Neverland - Ashton Imagine

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Hey guys!!!! Holy crap it's been a long time! I am so sorry that I haven't been updating on here, I've been going through some things so that's why I had abandoned this for a while but I really appreciate all of you who kept reading, following and voting for my imagines and preferences. I couldn't believe it when I saw that I had over 1 Million reads! That is just insane!!! I have taken a step back from writing for a while but I am hoping to get back into it in the new year! xx

Okay now into the imagine :D 

Ashton didn’t really know about my Peter Pan obsession, it was something I wanted to keep to myself.

The only person that knew about it was  Michael, he had found out after over hearing me talking about it.

I was so excited to be going to LA, I had always wanted to go but never had the money. Ashton, being the sweetheart that he is, decided to fly me over while he had a few weeks off. During that time was my birthday and I couldn’t be happier that I was spending it with him.

On the morning of my birthday, I woke up to an almost empty apartment, only Michael was home. I had come into the kitchen. “Where is everyone?” I asked, getting some cereal out of the cupboard. Michael shrugged, “I think they had to go record today. So its just you and me.” He said hugging me. “Well, I’m glad I’m not alone. I wish I saw Ash before he left.” I said sadly, Michael kissed my cheek. “Don’t worry, you’ll see him soon. But how about you and I go to Disneyland today, since its such a nice day!” He beamed, I couldn’t hide my smile. “Okay, thank you Michael.” I said hugging him tightly, 

Apart from Ashton, Michael was the only person I fully trusted and Ashton completely respected that. 

On the drive to Disneyland, I received a few texts from Ashton wishing me a happy birthday and that he was upset that he was called in for recording on his day off. 

Michael could tell I was really excited about today even if I didn’t get to see Ashton until later. Michael made sure that I got pictures with all the Disney characters walking around. I was so giddy after meeting Mickey and Minnie. “Y/N, how old are you?” Michael laughed as we walked around and went on a few rides. “Well… I am now eighteen but I think my mental age right now is about six and that’s okay.” I laughed and I was definitely hyped up on sugar. 

As we were walking around I noticed the Peter Pan characters taking photos with some kids. “Michael!” I squealed, he just laughed and led me over. I patiently waited in line for the kids to leave, I grinned as I walked up to the guy who was ‘Peter Pan’. I frowned seeing Calum and Luke, standing with Michael. I thought they were recording, I looked up to ‘Peter Pan’ seeing Ashton. “Hello.” He said sweetly, I blushed so hard. “What are you doing?!” I asked hugging him tightly, he laughed. “Michael told me about how you loved Peter Pan and I thought I would do something different for you.” He said, I turned to Michael, Luke and Calum who all gave me a thumbs up. I laughed pressing my face into Ashton’s chest. “So do you want a picture with Peter Pan or what?” He teased, I nodded. We posed for a picture, it felt so weird. Ashton leaned down and kissed me softly, I grinned against his mouth. I began to laugh, he pulled away laughing too. “I love these tights by the way. Green is really your colour.” I laughed, I poked his green thigh. He chuckled and shook his head. “Yeah well they are really uncomfortable.” He said groaning, I kissed his cheek. 

Ashton went and got changed and then came out to me and the boys. We spent the rest of the day walking around Disneyland, it was the most amazing day. Disneyland was truly the happiest place on earth!

By the end of the day, I was stuffed. On the car ride home I had curled up in the back seat leaning on Ashton’s shoulder. I felt him softly kiss my face. “Come away to Neverland.” Ashton whispered in my ear, I smiled and snuggled into him closer. 

A/N: Hope you like it! This was a request on my tumblr that I did ages ago!

~ Lucy xx

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