#100 He Finds You Napping (His POV)

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Calum: I didn’t know how my eyes were still open, I’d had one of the toughest days at the studio. I was coming in closer to tomorrow than today. I was hoping to see Y/N tonight and do something, I went straight into the bedroom, finding our bed empty. I frowned going back out into the living room, I smiled. Y/N was curled up in a ball on the lounge. “Y/N. Baby. Wake up.” I whispered shaking her shoulder, she jolted and looked up at me through hooded eyes. “Hi.” She whispered, I smiled. “Come on, let’s go to bed.” I gently lifted her off the lounge and took her to the bedroom. I think she’d already gone back to sleep before I even got her in bed. 

She curled up against me, I grinned. I was so lucky to have her, she looked so cute with her face pressed to my shoulder. It was such a simple, mundane thing to see her sleeping but it made me realise how in love with her I was.

Ashton: I was so glad to be home with Y/N again, we were both so happy to be together. I had only been home for a few hours and we hadn’t stopped telling each other about everything. Only thing was jet lag was keeping me up until all hours of the morning.

We decided to go for a late night macca’s run. “No I’ll stay here.” Y/N mumbled as I got out of the car. “Okay I’ll be back soon.” I said before I shut my door.

I quickly went into the store and got what I wanted and something for Y/N. I rushed back to find her curled up in her seat asleep. Her head tucked into her knees. I quietly hopped into the car and drove us home. Y/N stirred in her sleep as I pulled into the driveway. “Hey sweetheart. We’re home.” I whispered as her eyes fluttered open, she smiled lazily up at me. 

I ran around to her side of the car and lifted her tired, sleeping form from the car. I laid her down in our bed as she curled into the covers. I kissed the top of her head and went into the lounge room to eat. I smiled to myself as I turned off the light to our bedroom… it was so good to be home.  

Luke: Y/N had joined me and the band on tour for a few weeks, I was so happy to have her with me. We had missed each other so much, so she was ecstatic to come on tour with me. 

The boys and I had been recording for our second album. Y/N had said that she was happy to stay home or go shopping around LA. “You should come to the studio with us today.” I suggested, she shrugged. “Are you sure? I wouldn’t be in the way?” She asked worriedly, I grinned and shook my head. 

It was nice to see Y/N out of the house again, she seemed more cheery than normal. I think she was more excited to see me record than she had told me. 

Y/N was definitely my lucky charm, our recording session had gone so well. We came out of the studio to find Y/N curled up on the small futon, soft snores coming out of her open mouth. I chuckled bending down to wake Y/N. I gently stroked her cheek. “Hey, beautiful.” I whispered, she smiled shyly as she woke up from her daze. “Hi, you did really good babe.” She said tiredly, I just laughed and helped her sit up. “Thanks. Come on, we’re going to get lunch.” I said pulling her close to me, she grinned up at me. 

Michael: Y/N’s best friend had called me earlier today asking me to come around to see her and help take care of Y/N as she was down with a bad case of the flu and her best friend had other plans. I, of course, happily obliged, she was after all my best friend. 

Y/B/F/N hadn’t told me how sick Y/N actually was so I got a shock when she opened the front door and I was welcomed with the sound of Y/N coughing and sneezing loudly. She was wrapped up in a huge cocoon of blankets and sheets, she looked so small and fragile. Her nose was red as if she had just been out in cold weather. “Hello, Michael.” She said in a deep gruffly voice. “Hey, you look great.” I said with a grin, she glared at me. “Oh I need to get going.” Y/B/F/N said looking at her phone. “I’ll walk you out.” I said leading her out of Y/N’s house. “Thanks for doing this, Michael.” 

"Anytime. Bye, I’ll keep you updated on how she’s going." I said as she got into her car. I waved her off as she drove out of the street. I went back inside, hearing nothing. I frowned going over to the lounge seeing Y/N fast asleep her blanket clutched in her fingers as she snuggled deeper into the lounge. I smiled to myself, despite the fact that she was sick she was still so cute. I laughed quietly as she began to snore. 

A/N: Hope you liked it!!! :D

~ Lucy xx

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