Stuck With You - Ashton Imagine (Part 6)

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 “Why not? What do you have to lose?” He asked softly, I shook my head I rolled over to face him. “Everything. Ashton the last guy I liked treated me like crap and I got hurt really bad and I don’t want to go through that again. I didn’t want to you to freak out on me either, because I’m not the best girl in the world. I’m not the prettiest and not the best at relationships. So I figured if you didn’t know I liked you then I wouldn’t get hurt.” I explained, he frowned. He didn’t say anything, he ducked his head and kissed me. “You’re beautiful. Don’t let anyone tell you different.” He said against my lips before pulling away. “Y/N, I’ve liked you for a long time but I’ve been scared to tell you for the same reason. But I’m glad I’ve told you, don’t you feel the same?” He asked, I nodded. “Yes, Ashton. Can we go out today?” I asked softly, he grinned pecking my nose.

We got up and got ready, it was almost lunch time before we got out of the house. He took me out to the local mall, I knew my best friend could be here today but I was willing to take the risk. He took me to the restaurant that was out of the way of all the people. “Honestly, a week ago I wouldn’t have thought that I would be doing this.” He said as we sat across from each other at a private table. “Me either, I think I’m enjoying myself too much.” I said, he took my hand, his thumb rubbing over the back of my hand. We read through our menus, we had both found what we wanted. I told him what I wanted before he stood up. “I’ll go order, I’ll be back.” He said, I nodded pulling out my phone. I scrolled through my tumblr, I heard the chair across from me move. I looked up, seeing a guy sitting across from me. “That seat is taken.” I said avoiding his eyes, he shrugged. “Doesn’t look too taken to me.” He said menacingly, a chill went down my spine. “My boyfriend is over there and he won’t appreciate you sitting here.” I said harshly, he stood up quickly and walked off. I felt so scared, Ashton sat across from me. “Y/N are you okay?” He asked, I shook my head. The guy who had sat with me before was sitting two tables down and he was smiling at me. “Ashton, that guy down there is staring at me.” I said discreetly, he looked over. “Do you want to go?” He asked, I shrugged. “I feel really uncomfortable.” I said, he stood up and took my hand. “He sat at our table.” I said softly, Ashton turned to me sharply. “Did he do anything to you?” He asked concerned, his hand skimmed up my arm. “No, he just scared me. I just want to leave.” I said softly, he nodded. He laced his fingers with mine, my heart fluttered in my chest and butterflies erupted in my stomach. “I told him you were my boyfriend.” As soon as the words left my mouth I knew I shouldn’t have said it. “Do you want me to be your boyfriend?” He asked, I was shocked. “Yeah, I do but I don’t want to scare you.” I said smiling up at him. We moved into the flow of people, “well, I’m your boyfriend now.” He said kissing my cheek, I giggled leaning into his side. “Oh my god, Y/N!” My best friend yelled from a shop near us. She ran over to us, hugging me. “Hello Ashton, how come you’re here?” She asked as if our conversation this morning didn’t happen. “Y/N and I are kind of together now.” He said shrugging his shoulders, her eyes trailed down to our joined hands. She smiled up at me, knowing that I had liked him for a while. “About time!” She said happily, which made it awkward. “Okay, I’ve made this awkward, I’m sorry bye guys.” She said, I laughed as she went back to her mum in the other shop. “That was awkward.” Ashton said, I nodded. “And you wanted to know why I didn’t want you to know I liked you… I love her but she makes things awkward.” I said, he laughed he squeezed my hand. “Do you want to just go home?” he asked, I nodded.

We picked up take-away on the way home. After we finished lunch we went out the back since it was such a nice day. We sat on the love seat under the tree, his arms around me my head on his chest. I still couldn’t believe how much he had changed in just a couple of weeks. It was a good change though; I hoped that he was happy with being with me. “I think I’m in love with you.” Ashton whispered, my heart stopped. “You what?” I asked shocked, he grinned at me. “I’m sorry if I’ve scared you but I think I am.” He said, I nodded. I reached up and kissed him softly. That was the only confirmation he needed.

A/N: Hope you like it!!!! 

~ Lucy xx 

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