Drummer Behind the Nerd - Ashton Imagine

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Ashton Irwin… the school nerd. He always had his head in the books, he always did well in school. Ashton was brought to my attention when it came out that he had a huge crush on me… great. I was different from my friends they all thought that it was endearing to be dumb but I didn’t mind being smart, I just didn’t tell them. I didn’t want to deal with that, as much as I didn’t want to admit it, Ashton seemed like a really nice guy but he would ruin my whole reputation. 
“Head’s down ladies. Ashton’s coming.” My friend said, I looked at the floor, sneaking a quick look at Ashton as he walked past. We all looked up again when he was gone. “Y/N, I’m glad I’m not you. I couldn’t handle a creep like him liking me.” My other friend sneered, I shrugged. “I’ll just tell him no, if he asks. He seemed pretty embarrassed the other day when everyone found out.” I answered shrugging, before any of my friends could make a comment the bell went. 

I was staying late after school just to do some work on an assignment. My friends all thought that I had a detention knowing that they thought I would be cooler if I had to stay late because of that not because I wanted to do some extra work. 
I walked the halls going back to get my book that I forgot in my locker, before I went home. I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard loud drumming and a voice… singing. I peered through the window of the classroom the sounds were coming from to see… Ashton Irwin? Playing drums? Singing? What? 
I continued to watch him play, he was getting really into it. He began singing, his voice was amazing… ugh what was I thinking? This is Ashton… he’s supposed to be nerdy and creepy. Before I got caught or I thought the wrong thing I continued making my way down the hall. I grabbed the book I needed and left. 
I had planned on finishing this assignment… but that didn’t happen. All I could think of was Ashton and maybe he wasn’t that bad. 
My head was all over the place this morning, I watched as Ashton passed me in the hallway with his head down carrying a load of textbooks. While my friends sniggered at him and the boys pushed and shoved him around as he went past. I honestly felt really sorry for him, he had no one. Everyone stopped when there was a loud bang, Ashton had been shoved against the lockers. “Stay away from Y/N! She doesn’t want a creep like you.” One of the guys said, he had been trying to make moves on me for the last year. He turned to me, I flinched under his gaze. “What do you say baby?” He asked, it sent chills up my spine and not the good kind. “No thank you.” I said, coming up to the two boys. He looked back at Ashton. “See if I can’t get her, there’s no way a guy like you could have her.” He snickered, I rolled my eyes. He gave Ashton a hard shove, I grabbed the other guy by the collar. “Just leave him alone, I’m sure he’s no threat to you.” I said pulling him away from Ashton. “Y/N? What are you doing?” My friends all asked. “Shut up.” I snapped. “Actually, you know what… he kind of is a threat to you. Because I really don’t like you.” I said letting go of him, everyone turned away as I went back to my friends. They all looked at me with disgust, I rolled my eyes knowing I didn’t need them. 
I noticed Ashton trudging away in the direction of the music block, I quickly chased after him. We were now in the empty hallway of the music rooms. “Ashton!” I said catching up to him. “Oh, uh. Hi.” He said nervously, adjusting his glasses. “Are you okay?” I asked as we stopped and he turned to me. “Uh, yeah I guess. Thanks for that. I never thought a girl like you would stand up for a guy like me.” I smiled and shook my head. “I’m not that different from you Ashton.” I said honestly. “How? You’re popular, beautiful, confident.” He said, I felt blush creep up on my cheeks. “Yeah maybe but I’m also a bit of a nerd.” I said proudly, his mouth dropped before he quickly closed it again. “Was that you last night? Snooping on me?” It was my turn for my jaw to drop. “How did you know?” 
“I could see someone out the corner of my eye, I was gonna see who it was but you were gone.” He said looking at his feet. “Well you’re really good.” I said smiling at him. “Come on,” he said opening the music room door for me, I muttered a thanks. I sat down on a stool in the middle of the room; he came and sat in front of me. 
We sat and talked for the entire break, we went back to our lockers a different way so people didn’t suspect anything. My friends who were bitches to me were suddenly my friends again, “Where did you go?” 
“I just wanted some alone time. Since you ignored me.” I huffed getting my books out. “Look it’s just we didn’t expect you to defend Ashton… I mean Ashton Irwin. He’s a weirdo.” She said scoffing. “I think you should leave him alone, he might have a lot more going for him than you think.” I defended, my friend looked stunned. I left her standing there stunned as I went to my class. 

