Bonfire - Calum Imagine

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The boys and I had planned to go on away together when they got back from tour as we hadn’t seen each other in ages. We had rented a cabin on the lake; I suggested it as I had been there before. It was a nice place there were several cabins facing the lake and the people were lovely that worked there… hopefully it’s the same people.  

We all piled into Ashton’s car. It was a tight fit in the back, I was between Luke and Calum. Michael in the front with Ashton, who was driving.

When we got closer to where we were staying Ashton and I swapped spots and I drove us in as I knew where I was going. I pulled up to the house, seeing that it was gorgeous.

We took all our things inside, Calum and Michael were outside organising the car. “This is really nice.” Ashton commented dropping the bags down in the lounge room. I had a quick look around. “Uh, guys we have a problem.” I said coming out of the bedroom. “There’s a queen bed and in there and a double in the other room.” I said, Luke and Ashton looked at me confused. “Well there are five of us. Which means that we have to share. Two in there and two in there and one on the lounge.” I said, Luke and Ashton nodded. “Well I’m sure Calum will share with you.” Luke suggested, I felt my cheeks heating up. “Wh- what makes you say that?” I asked nervously, Luke and Ashton shrugged. Before I could say anything Calum and Michael wandered through the door. “Okay we have an issue with sleeping arrangements. There is a queen bed in one room and a double in the other room. Which means we have to share.” Ashton explained, I had a look at the lounge, realising that it was sofa bed, which was better. “Wait, guys I’ll just sleep on this.” I said shrugging. “No its fine Y/N. I can, I snore anyway.” Ashton offered. “Are you sure?” He nodded at me, I looked at him sceptically. “So Calum is with Y/N and Luke and Michael in the other room.” Ashton concluded, even though I had a massive crush on Calum I didn’t want to do this, it would ruin our friendship if he found out. Calum and I moved our bags into the room with the double bed since Luke and Michael don’t want to sleep close to each other.

Once Calum and I had sorted everything out in our room we went out to see the others. “Who wants to come fishing with me?” Ashton asked, the boys all groaned. “I will. Let me get my stuff.” I said turning to go back to the car. 

Ashton and I went to get our bait and then went out onto the jetty. “So… what was the deal before? Pushing me to be with Calum?” I asked as we sat down dangling out fishing rods in the water. “I know you like him. I can see the way you look at him and how you act with him.” He answered shrugging. “Does he know?”

“No. I only know. Luke and Michael have no idea.” Ashton assured, I was relieved. He was my go to guy, I was closest with him and I could tell him anything.

We spent ages sitting out on the jetty talking about everything, we went inside when it was getting cold and dark. I went and changed into my uggs, trackies and a jumper. “You look so fancy Y/N.” Michael joked, I laughed punching his shoulder.

We went out onto the deck where the fire pit was already set up and burning bright. The owner came out and told us just to let the flame die when we were done. The boys and I all sat down. Ashton made sure I was next to Calum. “What about truth or dare?” Luke suggested, we all nodded at each other.

We played truth or dare for ages but the boys hadn’t targeted me yet. “Calum?” Ashton asked, I froze for a second wondering what he was going to say. “Truth.”

“Would you date Y/N?” Ashton asked bluntly, I wanted to strangle him a bit.  “Uh, I don’t know. I’ve never really thought about it.” Calum said honestly, I was honestly really annoyed because I told him not to say anything. “Oh its just I think you guys would be really cute together.” He said, I got up quickly and wandered off away from the fire out to the small lake. I stood looking over the water leaned up against a tree. Tears streamed down my face, I didn’t want Calum to know that I liked him. I heard the leaves crunch beneath someone’s feet as they came closer. “Y/N?” I heard Calum ask as he stood beside me. “Go away Calum.” I said coldly. “What’s wrong?” He asked, his hand on my shoulder. “Are – are you crying?” He asked looking at my face. I covered my face with my hands, Calum lightly rubbed my shoulder. “Why are you crying?” I sighed, Calum’s hands came up to my face wiping away my tears. “Ashton said something to you that he shouldn’t have.” I said looking at my hands. “You know you can tell me anything.” He said his arm wrapped around my shoulders, tugging me into his side. “Ashton asked you if you would go out with me.” Calum just nodded waiting for me to continue. “Well he knows that I sort of have a crush on you.” I said shyly. “Good, because I sort of have a crush on you too.” He said sweetly, I blushed looking at my feet. Calum’s fingers were under my chin and he turned my head to his, his face closer than I thought. He leaned in and pressed his lips softly to mine, my eyes fluttering closed. He was being so delicate with me as if I would break. I kissed him back a little harder that was his cue to kiss me more. His hand dropped away from my face and down to my waist. He pushed me back against the tree, his body pinning me there. His hands on my hips, his tongue in my mouth. “Calum! Y/N! What are you doing?” Luke yelled out. “So I’m guessing it’s all worked out?” Ashton added, I rolled my eyes.

Calum and I went back to the bonfire together, his arm around my waist. “Aww well aren’t you love birds cute? But we’re going to bed.” Michael declared, Calum and I nodded as looked back into the fire. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Calum asked softly, when all the boys had gone to bed. “I was scared that it would ruin our friendship. I don’t want to lose a friend like you and I didn’t think you would like me that way.” I said honestly, I felt his arm tighten on my waist. My head on his chest, he was so warm. “I don’t know why I wouldn’t like you. You’re beautiful, hilarious, confident… sexy. You’re just so much fun to be around.” He said hugging me close. “I know that we haven’t been on a date or anything but would you be my girlfriend?” I turned in Calum’s hold. “Really? Yes, Calum I would love to be your girlfriend.” I said happily, he cheekily kissed me.

The fire began dying down a bit leaving an orange glow around the area, I shivered as a cool breeze blew across us. “Are you cold?” I nodded, Calum’s arms tightened on me pulling me closer to him.

We stayed cuddled up to each other for ages until it was pitch black outside and we went inside to go to bed. 

A/N: Hope you like it!

~ Lucy xx

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