Not So Nerdy - Luke Imagine

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I wandered into my most dreaded class… Maths. I sat next to my best friend Michael. “Hey, Y/N. Prepared for torture.” He joked, I smiled shaking my head. “Torture would be nice after this class.” I replied, the teacher gave me a harsh glare. I sunk into my seat, hiding from her eyes. “Okay class today we will be beginning a new assignment. This one is a partner assignment.” There was a collective groan from the entire class. “And I’ve assigned partners to each of you.” The groan continued, she quietened us with a single glare. She went through the pairs, “Michael and Calum.” I sighed, great… All my first choices of a partner were gone. “Luke… Hemmings and Y/N.” I groaned, Michael chuckled beside me. “Sucked in.” He nudged me, I shoved him back. 

Michael moved to Calum’s desk, Luke moved to Michael’s spot. “H-Hi. Y/N.” He stuttered, pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose. “Hey, Luke.” I said cautiously, he smiled nervously. “Should we start?” He asked reading through the assignments. “Uh, just one thing. I’m terrible at maths.” I said nervously. “That’s okay, I’ll help you.” He said, I nodded. 

We worked… Well he worked while I tried to figure out what he was doing. “So this afternoon is fine?” He asked, I nodded. “Yeah I can come over to do this assignment.” I said before we went our separate ways.

I stood at my locker, thinking about the last lesson. Luke wasn’t too bad just he was so shy. “So how was Maths with Mr. Nerd?” Michael teased, I smiled at his nickname. “It was okay, he’s just shy. I’m going over to his place now… Yay… I’ll try to get to your house after.” I explained, he nodded. “Okay, bye. Y/N.” Michael said walking away. “Oi! Get back here Clifford. Give a girl a real hug.” I yelled back, he laughed coming back to me. He wrapped his arms around me lifting me off the ground. “Mike, stop! Put me down.” I laughed grabbing his shoulders, he lowered me to the ground. “Mr. Nerd six o’clock.” He whispered in my ear. “Go home Michael. I’ll be around yours later.” I said, waving at him. “Hey Luke.” I said as Luke came up to me. “Hey Y/N. You ready?” 

"Yeah. Let’s go." I said swinging my bag onto my shoulder. 

Luke and I wandered out to the car park. I felt really awkward around Luke but I couldn’t figure out why. I had always hung out with boys, they were better to get along with. I looked over at Luke as he drove, maybe it was the glasses. I took note of the music that was playing, Luke’s lips moving with every word. “Who’s this singing?” I asked, he smiled. “Uh… Me.” I frowned confused, he didn’t look like the type of guy to sing like this. “Really? It’s really good.” I said, he glanced over at me. His blue eyes catching mine, I never noticed how blue they were. “Thank you. Do you sing?” He asked, I shook my head. “No but my best friends Michael and Calum do.” I said, as soon as the words left my mouth I realized I shouldn’t have said them. “Do they play instruments?” He asked, there was no going back now. “Mike plays guitar and Cal plays bass. Is this an original?” I asked diverting the conversation back to Luke. “Yeah it is. So Michael and Calum would play in a band?” He asked, I shrugged. Michael and Calum played music together but I didn’t know if they were serious. Luke must’ve noticed my discomfort and stopped the conversation. Luckily we pulled up at his house a few minutes later.

We went into his house, spreading out all of our stuff. “Y/N, I hear you’re really good at English?” I shrugged my shoulders. “Uh I guess why?” 

"Can we make a deal, I’ll tutor you in maths and you tutor me in English because I’m on the border of failing and I would prefer to not fail." He explained, I shrugged. "Sure, thank you for this." I said, looking down at my notes… Which to me were just numbers and letters on a page.

Luke and I worked on the assignment until it was finished, we had moved into his bedroom when his brothers came home. I was surprised, it was covered in band posters and two guitars leant against the wall among other things.

I looked at the clock seeing it was pretty late and I should’ve been at Michael’s hours ago. “I should go.” I said quickly, Luke’s hand caught my wrist. “Wait, I have a question.” He said, he pulled me back onto his bed. “Okay, sure.” 

"Are you dating Michael Clifford?" He asked, suddenly looking sad. "Uh… No. We’re just best friends." I said shakily, he smiled at me. "Okay… Um… Here’s the thing Y/N…. I…. Uh like you. I’ve had a crush on you since I first saw you." He said, it shocked me. "Wow… Wasn’t expecting that." I said shocked, his smile faltered. "It’s okay if you don’t like me… I just wanted to tell you." 

"Luke, just from getting to know you today… I like you, you’re not so nerdy after all." I said moving closer to him. His arm moved around my back, pulling me close. "Can I - can I kiss you?" He asked nervously, I smiled. He leaned in close to me, his forehead pressed to mine. "Wait." I pulled back, my hands pulling his glasses off his face. He was even more attractive without his glasses… He looked sexily smart and now he just looks sexy. I put his glasses down on the bed and returned to our previous position. He pressed his lips to mine, soft and plump like I’d imagined. I suddenly pulled away when his hands wandered a little too far. "Okay I really should get going." I said, he looked up at me innocently. "Did I do something wrong?" 

"No, I just need to go." I said standing up, he stood up in front of me. "Do you want me to drive you home?" He asked, I shrugged "Sure." I said getting my stuff. 

Luke drove me to Michael’s house. “So tomorrow for English?” I asked, leaning in the window of his car. “See you then. Bye Y/N.” And with that he drove off. I spun around to be met with Michael. “Hey, Mike.” I said casually, he frowned confused. “Hey Y/N.” He said watching Luke’s car down the street… he had a look on his face. One I’d only seen once before and that was during a truth or dare game a few years ago when I had to kiss Calum. “Michael, are- are you jealous?” I asked shocked, he looked back down at me. “A bit yeah. He gets to hang out with you and I don’t.”

“Michael… study together. I’m helping him with English and he’s helping me with Maths. That’s it.” I said, ignoring the detail of our kiss… I wasn’t going to lie it was a good kiss. “Did you kiss him?”

“I – yes. I did. Does it matter?” I asked harshly, he sighed shaking his head. “If he hurts you I swear… I don’t care if he’s a nerd. I’ll still kick his ass.” He said hugging me close, I laughed into his chest. “So what else did you and Mr. Nerd do?”

“Maths… and I also learnt he’s not that different from you and Calum… apart from the fact that he can actually do maths.” I joked, he nodded. “How is he like us?”

“He sings and plays guitar.” I explained. “We’ll see. Anyway are you seeing him again after tomorrow?”

“Maybe… Come on let’s just go inside.” I said, Michael’s arm wrapped around me pulling me close to his side.

Michael and I spent a few hours talking until I had to go home. It was weird though… Michael was acting weird, like he didn’t like the idea of Luke and I. I still dindt know how I felt about him yet. We’ll see.

A/N: Okay… this was rubbish… i am so sorry i have wasted your time… but I may or may not do a part 2 to this (writer’s block is slowly killing me) I’m running out of ideas here people!!! Haha :) 

~ Lucy 

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