#95 You're Child Walks In On You Two

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There is smut in this so read at own discretion.


I sat in the lounge room while waiting for our daughter, Ella to come from her room for her date.  “Dad! You’ve talked to me about this a thousand times!” She complained, Calum followed her out into the lounge room. “What did you say this time?”

"I was just telling her to slap the shit out of him if he tries to touch her." He shrugged, Ella groaned. "He’s just looking out for you sweetie." I said kissing her cheek. "Because I was a teenager once and I know what is going through his head."

"Dad! Gross! I need to go." She said, I hugged her tightly and Calum hugged us both. "Bye." She called as she grabbed her keys and went out the door.

"Would you look at that?" Calum asked, I frowned. "What, Cal?"

"We’re all alone and we haven’t been alone for a long time." He said, his arms wrapped tightly around me, he fell back onto the lounge.  I giggled as I fell on top of him, his lips crashed onto mine.

The kiss getting heated quickly, his hands trailing up my sides pulling my shirt up over my head. I tugged his shirt off, his lips pressing to my neck. “I missed this so much.” He sighed against my skin. “Me too.”

"I just forgot my jack…et." Ella said as she walked back into the house. "Oh shit! Mum! Dad! Ew!" She said covering her eyes. "Its natural honey." Calum teased,  I giggled, Ella pretended to gag. "Please don’t ever talk about this again." Ella said as she grabbed her jacket and ran out of the house again. "Oh my god." I said embarrassed, he chuckled. "She’s gone now. So… where were we?"

Ashton: I kissed my son’s forehead, he had finally gone to sleep. He was going through the nightmare stage.  “He’s asleep.” I said crawling back into bed with Ashton. He grinned over at me. “What are you thinking?” I asked, he didn’t reply he just rolled on top of me. I giggled quietly, he kissed me hungrily. “Oh haven’t done this in a while.” I whispered, he grinned. “We’ll have to be really quiet.” Ashton whispered, his lips sucking at my neck. I sighed,  my fingers digging into his back. His hands slid down my torso to my shorts, his fingers moved into my panties.  His mouth continued to suck marks onto my chest. “Mmm, you’re so wet for me.” He growled, my heart thumped in my chest as his thumb rubbed harshly over my clit. “Ash! Oh god!” I cried out as he rammed his fingers into me. “Shh.”

He moved down under the covers, his hands ripped my shorts and panties down. He didn’t waste any time attaching his lips to my clit. My back arched, his fingers and tongue working to get me to my high.  Moans and his name fell from my mouth. “Y/N you have to be quiet. If you’re not quiet I’ll stop.” He threatened,  smirking up at me. “Ash stop.” I said tugging on his hair, he grinned and moved up my body.  “I need you now.” He pulled his boxers down, and slid into me. “Shit Ashton!” I screamed,  Ashton’s hand covered my mouth. “Mummy? Daddy?” I heard my son say from the open door. Ashton froze above me, I looked over his shoulder seeing our son standing in our doorway. “What’s wrong buddy?” Ashton asked. “I heard Mummy scream. Is she okay? Are you hurting mummy?” He sobbed,  Ashton grinned at me. “Mummy’s okay, she just saw a spider. Go back to bed buddy.” Ashton said, our son nodded and left the room. “Should we stop?” Ashton asked, I nodded. “That was a mood killer.” I said honestly. Ashton pulled out and rolled off me. “I’ll go check on him.” Ashton whispered kissing my cheek. I rolled over and went to sleep while Ashton put our son to bed.

