#90 Stretch Marks

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Calum: Calum and I had finally decided we were both ready to have sex with each other, neither of us were virgins but I was still apprehensive towards the idea. I hadn’t slept with as many people as Calum had and that was okay, but I was scared about what Calum would think.

“Babe, are you okay?” Calum whispered as his fingers toyed with the strap on my bra. I nodded, swallowing hard. He frowned, and then rolled off me. “What’s wrong? You’re not enjoying this are you?” He asked, I shook my head. “It’s not that, its just I’m insecure about this stuff the last guy I was with didn’t like the look of my body and you know…” I trailed off, not liking to talk about it. “Oh sweetheart, I promise I will love every part of you.” He softly kissed my cheek, I smiled. His hand softly caressed my stomach. I sighed heavily, “I have stretch marks and I hate them, they are ugly.” I groaned, he frowned. “Where?” He asked, I glared at him. He nodded for me to answer. “My boobs.” I sighed, he smiled. His hands slipped behind me. “Can I?” I swallowed and nodded. He unclasped my bra and threw it on the floor somewhere. “You’re beautiful.” He whispered, kissing down my chest and getting to my stretch marks. He pressed gently kisses to the red jagged lines. “You’re beautiful and don’t let anyone ever tell you different. These are what make you, you. And I love you.” He mumbled against my skin, my breath hitching in my throat. “Can I make love to you now?” He asked softly, I nodded, feeling more confident in myself.   

Ashton: I was sat on mine and Ashton’s bed, in our hotel room. “Please! Y/N just come out and see the fans.” He whined tugging on my hand. “No, they all hate me.” I groaned, pulling back against him. He frowned at me, and shook his head. “No they don’t. Just come downstairs, you don’t even have to talk to them you can just stand there.” He suggested with a bright smile on his face, I hated saying no to him. “Okay, but if they say anything mean, I’m out of there.” I said, standing up in front of him, he grinned kissing my cheek.

We went down to see the fans, they all erupted in screams and cries, I smiled understanding where they were coming from being a fan girl myself. I stood back and let Ashton go see the fans, I wasn’t fazed by it really. I knew it was a part of his job, I scrolled through my twitter standing with one of the hotel staff members. “Y/N! Y/N!” Some girls were yelling, I looked up from my phone seeing they were all crowded around Ashton and all calling for me. Ashton quickly ran over and pulled me over. “Y/N’s a bit shy.” Ashton chuckled kissing my temple, they all awed at us. I smiled shyly, Ashton’s hand tightened on my side. He then wandered off to talk to some other girls, I noticed the girls who were standing with me were staring at my hips. I’d forgotten that I was wearing a midriff top. “Hey, Y/N, not to sound rude or anything but are they stretch marks?” A girl said in front of me, I looked down at my hips covering them. “Yeah they are, I hate them.” I said, fighting tears. I think the girl noticed. “I didn’t mean it like that. It’s a good thing! It means that Ashton loves normal girls!” Another girl said excitedly, I smiled tears rolling down my cheeks. “Thanks, and you girls are beautiful. Any of the boys would be lucky to have you.” I said hugging each of them.

I got photo and hugs with all of the girls and so did Ashton. We went back upstairs, really tired. I flopped onto the bed, kicking off my shoes. “Well that was fun.” Ashton said laying on the bed beside me. He gently stroked my hair, I smiled against the mattress. “I heard what that girl said, about your stretch marks.” Ashton whispered, I froze. “She was right. I love you Y/N, and I know you hate your stretch marks but I love them, just like every other part of you.” He kissed the top of my head softly, we cuddled up together. His fingers tracing patterns on my hips.

Luke: Luke and I had gone out shopping because he had a day off in L.A. and I wanted to have a look in the shops.

Luke was trailing behind me as I looked in a few shops. “Hey babe, what about in here?” He asked suddenly, I looked at the shop he was pointing to, he was looking at Victoria’s Secret. “Really Luke? Victoria’s Secret?” I giggled and went into the shop seeing a lounge in the middle of the store. “I wonder why you wanted to go in here.” I chuckled, he grinned and sat down. “I’m gonna have a look okay?” I said kissing his cheek. He nodded, and pulled out his phone.

I had a look along the racks, finding a few things that I wanted to try on. Luke looked up from his phone as I stood in front of him, he grinned up at me. “I’m gonna try these on, okay?” I said, he nodded and looked back at his phone. “I want your opinion.” I said softly, he eyes widened and followed me.

I went into the change room, I quickly changed into the lacey underwear I had chosen. I poked my head out of the curtain, Luke moved into the change room with me. His eyes scanned over my body, a grin forming on his face and pink on his cheeks. “I love them babe. Buy them so I can take them off you later.” He said his face close to mine, I let out a shy laugh. His hands gently rested on my waist. His brows dropped in a frown, his fingers trailing down onto the tops of my thighs. He’d noticed my stretch marks. “How have I not noticed these before?” He asked softly, I shrugged. “I don’t like to show them off that’s why.” I said, covering them with my hand, he shook his head. “Don’t hide them, they’re beautiful.” He said gently caressing my thighs. I nodded looking down at his hand. “I’ll let you get changed and then we can go home and I can show you how much I love you.” He whispered kissing the tip of my nose, I smiled.     

Michael: His POV

Lately Y/N had been really upset with hate getting to her, I had gone out recording with the boys today, Y/N stayed home. She had been upset last night about the hate and I had tried to tell her not to worry about it but she wasn’t having it and I could understand because the fans were persistent.

I came home to hear Y/N sobbing from our bedroom. “Y/N! Beautiful? I’m home.” I called, she sobbed. “I’m in the bedroom, don’t come in here.” She called, I frowned and I ignored her request for me to stay out. I came into the bedroom to see her standing in front of a mirror in only her underwear staring at her stomach, tears rolling down her cheeks. I dropped my keys on the small table and wrapped my arms around her body, pulling her close to me. She banged her fists on my chest. “Go away Michael!” She cried into my chest, I shook my head, tightening my arms on her. “No, not while you’re upset.” I insisted, she looked up at me with teary eyes. I gently wiped her tears away, with the pad of my thumb. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” I asked, she tried not to cry but did anyway. “I’m ugly, your fans were commenting on my stretch marks again. I hate them, they hate them, they are so ugly.” She cried, it broke my heart to see her beating herself up over something that wasn’t even true. My fingers danced over her stomach and her stretch marks. “They are a part of you, and you are beautiful, all of you.” I whispered as I slid down onto my knees in front of her. “Please don’t ever think badly of yourself, you’re perfect to me.” I gently kissed her stomach over the red jagged lines. “These just show that you are strong. They are normal, don’t get yourself down. I’m sure every other girl has them.” I said kissing gently over her skin. A smile cracked on her face, I smiled pressing a kiss just above her belly button. She sniffed as I stood up in front of her. “It’s just hard to read their comments, Michael.” She said holding back tears, I nodded. “I know, how about we have a night, where it’s just you and me? Nothing else, no TV, no video games, nothing.” I suggested, she smiled and nodded.

We spent the rest of the night cuddled up in bed just talking about everything and anything.    

A/N: Hope you like it!!! This was requested :D 

~ Lucy xx

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