#91 You're On Your Period

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Calum: I laid on the bed curled up in a ball, the boys were all in the other room. I had a heat pack on my stomach that wasn’t even hot anymore. I heard the noise all die down in the other room signalling that the boys had left. “Hey you feeling okay?” Calum asked sitting on the bed beside me, I shut my eyes shrugging. His hand lightly rubbing my shoulder. He shifted forward so my head was pressed against his thigh. “Babe this isn’t even hot.” Calum said with a chuckle. “Do you want me to heat it up for you?” I shook my head, I grabbed his arm. “Stay with me please.” I said quietly, he gently kissed my temple. I felt him move away and then lay down beside me. “Come here.” He whispered, he pulled me onto his body. He pulled the heat pack from my hands. His hand pressed to my back. “Is that okay?” He whispered, I nodded my head against his chest. I sighed feeling a bit better, Calum’s fingers gently traced circles down my back. “Just go to sleep sweetheart. Try to sleep it off. I’ll be here.” He whispered in my ear, I pressed my face into his chest and tried to fall asleep.

Ashton: I felt horrible, I wish I hadn’t eaten anything salty today. I stood in front of the mirror, my stomach was blown up like a balloon. “Ugh! I’m so ugly!” I groaned, I jumped seeing Ashton standing behind me. He looked so upset. “What’s wrong?” I asked softly, he shook his head. He wrapped his arms around me, I stepped back not wanting Ashton to notice my bloated stomach. “I don’t like it when you say things like that about yourself. Are you okay?” He asked, he reached for my hand. “I just feel rubbish and I’m all bloated…” I cut myself off, sobbing. Ashton’s arms wrapped around my waist. “Shh, shh. It’s okay. Hey why don’t you go chill on the lounge and I’ll make you tea, I’ve heard that helps with bloating.” He whispered, I nodded. He took my hand and led me into the lounge room. 

Ashton made me a cup of tea, he laid down with me. He gently rubbed my back, when I finished I cuddled up to him getting some relief.

Luke: Luke had the boys over as usual, I was really tired as I had been up all night with cramps. Luke had left me alone like I wanted him to. I had been on my laptop all morning trying to get some work done. “Hey Y/N? You want some food? I got you some stuff.” Luke asked coming into the bedroom, I nodded smiling. Luke grinned, I went into the kitchen with Luke. I peered in the fridge, looking for what Luke had brought home. “Hungry?” I glared back at him, he put his hands up in the air in surrender. “Shut up! Try being hormonal!” I snapped, he chuckled. “Food’s here.” He said shaking the plastic bag on the table, he went back to the boys. “Y/N eating heaps again?” I heard Calum ask. “Yeah, that time again.” Luke said sighing. “Yes, I know I am a bitch and I eat heaps but you try bleeding out of your you-know-what and see how you feel.” I snapped going into the lounge room with a bag of chips, a jar of Nutella and a spoon. The boys all looked at me scared, I grinned. “I’m not even sorry. If there were any other females here I would have some support.” I said unscrewing the lid on the jar. The boys all stared at me in awe, Luke laughed and pulled me close to his side. He gently kissed my forehead. “Don’t worry about them, they are just idiots.” Luke chuckled, to which the boys laughed. I spent most of the afternoon eating with the boys teasing me but I felt better.

Michael: I sat alone in my bedroom bawling my eyes out, and I had no idea why. I was just crying, I clutched my pillow close to my chest. “Hey beautiful, I’m home.” Michael called, I didn’t bother about wiping my tears, he knew that I got upset on my period. “In the bedroom.” I called back, Michael rushed into the room. “Oh, sweetheart. Please don’t cry.” Michael whispered, sitting on the bed beside me. “Sorry, you know why anyway.” I sighed, I pressed my face into my pillow. “Don’t apologize, but don’t cry either.” He whispered kissing the top of my head. “What can I do?” He asked, I shrugged. “Do you want to cuddle with me? I just need someone here at the moment.” I said softly, he smiled kissing my nose. He kicked off his shoes and slid into bed with me. “Mmm, you’re warm.” I purred, clutching onto his chest. He chuckled, kissing me softly. I suddenly felt a stab of pain through my stomach, “Are you okay?” He asked, I breathed out heavily. “Just cramps.” I whimpered, I pulled his hand down to my stomach. I sighed, getting some relief. Michael held me close, he was so warm. We fell asleep curled up together. 

A/N: Hope you like it!!! Sorry its been so long, I’ve been so caught up with school sorry. This was requested by anon :D xx  

~ Lucy xx

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