Snowing - Michael Imagine

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The snow floated down just outside the window. It was mesmerising to watch. I moved closer to the lounge room window and kneeled in front of it. The whole front lawn was white, covered like a blanket. It looked beautiful and made me want to touch it. I traced patterns on the window as if I were drawing them into the snow. This was my favourite time of the year. The time when I could drink hot chocolate in front of the fire while wearing my tacky Christmas sweater. It was the time when I could cuddle with Michael on the couch underneath multiple blankets. It was the time when I could do what I was doing now. I really love Christmas time. “You look so cute when you do that.” I heard Michael say from across the room. I shifted my gaze from the window to him. He was wearing his winter clothes and a thick jacket on top. The look in his eyes was one of adoration. It made me blush. “Why are you dressed like that? It’s warm in here.” I questioned. “I told you yesterday that I would take you outside to make a snowman.” He replied. Now I remember. I told Michael that I had never made a snowman before. He promised me that he would help me make one today. I took one last look out the window and stood up. The first time that I ever make a snowman will be with Michael. I like that idea. My footsteps made a light thudding sound as I walked to the coat rack. I was already wearing my Christmas sweater so I just put on my thick jacket and boots and was almost set. The only thing that was missing was my beanie. I patted my jacket down to feel if the beanie was in the pockets. Nothing. Michael chuckled and stepped towards me. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out my favourite beanie. It was red and had a pom pom on top. Michael reached out and pulled the beanie onto my head. “Thank you.” I smiled. “No problem.” Michael replied with a crooked smile. I swivelled on my feet and reached for the doorknob. It was freezing cold so I turned it quickly and swung the door open. A gust of cold air blew into the house causing me to shut my eyes. Once the gust of wind stopped I opened my eyes and smiled. No matter how many times I looked at the snow I would always be stunned by it’s beauty. I felt Michael’s hands lightly nudging my back signalling me to walk outside. I took a step out onto the front porch and heard the door click shut behind me. Michael stood next to me and looked at the snow before us. “It’s amazing.” I breathed. I took a step onto the snow and started beaming. The fresh crunch of the snow sounded as I stood on it. I closed my eyes and relished in the noise of the snow. During the winter I never really got outside but when I did I would take the snowless path to my car and drive to where I needed to go. It was a shame but it made times like these more special. I bent down and slowly reached out to the snow. The contact of the snow to my skin caused me to retreat my hand, but I wanted to touch it so I reached out again. I grabbed a handful of snow and watched as my hands began to go red from the cold. The colour contrasted the white, bringing out the beauty of the snow even more. “So shall we make the snowman now?” Michael asked. I was broken from my trance by his question. I dropped the snow and watched it hit the ground. I noticed that my hands weren’t the only thing that changed colour. My nose was now red and was beginning to go numb. It was freezing outside. “Sure.” I smiled. Michael stepped out onto the snow casually. He never had the fascination that I had when it came to snow. The sound it made when I stood on it and the way it felt in my hands. I could go on about it forever if I had the chance. Michael gestured for me to come to him. “Okay so we have to make the bottom first.” He began. I listened intently to his instructions, hoping that I would remember. Once Michael had finished telling me what to do I walked across the front yard. I smiled and I began on the middle section of the snowman because he said that I would be too weak to roll the bottom section when it got really big.  The snow crunched again as I knelt down and began making the middle ball of our snowman. This was fun already. I was concentrating on rolling my section around, trying to make it bigger, when something hit the back of my head. It was cold and wet. Goosebumps formed on my neck as the snow melted. I stood up and turned to see Michael chuckling while trying to make himself look busy. “I know that it was you Michael!” I yelled from across the front yard. This boy was asking for it. I knelt down and rolled up a ball in my hands. I checked to see what Michael was doing. He was still working on the base of our snowman. My hand was beginning to hurt from the cold of my snowball so I quickly threw it at Michael. It slapped the back of his head and fell into the collar of his jacket. He began to squirm from the snow melting onto his back. I couldn’t hold back my laughter. He looked so ridiculous squirming like that. I laughed out loud earning a few looks from people walking across the street. I didn’t care though. Michael turned around with a snowball in his hand. I hadn’t noticed him making it. The smile on my face turned into a smirk as I prepared myself to dodge the snowball. Michael launched the snowball at me and I ducked. It narrowly missed my head, hitting the tree behind me. “That was just luck Y/N!” Michael called out. “Or maybe that was just my stellar reflexes.” I called back. “I’ll give you stellar reflexes.” Michael muttered. Both Michael and I bent down and created our snowballs like madmen. I stood up and chucked the snowball at him. It landed on the top of his head. Bullseye. Michael brushed the snow off his head and jumped to his feet. He swung his arm back and threw the snowball in my direction. Once again he missed. “What?!” Michael exclaimed. I made another snowball and ran towards him. “I told you! Stellar reflexes!” I laughed throwing my snowball at him. It hit him in the chest. “Okay that’s it!” Michael smirked. He rushed towards me and grabbed my waist. Michael lifted me off the ground and swung me around. My feet flew around us as I was spun in circles. Our laughter rang out through the neighbourhood once again causing people to stop and stare at us. Michael began to stumble as our spinning made him unstable. We toppled onto the snow with Michael on top of me. “Get off me.” I laughed. His weight was hurting my chest making it harder to breath. Michael lifted himself off me and looked at me. My hair was splayed across the snow. The colour of my hair was a stark contrast to the crisp, white snow beneath me. Michael looked down at me. “Your nose is really red.” He pointed out. “It’s numb.” I pouted. He leaned his head down and lightly kissed my the tip of my nose. Michael raised his head and looked at where he kissed. He reached out with his hand and touched my nose. “Boop!” He laughed. I laughed with him at what he just did. Our laughter died down as Michael hovered over me. The steam from our mouths swirled together as if they were dancing into the sky. Michael leaned forward and kissed my nose again. He slowly made his way down to my lips, his lips hovering above mine. I lifted my head up and connected our lips together. The warmth from the kiss replaced the freezing cold of the snow. I reached up and rested my hands on the back of his neck pulling him closer. Michael’s hand cupped my face and he deepened the kiss. Now I really didn’t care if people were staring, I was too absorbed in the kiss to care. Michael pulled away before we went any further. “Round 2?” He smirked. I knew that he was referring to our snowball fight from earlier. “You’re on!” I said , jumping up and grabbing some snow. I was totally going to kick his butt again.

A/N I had fun writing this one :) I hope you like it!! 

Bianca xx

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