Miss Boxer - Luke Imagine

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I came home in a bright red rage. I had a crap day at work and was about to kill someone. “Hey beautiful.” Luke beamed at me, I frowned. “Luke, I’m really not in the mood.” I growled, he backed off. I knew the only way that I could blow off some steam was to go for a work out.

I changed into my singlet and shorts and went to mine and Luke’s home gym. I got on the treadmill trying to run out my frustration.  “Babe, that isn’t going to help at all.” Luke said, I jolted in fright. “God Luke you scared me.” I clutched my chest, he grinned. “Sorry, but that isn’t going to work.” He grinned, he grabbed his boxing gloves and strike pads. I stepped off the treadmill and faced him. He put the gloves on my hands. He knew I had always wanted to do this. “Come here babe. Give me your best shot.” He stood in front of me his hands at perfect height. I put my hands up in guard, I was nervous. I punched as hard as I could repetitively. Luke just smiled at me, “That felt good didn’t it?” He said shocked, I smiled blushing a bit. “You’re good. A little too good.” He teased, he took the gloves and pads off our hands. “Is that a problem?” I teased poking at his stomach, he laughed as his hands darted out to my stomach. I turned to run away but he grabbed my waist and trapped me between the door and his body. I laughed so hard trying to escape his playful grip. He laughed along with me. I slid to the floor and curled up, his hands still at my waist. Tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. He loved the fact that he was making me laugh, I could see it in his eyes. My arms shielding my stomach, he got my neck next. I curled up even more. He was over the top of me. He stopped tickling me, I relaxed underneath him. My arms coming down beside me. “You’re so sexy.” He said quietly, he leaned down and kissed my nose. Luke pulled me up off the floor, we stood together in a sweaty tangle of arms. “So how are you feeling now?” He asked softly kissing the top of my head. “I’m feeling better, still a little angry but that’s okay.” I grinned up at him. “How about we go have a shower and then I can give you a nice massage.” He suggested rubbing my shoulders, I nodded. “That would be nice.” I hummed kissing his chest softly.

After our shower, I laid on our bed. Tired from the workout and the shower. Luke’s hands gently began working out the knots in my shoulders and back. “You’re so sexy when you get angry.” He teased in my ear, I shivered under his soft touch on my neck. I blushed and hid my face more. “I’m kidding, but I like that you’re into boxing. It’s hot.” He said, he sounded happy with himself. I giggled pressing my face into the pillow.

I don’t know how long it was but when Luke finished my massage he laid beside me, his legs tangling with mine. His hand on my hip, his thumb brushing over the bone every now and then. My hand on his chest, I just played with the fabric of his shirt. He caught my hand, he kissed my knuckles. He took my hand in his large one. “You’re perfect.” He whispered into my hand. “Far from it.” I looked into his eyes. He smiled, he leaned down and kissed me softly, his hand lightly stroking my cheek. His thumb did the same on my hip. I was beginning to fall asleep, my head rested on his chest. I listened to the thrum of his heart against my cheek, it was soothing and relaxing. “Good night Luke.” I mumbled, he chuckled and kissed the top of my head. “Good night, miss boxer.” He kissed my again, before I fell into unconsciousness. 

A/N: Hope you like it!!! This has been sitting in my drafts, unfinished for ages! I’m so happy to have finished it! It’s probably not the best but it’s something. :D 

~ Lucy xx

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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