#43 Your Friend Hits on Him

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Calum: My friend had been asking me about a guy I had been seeing, Calum. I told her that he was now my boyfriend. “I want to meet him. I don’t even know what he looks like.” She gushed to me over the phone. “Well Calum’s here now.” I said, I turned asking him if she could come over. He nodded at me. “Yeah come over now if you want?” She accepted my offer and hung up.

I hugged my friend as she walked in the door. “Where’s this Calum?” She asked looking around. “Here I am.” He chirped coming into view, I noticed my best friend perk up a bit. “I’m Calum. So you’re the best friend Y/N talks about all the time.” Calum said sweetly, he held out his hand for her to shake. She smiled at him shaking his hand. “Okay… Come into the lounge room. Do you want anything?” I asked as they sat down. “I’ll just have a water thanks. Y/N.” My friend said happily. “Nothing thanks babe.” Calum nodded towards me.

I left the room to get myself and my friend a drink. I came back into the lounge room to see her on top of Calum, her face close to his. “Oh my god! What are you doing?”

"Get off me!" Calum said pushing her off by her shoulders. "Y/N. He made a move on me. It’s not my fault." She said innocently, I glared at her knowing that she was lying. "Leave." I said pointing to the door. Neither of them budged. "Calum you dog you heard her." She said trying to push Calum. "No he stays. You go. How dare you hit on my boyfriend?" I said pointing at the door again. "He’s sexy. And I had to check if he was a cheater." She said, I shook my head knowing that this wasn’t the first time she’d done something like this. Not with me but my other friends. She shrugged and got up leaving the room. I sat down with Calum, he looked at me. "I’m sorry. This isn’t the first time she’s done this." I said leaning into his side, he smiled. "Don’t worry. I only like you." He said kissing my nose softly.

Ashton: Since Ashton had come home for a break from tour I asked him to come to the beach with my best friend and me. My best friend hadn’t met Ashton yet so this was exciting for her.

We met up with Ashton at the beach, “Hey Ash!” I beamed giving him a hug. “Hey Y/N. Long-time no see.” He said squeezing me and lifting me off the ground. He put me down, letting go of me. “I’m guessing you’re Ashton?” She said holding out her hand. “Yeah hey.” Ashton waved, she smiled. “Ready to hit the waves?” I asked trying to break the awkwardness. “Yeah let’s go.” Ashton said grabbing my hand. I looked over at my best friend, her eyes trailing up and down Ashton’s lean body.

We got down to the sand, laying out our towels. “You coming for a swim, Y/N?”

"Yeah just let me put my sunscreen on?" I said taking off my sundress. I handed Ashton the sunscreen who began putting it on my back. "That’s cold and it tickles." I giggled, I heard Ashton chuckle behind me. "Ashton do you want me to do your back?" I heard my best friend ask, a little bit of jealousy ran through me. Even though he wasn’t my boyfriend I still had a tiny thing for him. "Yeah sure." He said when my back was done, I turned around I saw him take off his shirt; bronzed skin revealed to us. I had to swallowed back the lump in my throat. "Jeez Y/N nice choice in a best friend." My best friend whispered to me, I shook my head. "Is he single?"

"Yeah." It hurt so much to say that. When my best friend had finished feeling up Ashton’s back, we were ready to go. "Hey you guys go ahead I’m going to sun bake for a while." I said sliding on my sunnies.

My best friend said she had to go and we said our goodbyes. Leaving Ashton and I alone. “Hey Y/N. Are you okay?” Ashton asked laying beside me. “Yeah Ash I’m fine.” I shrugged, suddenly my sunnies were taken from my face. “Tell me what’s wrong.” I sat up sighing. “She was hitting on you.” I said digging into the sand. “Why do you care?”

"Because I’ve had a crush on you since the day we met and I’m jealous!" I snapped, Ashton smiled at me. He leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek. "I don’t care that she was hitting on me." He whispered in my ear, I smiled finally being able to breathe easy around Ashton.

