Always Yours - Luke Imagine

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I was so happy when I felt the sand shift between my toes. Lifting my head up, I spread my arms out and felt the wind whip through my hair and clothes. It felt like I was flying. Luke’s steady hands found my waist beneath my flapping cardigan, moving until they found each other on my stomach. “Having fun?” He asked in my ear. I leaned my head into his cheek, absorbing his presence with this weird feeling of freedom. It felt like I could soar high above the clouds, but I knew that I was rooted to the earth, kept here by everything I love. One of those things was Luke. But he had no idea, and I intended to keep it that way so I didn’t ruin our friendship. To anyone outside of our bubble we seemed like a couple, young teens bound together by lust with a tinge of love. But really we were friends, who have been extremely close since childhood. “Mmm.” I hummed back. Luke chuckled at my absorption in my thoughts. But I knew what was going on around me. I turned on my heels, bringing my arms onto his chest. “I wanna go to the water.” I smiled. “Then let’s go!” Luke laughed. I giggled and grabbed his hand, running as fast as I could toward the blue water, painted with orange stripes by the sun. Before I could register, Luke flicked out in front of me and crouched. I tried to stop but he quickly lifted me over his shoulder and resumed running toward the water. “Luke put me down!” I laughed, playfully hitting his back. “Never!” He cried. I watched as the sand beneath Luke’s feet quickly became emersed in foam and water. “Luke I want to see the ocean!” I exclaimed, still giggling from the high of excitement and butterflies. Reluctantly Luke put me on the ground, but before my feet touched the sand I pulled off his SnapBack. “Hey, give that back!” He laughed. “You’re going to have to catch me!” I giggled, running away from Luke along the beach. Water splashed against my thighs as my feet slapped down in the shallow ocean. “Y/N! I’m gonna get you!” Luke called out. I turned my head to see him right behind me. Luke quickly grabbed my waist and lifted me off the ground, spinning me around. I screamed in response but it quickly turned into a fit of giggles. “Luke!” I giggled, “Put me down!” Luke put me down once again but he didn’t let me go this time. He spun me around to face him. “Can you please give me my SnapBack?” He asked, exaggerating the please. I smirked at his plea. “Fine then Lukey!” I smiled, using my childish voice. I placed the SnapBack on his head, pushing down the back so it didn’t cover his crystal blue eyes. Luke raised an eyebrow mischievously before taking the hat back off and placing it on me. The front slumped forward, covering my face while nearly falling off. I pushed it up, grinning at Luke like I did when we were kids. He laughed at my toothy grin and I laughed with him. I loved it when we laughed like this together. Just like when we were kids. Luke’s laughter ceased as his eyes stared into mine admiringly. My smile slowly fell as I felt the heat rising in my cheeks. The way he was holding me and the way he was looking at me was something new. Luke flicked off the SnapBack, letting it drop to the ground before tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. My heart raced in my chest as he pulled me closer to him, our chests bumping together. I never took notice of Luke’s lip ring, but with the closeness of our faces I couldn’t help but look at how it stood out against his plump, pink lips. The manipulative lips he could form into a pout that made me give in to whatever he wanted. Now his lips made my knees want to give in. Luke hesitantly leaned in, his hot breath tickling my skin. Our noses brushed against each other as we lined our lips up before pushing them together. His lips moulded perfectly with mine, the softness of them making his hard lip ring noticeable. It tickled my skin as we separated before quickly kissing again. I could feel his heart slamming against his chest as his hands gripped my waist, mine winding their way around his neck, pulling us even closer together. I didn’t want to stop kissing Luke but I needed to breathe so I pulled away, gasping from both the experience and the want for oxygen. “I didn’t know you felt that way.” I whispered. “I’ve always felt this way Y/N,” He breathed, looking down to his feet, “I was just too scared to tell you.” I leaned my forehead against his, smiling at his confession. “You shouldn’t have been scared. I like you too.” I smiled. Luke looked up into my eyes hopefully, wanting so badly for what I said I be true. “More than friends.” I whispered. The corners of Luke’s lips turned up as he realised I felt the same way about him as he does about me. “I’ve wanted you to be mine for years. Now it’s finally happening.” He chuckled nervously. I slid my hands down to his chest, relishing the uplifting feeling of something new, of something amazing happening. I looked at my hands and bit my lip nervously. “I’ve always been yours. You just haven’t realised.” I breathed, looking back up at his magnetic eyes. I pushed my lips against his again for a kiss. And then another and another. We pulled away smiling as we finally received what we’ve both wanted for ages. Each other. “I’ve always been yours,” I whispered, “Always.”

A/N Okay this was a bit rushed because I got the idea late and tried to finish it quickly :) I hope you like it though!

Bianca xx

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