#87 Panic/ Anxiety Attacks

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Calum: My heart throbbed with the sound of the bass and drums, my head pounding with the music. Screams filled the room, I still couldn’t believe that I had landed a spot in the front row. I was right in front of Calum, the Calum Hood. People pushed and shoved me around, and being small didn’t help. It was nearing their last song, I was sad and happy that it was ending. Sad because I knew I wouldn’t see the boys again for another year and happy that I could get out of this crowd and my ribs could breathe again. I was shoved against the barrier, breath knocked out of me. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I tried to regain my breath. Calum’s eyes caught mine, I tried to push the people away from me but they didn’t move. I had a problem with claustrophobia and this wasn’t helping. I tried to focus on the boys on stage but I couldn’t, it felt like my heart was in my throat. I watched Calum through starry vision, he stooped down to the security guard in front of the stage. Calum went back up to his microphone and began singing his solo.

After the boys had left the stage, everyone began pushing through the crowd, because I was at the front it made it harder for me to push through the crowd. Someone tapped my shoulder. “Miss?” The security guard from before asked, he smiled. “I need you to come with me.” He said, I nodded, anything to get out of this place.

The guard took me through a set of doors and then stopped at one with “5SOS” on the door. “Calum was asking for you.” He said, pushing the door open. My heart was still beating too fast and tears still stung in my eyes. The guard went back down the hall, I was left with the four boys. Calum noticed me first, he didn’t say anything he just hugged me. “Are you okay? I saw you in the crowd and you didn’t look too well.” He said breathlessly, I relaxed into his arms. I leaned back so I could see his face, tears streaming down my cheeks. “I think I’m okay.” I said wiping my tears away. “Come in,” He stepped aside letting me in. “Do you need anything?” Calum asked, I smiled as I sat down still feeling dizzy. “Some water would be great.” I said softly, I wrung out my hands to get them to stop shaking. “Oh my god you’re shaking!” Ashton gushed, he sat beside me and hugged me. “What’s your name?” Luke asked. “Y/N.” I mumbled out, Calum sat beside me, handing me a bottle of water. I took little sips hoping to calm down. “Are you sure you’re okay? Those girls were crushing you out there.” Calum said sounding concerned. “Really I’m fine. I have panic attacks like this all the time.” I assured, Calum’s arm wrapped around my back. “You’re still shaking.” Michael said kneeling in front of me. “You guys being this close isn’t helping.” I joked, they smiled. “We’re trying to help.” Ashton faked offence, I smiled, I honestly felt a bit better. “It’s okay, its not your fault.” I assured, smiling. “How do you fight off the shaking?” Calum asked, I shrugged. “Usually it passes. I think I just need to rest a bit.” I said, leaning back on the lounge.

I spent some more time with the boys while I calmed down, they gave me their numbers and followed me on twitter. They wanted to keep it touch, which I was over the moon about.  

Ashton: Ashton had warned me about how hectic it could get at the airport and I knew what it was like as I had been a fan before I started dating him and I always hated the mobbings that happened. Ashton knew that I was so scared of going out to meet fans with him. “Y/N, you’ll be okay. Just stay close to me and the boys and you’ll be fine.” Ashton assured, I nodded. I heard the roar of the fans outside of the doors we were behind. He gently kissed my cheek, my heart hammered in my chest. Ashton’s hand gripped mine tightly, I felt safe with him.

We all walked out into the wave of fans, I was instantly crushed between Ashton and someone else, I looked up to see Luke. My hands were shaking, as we were pushed through the crowd. They surged forward onto Ashton, his hand disappearing from mine. His distinct curls lost from my vision, I felt like I was going to fall to the floor at any second. “Y/N? Y/N!” I heard one of the boys yell. Next thing I knew someone had grabbed me, wrapping their arms around my waist tugging me out of the crowd. “Michael! Michael, please!” Girls screamed around us. Michael tugged me along with him, we managed to get out of the crowd. “Y/N? Are you okay?” Michael asked breathlessly, I shook my head tears rolled down my cheeks. My breath convulsing my chest. “Michael…” I said breathlessly, a group of girls spotted us and ran over. I gripped onto his forearms, afraid my legs would give out. “Mike.” I warned, I spotted one of the boys minders coming towards us. “Take her, she’s having a panic attack. She’s needs to get out of here.” Michael said to the burly man coming over to us. He strongly took my arm and rushed me through the airport to the black van which was still surrounded by fans. “Where the fuck is Y/N?!” Ashton yelled, I sat in the van trying to calm myself down. One of the minders gave me a bottle of water and a paper bag. I breathed into the paper bag, my head had stopped spinning. Luke was the first in the van, his hair dishevelled and his shirt hanging off his shoulder. He sat across from me. “You alright?” He asked, I shook my head. I sipped the water. “I-I couldn’t breathe… and—I lost Ash and you… I couldn’t—” I sputtered out. “Shh, shh. Don’t try to talk.” He consoled, he sat next to me his arm around me. I cried into his shoulder. I heard someone else get into the bus, Calum and Michael. “Ash is still coming.” Michael assured, Luke sat with them in his seat. Ashton almost dived into the back seat with me, the door slammed shut behind him. “Oh Y/N. I’m so sorry. It won’t ever happen again.” He gushed, I shook my head. “I’m not upset with you.”

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