the lounge room, where we spent the rest of the night drinking and talking. 

A/N:Hope you like it!!! xx 

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