#7 Scratches and Love bites

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Calum: I woke up feeling pretty good about the events of last night with Calum. He was already out of bed and in the shower. 

“Y/N! Do you want to explain this?” Calum asked loudly coming out of the bathroom, he turned around revealing bright red lines all down his back. “Aw! Cal, I’m sorry you’re just so good.” I said my cheeks flushing bright red. “I’m going to the beach with the boys today. You’re coming with me.” He concluded, I rolled my eyes quickly kissing his cheek.

Calum and I got to the beach meeting up with the boys. Calum had forgotten all about the scratches on his back, the boys were all taking off their shirts and Calum followed suit. “Wow, Calum what happened to you, you look like a tiger attacked you.” Luke said grabbing his shoulder and looking at his best mates back. “Hey Y/N. Would that tiger happen to be you?” Ash cheekily asked, I blushed and nodded. 

They continued to make jokes all day, driving both Calum and I insane.

Ashton: I was having a quick shower before Ashton woke up. As I was drying my hair I noticed a few black and purple bruises on my neck, shoulders and chest. “I’m gonna kill him.” I huffed to myself. I didn’t even care that he was asleep. “ASHTON FLETCHER IRWIN!” I yelled coming into the bedroom, he jumped waking up quickly. “What? What?” He asked sitting up and looking around. “Look what you did!” I said pointing to the marks on my neck. He grinned, clearly proud of himself… cocky bastard. He got up and stood in front of me, moving my hair away from my neck. “Damn! I’m good!” He said, I smacked his arm making him jump. “Hey… this is not my fault.” 

“They were your lips Ashton. Plus I don’t care whose fault it is. I have to go to work today.” I complained, he smirked and kissed me. “You love me and you don’t have work today. It’s Saturday.” He said, I rolled my eyes. I went back into the bathroom to have another look at what Ashton had left on my neck. 

“Nothing’s working.” I sighed plopping down on the bed. “Don’t worry about it.” Ashton groaned into his pillow. “You’re lucky, Irwin.” I grumbled cuddling into his side. “I know.” 

Ashton and I spent the day cuddled up to each other and forgetting about the love bites.

Luke: All day my hips have been hurting and I knew exactly why. Luke had decided to be rougher than usual, leaving bruises in the shape of his fingers on my hips. 

Later in the afternoon Luke came home with his band mates in tow. “Y/N we were thinking of a movie marathon.” He announced, I nodded. I was planning on doing that tonight anyway. 

We got set up, Cal and Ash on one lounge, Mike on the other and Luke and I cuddled up on the floor surrounded by pillow. “Y/N what happened to your hip?” Michael asked pausing the movie, I felt Luke shift awkwardly beside me. I looked down, noticing my shirt was up, revealing the bruises. “I ran into a table.” I said quickly, Calum rolled his eyes. “Was that table called Luke Hemmings?” Cal sniggered, Luke slapped Calum. “Shut up and watch the movie.” He said sternly, the other three all laughed and hit play on the movie. “I’m sorry.” Luke whispered, he pressed his face into the crook of my neck. “It’s okay.” I replied. Later that night the jokes about my hips kept coming until they left.   

Michael: His POV

I woke up feeling pretty good about myself from last night with Y/N. I honestly don’t know how I'm going to be at the gym today. I rolled out of bed, making sure not to wake Y/N.

I got dressed; before I put my shirt on I noticed bruises all down my torso. I smiled and shook my head, the boys are going to kill me. 

I arrive at the gym preparing for the worst. I was glad we had it to ourselves. The other greeted me saying I was late as usual. Without even thinking I took my shirt off. “Michael, what happened to you?” Luke asked, I hesitated for a second. “Oh I fell over.” I said nervously, knowing that they picked up on my lie straight away. “You fell over?” Ash asked sceptically. “Yeah he fell over onto his girlfriend’s lips.” Cal joked; I rolled my eyes ignoring their jokes and started my workout… with my shirt on. 

A/N: Sorry it’s a bit late again today :) I found this really fun to write :D Hope you like it! ~ Lucy xx

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