#55 Song Preference "Bad Enough for You" by All Time Low

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Calum: “And I know, how to get you crazy”

Calum and I had just come home from what could be described as the most awkward date ever… we had run into my best male friend. He stayed and talk to me for half of the date leaving Calum pissed off at me and my friend.

Calum went straight into the bedroom, I heard him fall onto the bed. I followed him in and went to the closet. “Y/N why did we have to stay and talk to him?” He groaned, I turned away from him beginning to get undressed. “I was just being nice, he’s my friend and plus who did I get to come home with tonight?” I asked slipping my dress down. As it hit the floor Calum’s arms wrapped around my waist. “Do you think he’s better than me?” He growled in my ear, I froze. “I don’t know.” I said teasing him, he left hot kisses down my neck. “Does he know that you have a sweet spot right here?” He asked before kissing the spot, I leant back into his chest. “Does he know that you like your thighs and hips to be touched?” His rough hands gliding over my soft skin. I swallowed thickly, he nipped at the skin on my neck. I jolted as he bit me too hard, he chuckled soothing the skin with his tongue… something else he knew I liked. He quickly turned me around, “I know how to get you crazy…” He said before he lifted me and threw me onto the bed. I moved up the bed, he followed with a glint in his eye. He was prepared to show me who I belonged to.

Ashton: “I’ll misbehave if it turns you on”

I couldn’t believe I was riding with the 5SOS boys going to a red carpet event. I was stoked. Ashton was sat beside me, his hand clutching mine tightly. Luke, Calum and Michael were all up the front and we down the back of the van. “You look so sexy tonight; I can’t wait to get home and rip this dress off you.” Ashton groaned in my ear, my heart picked up a bit of speed. His hand slid between my thighs, I was regretting wearing a knee-length dress opposed to a floor length one. “So, nervous?” Ashton teasingly asked, his rough fingers gliding up closer to where I wanted them most. “Uh, little bit.” I said breathlessly, I felt him push my panties aside. I looked at him with a death glare. He just smirked at me, pushing his long slender finger inside me. My breath hitched in my throat. “I don’t know if I can go all night with you looking like that and I can’t touch you, feel you, love you. I want you so bad.” He whispered in my ear, pumping his finger. I gripped his forearm dragging my nails down it. I bit my lip suppressing my moans. “Y/N, are you okay?” Calum asked turning around, my face flustered. Ashton continued to curl his finger inside me, making me lose my train of thought. “Yeah I’m fine just a little nervous.” I huffed out. “Am I being too bad? Do you want to punish me?” Ashton whispered hotly in my ear. “You’re getting wetter, this is turning you on? Okay… I’ll misbehave if it turns you on.” He said nipping softly at my ear. “No, please. This is too much.” I panted out, trying to be quiet, he just smirked. “But baby you’re clearly enjoying this.” He taunted, I clenched feeling close. He kissed my lips before taking his finger away right before my climax, I’ll get him back.     

Luke: “I wanna be good, good, good to you, But that’s not, not, not your type”

Luke held my hand tightly in his as he pulled me from the taxi and into the house, he had a sexy smirk on his face. I knew exactly where this was going and I didn’t mind one bit. He pulled his jacket off in a hurry. “You…” He said his finger pointing at me, I stepped back. “Yes?” I asked innocently. “Don’t play innocent with me. I want to be good but that’s clearly not your type.” He said, stalking forwards.  For every step he took forward, I stepped back until I was pressed against the wall. His torso was tightly pressed against mine. “I don’t know what you’re talking about baby.” I said, fluttering my eyelashes and trying to be as innocent as possible. He bit his lip, his ring popping out a bit. My heart fluttered at the action. “You know exactly what I’m talking about… good girls don’t dance like that.” He said, he left hot open-mouthed kisses on my neck. He lifted me up; I wrapped my legs around his waist, as he kissed my neck he took me to the bedroom. He laid me on the bed, quickly moving between my thighs, he ground his hips into mine. My back arched, pressing me against him. “You are definitely a bad girl.” He taunted in my ear, softly nibbling on the lobe. “What are you going to do about it?” I teased, running my hand over his crotch, he groaned in my ear. “Mm… I don’t know baby.” His hand ran up the inside of my bare thigh, lightly rubbing over my panties. “Luke…” I sighed in his ear, he pulled back smiling. “Uh uh, none of that baby.” He said, taking his hand away. “If you want to be bad… then I’m going to be bad too.” He said seductively in my ear. His hands moved around to my bum giving it a tight squeeze, I squirmed away from him. “Don’t move honey.” He said lowly in my ear, shivers ran down my spine… I knew I was in for a long night.    

Michael: “I’ll make you hate me just enough to make you want me”

I stood at my best friend’s door, knocking, waiting for Luke to answer the door. “Hey Y/N.” Luke said enveloping me in a friendly hug. I looked past his shoulder seeing his bandmate Michael. I hated him so much but the worst thing was that I was sexually attracted to him. He was so sexy but he was so mean to me I just tried to ignore it. “Hey Luke, how are you?” I asked pulling away from him. “I’m good. Glad you could make it. Calum and Ashton bailed, so it’s just us three.” He said gesturing to Michael and I. “Great.” We whined at the same time. “Just for one night can you guys get along?” Luke pleaded, Michael rolled his eyes. It was so bloody hot, if he didn’t hate me I would have jumped his bones then and there.

We all sat on the lounges, Michael and I sat as far away from each other as possible. Michael, as usual was being a dick, Luke was getting sick of it, but we continued our bickering. “Michael, Y/N just stop.” Luke concluded.  Michael and I looked at each other with our mouths open. “I am sick of your bickering. I’m going out to get us some food but by the time I get back you guys need to be over your shit!” He said grabbing his keys.

Luke slammed the front door behind him; Michael looked at me with a smirk on his face. I shrunk into the lounge. “Do you want me?” He asked moving to the lounge I was sat on. “I—Michael—You hate me.” I said worried, he shook his head. “No I don’t baby. I couldn’t hate someone as sexy as you. I hate you to make you want me. I know you do.” He said, he moved so his thigh was brushing against mine. My breath hitched in my throat when his hand grazed my thigh. “What makes you say that?” I asked trying to gain composure, he put his hand on my chest, on my heart. “Well your heart is racing and I’m sure your red cheeks are giving you away.” He said his hot breath close to my lips. “So do you want me?”

“Yes, Michael.” I whimpered out, he rested between my thighs, grinding his hips into mine. I wrapped my fingers around his neck pulling his face to mine, he pressed his soft lips to mine. I never knew kissing Michael would be this amazing. His tongue lightly rolled over my bottom lip, parting my lips his tongue darting into my mouth. Michael’s arms tightening around my hips, I grabbed the hem of his shirt. He quickly shoved it off chucking it onto the floor, reattaching his lips to mine. I jumped hearing the door open, clearly Michael didn’t hear it. He continued his pursuit of kissing me and grinding against me. “Really?!” Luke asked, Michael jumped off of me. “Okay two things… Were you going to have sex on my couch? And… I’m guessing you don’t hate each other.” We looked at each other. “No and no.” I said, Michael wrapped his arm around me. “That is so messed up.” Luke said leaving, Michael and I laughed.       

A/N: Hope you like it!! Sorry i got a bit carried away with Michael’s :D 

~ Lucy xx

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