Tears, Sweaters and Teddy Bears - Michael Imagine

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While Michael was away on tour, I was missing him so much. We tried to keep in contact via Skype and face time. I was currently watching the boys keeks and lounging in Michael’s jumper that he loved. I was still happy it smelt like him.  A smile cracked on my face as I saw an incoming call from Michael’s Skype.  “Hey beautiful!” He beamed as my webcam came on. “Hey Michael. How are you?”

“I’m good. Missing you like crazy, but it’s okay I get to see you in two weeks.” He said smiling broadly, I blushed. I couldn’t wait to see him. “I can’t wait to see you. I’ve missed you so much!” I said grinning at the camera. “Are you wearing my sweater?” He asked smirking at me. “Uh, yeah I was missing you and yeah.” I said blushing; I covered my face with my hands. “Don’t be embarrassed. You look so much better in my clothes than I do.” He said, I blushed even more. Before we could say anything else, there was a loud noise coming from his side. “Is that Y/N?” I heard Calum ask; Michael looked over his shoulder and nodded. Suddenly Calum, Luke and Ashton appeared on my screen. “Hey Y/N!” They all yelled happily, I smiled and waved. “Hey guys! How are you?”

“We’re good! Michael here has been missing you heaps.” Luke said, before Michael shoved him. “Shut up!” Michael said as he pushed Luke again. “Yeah, he’s been checking his phone like every five minutes for tweets and messages from you.” Ashton confessed for Michael, before laughing at Michael’s reaction. “Okay guys I want some alone time with my girlfriend. Go away!” Michael said getting up and taking them out of the room. “We love you Y/N. We’ll talk to you when Michael’s not in a bad mood.” Calum said as he was shoved out of Michael’s room. I laughed at my boyfriend’s best friends. “Michael you have to love them.” I said trying not to laugh. “Sadly, I do. I love you more though.” He said smiling, I looked at my lap.

We spent ages talking to each other about everything that’s been happening and he sung a few songs which he knew I loved. He had to leave to do recording and I wanted to go to sleep. “Night beautiful, sweet dreams. I love you.” Michael said before he signed off. I was always sad and happy whenever I Skyped Michael, because I knew it had to end.

I went to bed straight away in Michael’s jumper, it was the only thing I needed to keep warm. My dreams were filled with seeing Michael again.

A week later

I scrolled through my twitter, with tears stinging harshly in my eyes. HE. CHEATED. There were photos all over my twitter of Michael, and some girl in Los Angeles. It was said that she spent the night in his hotel room. He was so excited to see me… I was so excited to see him too. Not anymore. His words running through my head, “I love you.” “I miss you.” I closed my twitter and slammed my laptop shut. Tears streaming down my face, my body shaking with tears.

It probably wasn’t the best idea but I changed into a pair of Michael’s trackies and his sweater. I crawled into bed with the teddy bear that Michael gave me before he left for tour. I cried into the bear, not even caring. My phone rang beside me, incoming call. “Michael <3” I ignored the call, knowing he would be calling to apologize. I didn’t need to hear it; I didn’t want to hear it.

He continued to call me; I rolled over still clutching onto the bear trying to stop my tears and go to sleep. Hoping it was just a nightmare.

I woke up still clutching onto the bear, my tears dried on my puffy cheeks. I got up and went into the bathroom, mascara stains all down my face. I looked like hell, I couldn’t believe he cheated on me. I heard a door open, I freaked out thinking I was getting robbed. I walked out of the bathroom and into the lounge room to see Michael walking in with his suitcase in his hand. He smiled broadly at me, he opened his arms. I gave him a harsh glare, before I went into our bedroom picked up the bear off the bed and threw it at him. “Y/N?” Michael asked coming into the bedroom, tears spilled down my cheeks again. How can he even act innocent like this? “Get out Michael.” I said quietly, I didn’t dare look at him. “Y/N? What’s going on?” I felt him grip my wrist and turn me around. I stared at his chest. “Y-you cheated.” I whispered, his fingers caught my chin tilting it to his face. His green eyes locking with my tired eyes. “Wha-? I would never. Y/N. I love you so much. Where did you get an idea like that?” He muttered watching my face, I looked down at my feet, shoving his hand away. “It was all over twitter. You were with some girl and she stayed in your hotel room with you.” I said tears streaming down my cheeks. “Y/N, I would never ever cheat on you. I love you with everything I have. I can’t believe you would think that.” He said, his hands holding onto my wrists. I avoided his eyes. “I just feel that you meet so many beautiful fans and she was beautiful.” I said looking at the floor, he stepped closer to me, his torso pressing into mine. “The blonde girl?” I nodded, I sucked in a deep breath. “That’s my cousin. She’s studying in L.A. and she came to see me.” He said, his voice sincere. I shut my eyes before bravely looking up at him. His hands came up to my face brushing my tears away. “Gorgeous. How did I get so lucky?” He whispered, his forehead pressed to mine. “Kiss me, Michael.” I whispered, he pressed his lips to mine. A feeling I had missed so much, he was finally here. All the sadness of the rumours completely forgotten in that moment. He pulled away stepping back from me, he looked me up and down. “Are those mine?” He asked pointing to the clothes I wore. “Maybe… they keep me warm.” I said slowly, he smiled at me as he wrapped his arms around my hips. “You’re amazing. And you don’t need them to keep warm you have me. I’m so sorry that you thought I was cheating. I would never ever do that, you are the most special person to me. I love you Y/N.” My heart melted at his sincere words. “I love you Michael. I’m sorry I accused you of cheating.” I said before kissing him with all the love and passion I could muster.        

A/N: Hope you like it! I really liked writing this one :D Slowly becoming a Michael girl haha 

~Lucy xx

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