#26 He walks in on you changing/naked

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Calum: Calum and I had planned a dinner for tonight so I was in the bathroom getting ready after my shower. I had forgotten to bring a second towel for my hair so I resorted to doing my make-up naked. I sung along to the music I had playing in the corner, it was so loud I didn’t even hear Calum knocking on the door. That was until he burst in, I frantically looked for something to cover me… nothing. “Oh uh, hey Y/N. Sorry.” He said casually, trying to avoid my eyes. My heart thumped in my chest “I, uh. Um. Sorry. You’re really beautiful by the way.” He said stumbling over his words, I shooed him out of the bathroom. My heart thumping in my chest. Calum just saw me naked. I finished my make-up quickly and took my hair out of the towel, and used that to cover me up as I went into the bedroom. I was about to take off the towel when Calum walked in. “Oh my god! I am not doing this on purpose. I swear! I’m sorry. I’m going to leave now.” He said backing out of the room bumping into the door frame as he did so, I laughed at the idiot of a boyfriend I have and began getting changed… with no interruptions.  

Ashton: I came in from a hard day at work, I went straight up to our bedroom completely disregarding Ashton in the lounge room. As I kicked off my shoes, I flopped onto the bed yawning loudly; from all the stress I became flustered. I got up and pulled off my shirt and pants. I made my way over to my wardrobe looking for something to change into. “Hey Y/N –” Ashton said walking into the bedroom; I hid my exposed body with the door. “Sorry, I was just wondering how you were? You seemed angry before.” He said covering his eyes, I smiled. I walked over to him; I took his hand away from his face. His eyes still screwed shut. “Ashton you can look at me.” I said he opened his eyes. “Oh… wow. You’re… uhm, you’re stunning.” He stuttered, I blushed. “Thank you. And I wasn’t angry I’m just tired and stressed.” I sighed hugging him. He awkwardly hugged me back, it’s not like it was his first time seeing me in just my underwear. “Ashton you can touch me it’s okay.” I said, he relaxed when I kissed him softly. His hands locked around my back. “I can help you relax.” He said seductively in my ear. 

Luke: I came into Luke’s hotel room, a little tired from the day with Luke we were going out and seeing fans. Luke told me to go upstairs because he could see it was draining me. I laid out on the king size bed. I decided to change into Luke’s shirt and have a nap. I pulled the curtains across so I could change in private.

I took off my shirt and shoes, I was about to slip my jeans off when I heard the door click open. “Please be Luke. Please be Luke.” I whispered to myself. “Oh crap! Y/N sorry. I’ll just leave.” Luke said I spun around to find him standing before me, his eyes shut. I shook my head, and walked over to him. “Luke it’s okay. You’ve seen me naked before.” I said touching his arm. He opened his eyes slowly. His arms wrapped around me pulling me to him in a hug. “I was sorry for walking in on you. I’m not anymore.” Luke whispered in my ear, I shivered under his touches. His hands went to the belt loops on my jeans tugging my hips to his. He playfully let out a growl from of his throat. He pressed his lips to mine, in a lustful kiss. I was never so thankful for Luke walking in on me changing.

Michael: Michael had suggested that we take a bath together because we have been so stressed lately and we hadn’t seen much of each other.

Michael was being a gentleman and let me get in the bath first giving me privacy. I was brushing out my hair taking a bit of time. Michael came through the door already naked. “Oh sorry. I thought you were ready.” He said stumbling over his words. “Michael its fine don’t worry about it.” I said letting him in, I brought my hair down over my breasts. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling my hips to his. He leaned down and kissed me, his lips ghosting over mine. “Don’t cover up, you’re beautiful.” He mumbled against my lips before he pressed his lips roughly to mine. I giggled as his hands went to my bum, squeezing gently. “I know another way we can relax and spend time together. Why don’t we forget the bath?” Michael suggested in my ear, I shivered as his hand moved up my body, lightly grazing over my breast. I nodded as he lifted me up; I wrapped my legs around his waist.

A/N: I enjoyed writing this one and I hope you enjoy reading it! 

~ Lucy xx

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