Luke: I stood in the kitchen making dinner while the kids were playing outside. “Y/N I’m home.” Luke called walking into the house. “Hey Luke. I’m in the kitchen.” I called back. I jumped as his arms wrapped around my waist. “Hey, I missed you today.” He whispered in my ear. “I missed you too.” His hands travelled down to my hips, he spun me around into his chest. I smiled up at him. “How wasc today?” I said, he smiled. “I wrote a song today… about you.” He said kissing my forehead. “Oh really and how did that go?” I asked, he smirked. “Really well. I’ll play it for you later.” He grinned, I smiled before turning back to the pot I was stirring. “Babe, its fine.” Luke whined in my ear, I shrugged him off. I stepped away from the stove, Luke’s hands darted to my waist and then pinned me to the cupboard. I gasped shocked, he grinned. He leaned down and kissed me softly, his kiss becoming more passionate. He ground his hips into mine. “Luke not now.” I said, although I wanted to it was almost dinner time and the kids could walk in at any moment. He chuckled and continued to kiss me. My hand slid down down to his jeans undoing the button. He groaned, his lips tugging on the skin of my neck. “Oh my god Mum! What are you doing?” My teenage daughter yelled and then covered her brother’s eyes. Luke and I parted he did up his jeans. “Mum I don’t want to be eating food you’ve touched now.” She groaned, Luke just laughed.  “How do you think you got here?” He teased, she wrinkled her nose. “Dad! That is disgusting.” He laughed and hugged her. She laughed and tried to get away. “What was mummy doing to daddy?” Our five year old son asked. “Don’t worry. You don’t want to know.” Our daughter said. “Dinner’s up.” I said, serving the food onto the plates. “Go sit down.” Luke insisted to our kids. “No funny business.” Our daughter said. Once they were gone I turned to Luke. “I told you! We’ve just scared her forever.” I said slapping Luke’s chest. He just laughed and took the plates into the dining room.

Michael: Michael and I hadn’t had much alone time together so it was hard on us. But Michael was so happy that he got to see me and his son again. “Hey mum, can I stay at Uncle Luke’s house tonight?” My son asked me, I shrugged. “Sure if its okay with Uncle Luke.” I said, Luke walked into the room with his son and Michael. “Yeah go pack your bags buddy.” The two boys ran into our son’s room. “You guys deserve the break. Have fun.” Luke said happily, Michael smirked at me. “Okay wait for us to leave first.” Luke joked, the boys ran out into the lounge room. “Bye, be good for Uncle Luke.” I said kissing my son’s forehead. “Bye buddy, be good.” Michael said messing up his son’s hair. 

Luke took the two boys out of the house and waved to us as they left. “We’re finally alone!” Michael growled, he threw me over his shoulder shutting the door behind him. I laughed as he ran into our bedroom. He threw me onto the bed and jumped on top of me. “I don’t want to waste any time.” He said kissing me roughly. His hands tore all my clothes off and I pulled off his. He thrust into me quickly. “Shit! I don’t remember you being this tight.” He chuckled, I moaned. “Maybe you got bigger.” I teased breathlessly. He thrust into me harder and faster. “Michael! Harder!” I cried out, biting his shoulder. Somehow he found the energy to go harder. I almost hit my high when I heard a scream and then the sound of our door slamming. Michael stopped straight away. “Oh my god! Michael! Y/N!” Luke yelled, Michael pulled out and rolled off of me pulling the blanket over us. “Sorry, I thought you were gone.” Michael said, Luke nodded. “We were but he forgot his teddy bear.” Luke explained, I nodded. “Is he okay? We’ve probably ruined him now.” I said light-heartedly. “Uncle Luke? Can we go now? I’m scared.” Our son said tugging on Luke’s shirt. I laughed covering my face with my hands. “Don’t worry, I’m scared too buddy. Come on, let’s go. We can have pizza and watch movies.” Luke said, Michael sat up excitedly. I laughed and pulled him back. I let out a breath, I didn’t know I was holding. “Well that was awkward.” Michael said, I glared at him. “Just a bit.” He chuckled kissing me softly, we shuffled under the covers. “Do you just want to sleep now?” He asked, I nodded. “I’m sorry, that was kind of a mood killer.” I said, he smiled and nodded. He held me close as we fell asleep.  

A/N: Hope you like it! Sorry I havent edited it, I’m really tired and yeah! It’s really bad, I’m sorry! 

~ Lucy xx

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