#20 Fans Ship You with Another Boy

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Calum: I came home from work, so tired. I just wanted a relaxing night in with Calum, however I found him on the lounge in front of his laptop looking distraught. “Cal, are you okay?” I asked sitting beside him. “I’m not good enough for you.” He muttered his voice cracking. “Calum what are you talking about? You’re an amazing guy. Are people giving you hate again? Don’t listen to them, you are an amazing guy and if people can’t see that then they are blind.” I said rubbing his shoulder. “Do you think Ashton would be a better boyfriend than me?” My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “No, why? Calum what’s going on?” I asked, my arm tightening on his shoulders. He turned his laptop towards me seeing hundreds of tweets sent to Calum, Ashton and myself saying that Calum isn’t good enough for me but Ashton would be. Tweets saying that they ship me and Ashton more than me and Calum. I shut the laptop and put it on the floor, I moved close to his side. “Calum, I love you and only you. The fans can ship me with anyone else but it won’t change the fact that I love you.” He suddenly lifted me onto his lap, so that I was straddling him. His large hands pressing into my waist. “I love you Y/N. I’m sorry I overreacted.” He whispered looking into my eyes. “It’s okay Calum; just know that I do love you.” I whispered before pressing my lips to his. He tugged my torso closer to his, my arms wrapping around his strong shoulders.  

Ashton: Since Ashton was sick, he was making me look after him. He had asked me to go out and get him some medicine. As I was leaving his house, Michael’s car pulled up in the driveway. “Ash is really sick. I wouldn’t go in there. Sorry.” I said, he nodded. “What are you doing?”

“Getting some medicine for him. Want to come?” I asked as I walked towards him. “Yeah sure. I can drive you since my car’s in last.” He offered, I nodded. “Thanks.” I smiled.

We went down to the shops to get Ashton’s medicine, when we were stopped by some fans. “Hey Michael, hey Y/N. What are you guys doing out together?” A girl asked as we came out of the chemist. “We’re getting some medicine for Ashton.” Michael said, I nodded holding up the bag. “Oh… so you and Ashton are still together?”

“Yes, we are still together. Why?”

“Oh, it’s just I would have though you and Michael would be better suited. I mean everyone thinks so.” Michael and I looked at each other and shook our heads. “Sure we like each other but not that way. Y/N is with Ashton.” Michael said to the fan, she smiled. “Okay, anyway can we get a photo with you guys?” We nodded and got the photo, we left quickly before we got caught up with getting photos.

“Can’t believe what that girl said.” Michael pondered as he pulled into Ashton’s driveway. “Ashton gets it all the time. I get it all the time. Don’t mention it to him; he gets a bit upset about it.” I said, we both got out of the car. “Anyway I’ll let you get back to your nursing duties.” He said as he got back into his car, I waved him off going inside. I didn’t mention what the girls said to Michael and I.  

Luke: I was backstage watching 5SOS’ interview, since they had gotten really big they were doing more and more interviews and Luke had invited me to watch his interview today. I watched on eagerly, I was so proud of him. The interview went on asking about their upcoming album and tours. They then moved onto girlfriends and relationships, Luke was the only one who wasn’t single. “So Luke, you’re with Y/N, yes?” The interviewer, Sara asked. “Yeah, I am.” A smile beamed on his face, she nodded. “I was just wondering, Calum what do you think of Y/N?”

“She’s great, she makes Luke really happy and that’s all we could all ask from her.” He said clapping Luke on the shoulder. “Oh it’s just that a lot of the fans ship you and her. Not her and Luke.” She said to Calum, Luke looked taken aback. I already knew about the shipping thing but I didn’t mention it because I didn’t want to upset Luke. Calum looked as if he hadn’t heard about it either. “Oh, uh. Well Y/N is dating Luke and we’re just good friends. That’s it.” Calum said awkwardly, hoping to move on. Luke shifted in his seat.

After the interview Luke came backstage. He hugged me tightly as he shut the door, I smiled into his chest. “Y/N, am I good enough?”

“Luke, you are too good.” I whispered into his neck. “Did you know about the shipping?” He asked stepping back, I nodded. “Yeah, I didn’t want to make up upset so I didn’t tell you.” I said, he nodded. “Luke, I don’t care what the fans say… shipping me and Calum. I would never like him that way.” I said before I kissed him. “I love you Y/N.” He kissed me with such passion and love. His hands tightened on his waist, I smiled into the kiss.  

Michael: Michael and I had been dating for a little while but we hadn’t told the fans yet, we wanted to keep it quiet for a while. The fans were always suspecting something, they knew who I was and knew that I was involved with the boys in some way. I scrolled through my mentions seeing lots of tweets about me and Luke being a cute couple after the photo that Calum posted the other night. Michael knew about the fact that the fans thought I would be better suited to Luke but he didn’t mention it. “Babe, why did you choose me over Luke?” I looked at him confused. “I didn’t, I didn’t need to. I don’t like Luke that way. Michael, I don’t care what the fans say. You’re my boyfriend, not Luke, not Calum and not Ashton. You Michael. Maybe if we tell the fans that you’re with me… maybe it will stop.” I suggested, he smiled and nodded. He took out his phone and tweeted. “@Michael5SOS: Yes all of you have been asking what’s the deal with Y/N, well her and I are together. Not her and Luke. Love you x.” I watched as he turned his phone off and shut my laptop, putting it on the floor beside my feet. “Thank you.” I whispered as Michael pushed me down on the lounge and he hovered over me. He kissed me softly, I smirked into the kiss. “I still don’t feel good enough.”

“Michael you should, you’ve been nothing but perfect to me. Even though we’ve only been together a couple of months. No one is better than you Michael.” I said bringing him down for another kiss. “So you wouldn’t date Luke over me?”

“Never. It’s only you.” I mumbled against his lips, he kissed me softly. He held my body close to his as if he never wanted to let go.  

A/N Hope you like it. 

~ Lucy xx


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