Again I was staying late after school, I was going back to my locker. Ashton was still here he was down the other end of the hall putting up posters I think. I grabbed my bag and walked up to him. “Oh, uh. Hey Y/N.” It was really cute how he was so nervous. “Hey Ashton. What are these for?” I asked looking at the poster. “Well… me and some friends of mine are doing a gig Saturday night at the local pub and we were getting some publicity. They’re putting posters up at their school too.” He explained, handing a poster to me. I had a read through, thinking it might be cool to go to. “I’ll see if the girls can come.” I said, he nodded at me. “Please don’t tell them that I’m in the band.” He pleaded, I smiled and shook my head. “I won’t.” I promised, he smiled at me, dimples popping in his cheeks. I had never noticed that before, in all honesty he had an amazing smile. “I’m going to get going. I’ll talk to my friends tonight.” I said as I turned to leave. “Bye, Y/N.” I left and began texting my friends asking them to come to Ashton’s gig. 

Ashton’s POV
-Night of the gig-
To say I was nervous was an understatement, the boys and I had worked so hard just to get this far. The boys and I were setting up in the small space, I was just hoping to see Y/N there; the boys had been teasing me about her. “Is you girlfriend coming tonight?” Calum teased. “Shut up! She’s not my girlfriend!” I snapped before laughing. 
Before we knew it our gig was starting. “Hey guys. We’re 5 Seconds of Summer. I’m Luke. Calum, Ashton on drums and Michael,” Luke began, everything was such a blur but I just kept doing what I was doing. I looked out into the crowd spotting Y/N, I smiled and winked at her cheekily. I saw her snobby friends with her, shocked looks on their faces from seeing me… I guess. I was definitely more confident behind my drum kit. Luke introduced our first song, my heart thumping in my chest worried what everyone would think. 
Luckily the whole set ran well and no hiccups… well maybe a few bad jokes but that would always happen. 
After the gig Y/N came up to me, hugging me. “That was amazing!” She gushed, I blushed looking at my feet. “Y/N what the hell?” Her friend asked tapping her foot at us. “Look I am sick of this, honestly for ages I have thought there is nothing wrong with Ashton but you being the snobby bitches that you are couldn’t care less.” She snapped, her ‘friend’ was taken aback. “I have been getting to know Ashton and he’s a lovely guy and I don’t really care if you don’t like that I like him.” Y/N stated proudly, the blush on my cheeks getting worse. “Oh so this is your girlfriend?” Michael asked wrapping his arm around me, I rolled my eyes. “No.” 
“Yes.” Y/N said straight after me. “What?” I asked, “What?” her friend asked shocked before she stuck her nose up in the air and left. Y/N ignored it. “Michael can you give us a minute?” I asked through my teeth, he left quickly. “Y/N, you really want to be my girlfriend?” I asked taking her hand in mine, I felt sparks run up my arm. “Ashton, I really like you and I know you like me.” I smiled shyly and nodded. “So I mean why not?” She shrugged, I beamed at her and gave her a hug. The next thing I heard was Calum, Michael and Luke all cheering me. “Shut up.” I snapped, returning to my hug. I had wanted to hold her for so long and now I was and it just felt right. 
Let’s just say on Monday everyone knew Y/N and I were together but the thing was all her friends were jealous because Y/N had told them that I was in an up and coming band. I don’t think they would ever admit it to me though, but that was okay because Y/N did and that was all that mattered.

A/N: Ok I had a lot of fun writing this. I am very sorry to every single Ashton girl  Haha Anyway much love 

~ Lucy xx

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