#98 Secret Relationship (Part 2)

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Calum: I was laying on the lounge with Calum when my best friend called me. “I CAN’T BELIEVE I MET THEM!” She screamed as I answered the phone, I giggled as I cuddled into Calum’s side. “I’m so happy for you!” I answered, Calum chuckled beside me. “Calum was sooooo hot!” She gushed, I burst out laughing. “Sorry. I’ll bet he was.” I said, smiling up at Calum who had obviously heard.

I heard a knock on the front door, to which Calum leapt up to get. “Hey Y/N, I want to come over later and tell you all about it!” She said, before I had time to answer she continued, “I have to go but I’ll see you in a little bit.” And then she was gone. “Y/N! We missed you!” I heard the boys yell as they ran towards me on the lounge. They all tackled me in a dog pile. I laughed as they all kissed my face. “Ugh stop!” I choked out, they all fell off the lounge onto the floor. “Can you not squash my girlfriend?” Calum teased as he plopped down next to me. “So Y/N how have you been?” Michael asked, moving to sit on the other lounge chair. Ashton and Luke stayed on the floor. “Good. I’ve missed you guys heaps but its been fun listening to my best friend fangirl about you guys.” I joked, they all laughed. “Also she’s coming over soon so do you want to tell her you know me or not?” I asked, Calum shrugged. “I think you should.” Ashton said, I nodded. “It’s up to you.” Luke added.

I spent a couple more hours with the boys before my friend came over. “Go up into my room. Just stay there okay.” I said shooing the boys away. 

I let my friend in and she began talking about meeting 5sos. “…it was so perfect. They were so nice. I just wish that I could have spoken to them longer.” She said, I smiled to myself. “Okay, promise me not to freak out or be angry but I know how you can meet them again.” I said, she frowned at me. “Y/N don’t tell me you have them hiding in your room. I’m not falling for it.” I rolled my eyes at her. “Come on.” I said leading her to my room, I pulled the door open seeing the boys all pile out onto the floor. I pressed my hand  to my face. “Y/N! Oh my god!” She hugged ne tightly. “Shouldn’t you be hugging them not me?” I laughed, she nodded and hugged all the boys again. “I literally love you right now!” She gushed, I laughed as we went into the lounge room to talk. I was glad she wasn’t angry at me keeping my big secret.

Ashton: I’d stayed the night at Ashton’s house. I always hated having to go home to my family. Only because my brother was a pain in the neck.

I continued with my studies that I had left behind the night before. My phone chimed beside me on my bed. From Ash: ‘Hey you left your jacket here. Do you want me to bring it back?’ 

To Ash: ‘Yeah. My brother and parents are out. :)’

I heard the door bell ring, I ran out to find my brother at the door. I saw both Ashton and my brother staring each other down. I gulped at the sight. “What are you doing here, Irwin?” My brother quipped, Ashton looked distraught. “Uh, I was hanging out with Calum and I left my jacket and Ash is just bringing it back.” I said stepping in quickly. ”Ash?” My brother raised his eyebrows at me. “Y/N?” He pressed, I looked between my brother and Ashton. “Can you give us a second?” I asked my brother. He grunted and went into the other room. “You want to come clean, don’t you?” I nodded, Ashton sighed and smiled. “Okay, if that makes you happy.” He said sweetly, he quickly kissed me. “Irwin did you just kiss my sister?” My brother seethed. “Yes… yes I did.” Ashton defended. “Y/N and I have been dating for a while. We’re really happy and I know you hate me but for Y/N’s sake please  don’t take this out on her.”

"Or Ashton, we really like each other and I don’t want this to be ruined." I said, leaning into Ashton. My brother glared at us. "Irwin if you ever hurt my little sister, I will kill you." He threatened. I kissed my brother on the cheek. "Thanks bro!" I teased. He rolled his eyes and hugged me.

Ashton left after a heated discussion with my brother about me. I was happy that they could see past their differences for me.

Luke: His POV

For the last hour the boys had been pestering me to tell Y/N how I felt about her, if only they knew. Y/N and I wanted to wait to tell them but it was getting so hard to keep it from them.

"Seriously, she needs to know!" Ash said, I shook my head. "She’ll find out when I want her too." I snapped. 

"Morning." Y/N said from the doorway of the back room, I smiled seeing that she was wearing my shirt. "Why are you wearing Luke’s shirt?" Calum asked looking between the two of us. "It’s comfy." She shrugged sitting beside me. Michael, Calum and Ashton all looked at each other before nodding. "Okay Y/N, since Luke is such a pussy and won’t tell you. We will. Luke likes you… like a lot." Y/N and I smiled at each other. "We’ll I hope he does… we slept in the same bunk last night." She kissed me quickly, the boys’ jaws dropped. "Oh yeah… by the way Y/N and I are dating." I said proudly, she grinned at them. "So you mean all of your whining was bullshit?" Calum asked teasingly, I nodded. "I’m sorry. I just I liked being with her and only us knowing about it. It’s nice." I said, they nodded. "We understand. Thanks for telling us. Now, PDA rules. There will be no PDA on this bus and no sex noises while we are on the bus." Michael said punching my shoulder, Y/N and I laughed. "I’m sorry Michael I can’t make any promises." Y/N teased kissing my cheek. She got up and left the room. It was good to get our relationship out in the open with the boys. 

Michael: Calum had burst through the door on Michael and my close cuddle. “Whatcha doin’?” Calum teased. Michael and I pulled away from each other. I giggled as I fell ontop of Michael. He chuckled helping me to sit up properly. “What’s up with you guys? Michael’s been giggly for the last few days and he goes bright red when you get mentioned?” Calum asked sitting down with us. “Well, I guess secrets out… we kinda hooked up and now we’re… uh… together.” I said nervously, Michael cuddled me close. “I knew it! Ashton! You owe me twenty bucks!” Calum called out running out to Ashton. “What? They came clean?!” I heard him ask, Michael chuckled and hid his face in his hands. “About time!” Ashton ran into the room with Calum. The both gawked at us cuddled up on the lounge. “Yes we are together. So what. And you were betting on us?” I asked, they both nodded. Calum grinned as Ashton fished a twenty out of his pocket. “Do you guys want to take a picture or something?” Michael joked, glaring at his friends. They shrugged and wandered out leaving Michael and I alone. I was happy that his bandmates now knew… just had to tell his fans now. 

A/N: Hope you like it! Wasnt as good as I had hoped but yeah :) xx 

~ Lucy xx

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