#30 Twitcam

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Calum: Calum was scrolling through twitter on his laptop as I watched TV. “Hey, babe want to do a Twitcam?” Calum asked turning to me, I nodded. “Yeah sure. I’ll be back in a second.” I said going to fix up my hair because I looked terrible.

“You good?” Calum asked as I came into the lounge room, I nodded. “Hey guys, Y/N has just come in and she’s gonna chill with me for a while.” He said patting the space beside him, I sat down, Calum’s arm around my shoulder. I smiled and waved at the webcam. “Hi guys.” I said happily.

We answered questions and decided to do some truths and dares. “How did you guys meet?” I read out, Calum looked at me. “I’m letting you take this one.” I said not giving him any hints. “We were at an M&G. And I saw her and I was like oh my god she’s beautiful and then yeah we got to talking and here we are.” He said, I was so glad he remembered. He smiled at him, he sneakily pecked my cheek. I blushed, glad that it couldn’t be seen on the camera. “Anyway I’m going to get something to eat.” I said getting up, Calum suddenly grabbed my hips pulling me down onto his lap. “Calum!” I squealed as he tickled me. “Stop! Please!” I panted out as he continued. “Stay and cuddle with me.” He said sitting up with me on his lap. All the tweets were saying something along the lines of “aww you guys are so cute” or “Just get married already”.

We did the Twitcam for a little while, until we ran out of things to say and do.   

Ashton: I woke up feeling terrible I had come down with a really bad cold so I hadn’t been doing too well, Ashton was sitting beside me with his laptop open. “What are you doing?” I asked, my voice making me sound like a man. “I was thinking of doing a Twitcam…” He pondered, I shook my head. “Not in here. I look terrible; I sound like a man and no just no. If you’re going to do a Twitcam it’s not going to be in here.” I concluded rolling over and trying to go back to sleep.

I managed to sleep for a while before being woken up again, Ashton was talking to the Twitcam in the other room. I crawled out of bed and went to go see him. He beamed at me, I gave him a small smile back. “Hey Y/N, how are you feeling?” He asked concerned, I shrugged. “Not good, but I’ll be fine. Still doing the Twitcam?” I asked, he nodded. “Come say hi. Everyone’s asking about how you are.” Ashton said waving me over, I sat beside him on the lounge. He pulled me into his side. “Hi everyone, I’m sorry I sound like a man.” I said waving at the camera, I saw a few of the tweets saying “get well” and “hope you feel better”.

“Thanks for all the tweets guys.” I smiled, Ashton’s arm tightened on my shoulders. I rested my head on his shoulder as I was so tired. “Are you happy to be back with Y/N after the tour?” Ashton read out quietly, he nodded. “Yeah, I definitely missed her but she’s here now.” He answered.

We spent a little more time answering questions before I got tired and needed some rest. “Okay guys we’re going to have to go. I need to be Doctor Ashton. Bye guys. Love you.” He said blowing a kiss to the camera before going offline.

Luke: Luke had invited me to come on tour with him for a while so it meant that I had to share a bus with four rowdy, hormonal teenage boys. I was in Luke’s bunk scrolling through my twitter seeing that the boys were having a Twitcam. I could hear them at the back of the bus, but I left them to their business.

After some time they were getting too loud for my liking so I jumped down from Luke’s bunk and went to the back of the bus where the boys were. “Do you guys mind?” I asked, I stopped when I saw Calum curled up against Luke cuddling him. “You’ve been replaced.” Michael joked, I rolled my eyes and walked out. “Y/N! Come back! Do the Twitcam with us.” Ashton called out, I walked into the room again. “Only if Luke cuddles me not Calum.” I said, Calum moved out of the way and Luke opened his arms for me to sit with him. “Guys, I’ve been kicked out.” Calum complained, I laughed and shoved him lightly. “I’m his girlfriend!” Luke’s arms tightened on me. “What is it like being on tour with the boys?” Ashton asked leaning forward, reading the question. “Honestly, its great seeing Luke but you are all a pain in the ass.” I said honestly, looking at the boys. A few people tweeted back asking why. “Well, they tease me all the time, they are so loud. Oh yeah and these two love running around naked.” I said point to Calum and Michael. “I know you guys all want to see that but it’s the most annoying thing. Like the other night I got up to get a drink and find Ashton, Calum and Michael mooning people outside the bus.” I said, Calum and Michael looked at the floor.

The boys directed the conversation away from their nakedness and talked about other stuff to do with the tour.

“We have to go anyway bye guys!” Michael said happily to the camera before turning it off.

Michael: His POV

I saw my mentions blowing up because everyone wanted me to do a Twitcam, I decided to give the fans what they wanted. I got it set up, “Is it working?” I asked into the camera and I got several responses. “Well then, what to do now?” I saw all the tweets coming up about Y/N. “Y/N is sleeping, the flight has kind of made her really tired. Jet lag has hit her like a train.” I said quietly, hoping not to wake up Y/N. A lot of people were asking if they could see Y/N and I was hesitant but then I thought I could use this to my advantage.

I went into the bedroom putting the laptop on the table so the viewers could see the room. I poked her cheek, she stirred in her sleep and move a little. I spotted a marker on the bedside table, it was totally cruel but she had done much worse to me. I showed the marker to the laptop and smiled wide. I drew a moustache and a monobrow on her and ‘I love Michael’ on her forehead. “She’s going to hate me.” I laughed quietly, taking the laptop out of the room.

I laughed about what I had done for a while, “Michael!” I heard Y/N yell. “Shit, she knows. She’s going to kill me.” I said to the camera. “Do you want to explain to me why I have a monobrow, moustache and ‘I love Michael’ on my face?” She asked standing in front of me. “It was their fault, they told me to do it.” I said pointing to the laptop. She came and stood in front of the camera, my masterpiece came into view for all the viewers. She turned to me and held up a marker. “Payback’s a bitch.” She said before straddling me on the lounge and drawing all over my face with the marker. I fought against her and she was very close to losing. She stopped drawing on my face and got off me. “Okay guys, we need to go. So we will see you soon love you.” Michael said before shutting off the webcam.    

A/N: Not my best but hope you like it!

~ Lucy xx

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