Luke: Luke was oblivious when it came to girls making passes at him, it took him six months to figure out that I liked him. I don’t understand why he was so naive because he’s so attractive.

I was meeting up with Luke in a coffee shop down from the street from my place. I walked by the window seeing a girl running her hands over his broad chest, he pushed her hand away. I released that it was my best friend. I couldn’t blame her for doing it. I wandered into the shop. “Hey.” I chirped to the both of them. “Oh hey Y/N. This is Luke. Luke this is Y/N.” She introduced, Luke and I smiled at each other. We shook hands before Luke pulled me in for a kiss. I giggled against his lips as he cheekily squeezed my bum. “Y/N you can’t go kissing a guy you just met.” My friend snapped, Luke chuckled. “We didn’t just meet. Luke’s my boyfriend. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” I apologized. “Oh my god! I am so sorry. Y/N I really didn’t know!” My best friend gushed. “It’s okay you didn’t know.” I said placing my hand on her shoulder. “Alright I’ll let you get back to your date.” She said hugging me. “Bye.” Luke and I said.

We sat at our usual table in the corner of the shop. “I’m really sorry about my friend.”

"It’s okay, she didn’t know. I should be sorry I didn’t even realise she was flirting until she started touching me." He said taking my hands in his. "I forgive you. Not that there is anything to forgive."

"Thanks beautiful. Even if I didn’t know you or her I would pick you any day." He said sweetly, I blushed looking away from his eyes. "Aw Luke." I cooed, it was his turn to blush. "I will say you are so naive when it comes to flirting." I joked, he smiled broadly at me. "Shut up babe. You should be glad." He smiled winking at me. I loved how shy he was about girls.

Michael: Michael and I had been best friends for years but my one of my other friends had never met him as she was always busy when I tried to get them to meet. And I was delaying it because she was a big 5 Seconds of Summer fan. I hadn’t actually told her that I was friends with Michael.

Michael arrived at my house early, “Hey Michael. You’re early.”

"I know I need to talk to you." He said sounding scared. "Michael are you okay?" I asked stepping aside to let him in. "I need to tell you something." He said grabbing my hands and pulling me to sit on the lounge. "Okay you probably already know this but you’re beautiful, funny, smart, a little crazy and my best friend… But I want more. I just needed to tell you. I’m sorry, it was eating me alive." He gushed his words coming out a million miles an hour. "Okay slow down. Michael look at me." I said, I took a deep breath before kissing him softly. "Wait Y/N… Did you…?"

"Michael I have felt the same way but can we keep this quiet for my friend today she’s a fan."

"Of course." He nodded at me, before we could do anything else there was a knock on the door. "It’s open." I called going to the door to greet my best friend. She walked in, smiling at me. "So where’s this Michael – oh my god… Is that Michael Clifford?" She asked taking a step back as he stood up from the lounge. He came over a hugged her, she looked like she was about to burst into tears. "Do you guys want anything to drink?" I asked, they both looked at me and nodded. "You know my usual." My best friend said, I nodded. "Nothing thanks babe." Michael said, my heart fluttered at the sound of him calling me babe.

I went into the kitchen only to hear Michael grunt from the other room. I walked out with two glasses for my best friend and I, I saw my best friend pinning Michael to the wall; kissing him. I felt like crying. “Get off me.” Michael groaned pushing her back. “Ugh… This is why you’re my least favourite. You’re obnoxious and just a dick.” My friend sneered at Michael, he looked hurt. “I think you should leave. I don’t want my friends to be treated like that. Michael is the nicest guy I know.” I said, she shrugged flipping us off as she left. I was a bit upset with her how she treated him but this wasn’t the first time she had done this. I don’t know why I was friends with her, she was an outright bitch. “I’m sorry Michael.”

"It’s okay as long as you don’t think those things, I’m happy." He smiled pecking my cheek.

A/N: Hope you like it! 

~ Lucy xx

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